Do you have any fears or phobias? Have you overcome any?
By sjohnson628
@sjohnson628 (3197)
United States
June 22, 2007 7:14pm CST
The difference here (for those who do not know) is a fear is a powerful biological feeling of unpleasant risk or danger, either real or imagined.
And a phobia is when the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with daily life.
I have this tremendous fear of snakes! And I love being out doors. Every time I have to walk out in the yard to do something I am afraid of the various spots where snakes have popped out and scared the heck out of me last summer. I think I saw about 5 snakes all together last year.
To make matters worse My son who is 22 years old has a python! But he knows my fear of snakes and does not try to scare me with his python. Instead he tries to get me to hold it. I did put it around my neck a few years ago when it was smaller. But not for long I started to freak out so he took it off. I say I had it their for about 10 seconds. Some say the way to get rid of your fear is to face it so I did but it didn't work.
I fear bees also because I have been attacked a few times while doing yard work and by whole nests of bees at a time. UGH!
I also have fear of the unknown. Like when I am out doors I have fear that a snake or perhaps even a bear will come out of no where!
I can't say I have any phobias.
Well those are my two main fears. What are your fears? Have you overcome any fears? How did you do it?
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15 responses
@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
Hi Sjohnson, I have this fear of moving swings. The swings you see in public parks and peoples backyards. As long as the swing isn't moving i'm fine, otherwise i get all nervous and panicky and i want to run away just as long as the swing is out of sight. I'm usually ok after a short while, but i don't know if i still have this fear! Take care.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I fear dogs that bark. The ones who don't give me a second look i don't mind. But when i was little i got bit by (so called) friendly dogs that barked but not bit. So now if a dog starts barking at me i get deathly afraid. I want to get out of that place really quickly.
I also fear or maybe its a phobia of being in complete darkness. I am fine as long as i have alight. But being alone in complete darkness really brings me to tears. I would do anything to get out of that position.
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@shelagh77 (3643)
23 Jun 07
I suffered from a terrible phobia of cats from a very young age. A cat savaged my leg when it was tying to reach a mitten which was suspended from the sleeve of my coat, as was the fashion when I was a child. It cut down on lost gloves.
My phobia was so bad I would cross the street rather than walk past a cat and when I used to have a paper round there was a particularly nasty little Siamese cat which would hide in a tree and pounce on people and I had to leave the paper next door.
I also suffer with asthma and could easily collapse with wheezing because of the fear so I paid for a course of hypnotherapy.
I didn't really expect it to work, but it was so successful that I have since taken in two rehomed old cats who needed somewhere to live and am shortly going to be homing a kitten.
However, I am sensible, I wouldn't just approach any cat and expect buddy hugs. They have personalities just as we do and some can be really punchy.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Nope - I have one phobia, spiders, and doubt I will ever over come that one.
@jazzygdc7 (285)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Well I am sure that we had fears that we got over them. For example, i had a fear about telling my friends something wrong, like a lawsuit that I had to attend but i got over it because I talked to him and he said that I can tell him anything i want.
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@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I also have fear of the unknown. I start imaging of something bad that might happen. Well for now I'm scared of and disgusted of cockaroaches. They're disgusting! I'm so scared and disgusted by them that I feel my stomach twisting when I squish one with my shoes! Oh God how I hate them!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
I dont like the water (ocean, river etc....) I cant go near it. I get all dizzy and cannot breathe, Ive never been on a boat and bridges petrify me if there is water underneath.
I also fear clowns they are evil and nasty ugly things, they scare me so much.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
I have a fear of the water and because of this I can't go out on a boat or even like to go swimming . I did try to overcome this fear as a child when I used to go out with my father when he would go fishing but it never helped me overcome my fear . I am not sure where the fear came from as I have had it as long as I can remember but the fact that as I got older two of my uncles drowned while out fishing doesn't help any .
My other fear would be a fear of horses . This I tried to overcome as well and rode a horse the entire time I was growing up because we had horses growing up . I never did overcome this fear either .
I did try to overcome both fears and was told growing up that the only way to overcome fears was to face them head on . I did this in both cases and if anything have even more fears today then I did when I was younger . It didn't help me in either case but made my fears worse when something happened as a result of trying to conquer my fears .
While I was out with my mom , dad and sister one day on the boat there was an announcement over the CB telling everyone to get off the water . When my dad tried to start the boat it wouldn't start and we were stuck out there . We had one flare left which my dad shot off . My mom and dad told my sister and I to go down into the gully and pray and this was what we did . Someone at the beach who was just leaving had a feeling to turn around and when he did he saw the flare my father had shot off and realized there was still someone on the water . He came back for us and we ended up back at the wharf safely but all this did was reinforce the feeling of fear for the water and a stronger belief that God was watching over us on this day .
As for with the horse , my sister and I decide to take the horses for a ride one day . They were race horses that others didn't want anymore because they were no good for racing for some reason ( not sure why ) . We were out in the mountains behind our house and both our horses jumped over a ravine that had no end in sight to how deep it was . My sister thought it was great , I was petrified . In order to get back to the house we had to jump the ravine again . We ended up safe again but again it did nothing to help me with my fears .
I have since refused that facing your fears will make you overcome them but believe that if you are scared to begin with and are forced to face a fear you have it will only reinforce why you were scared to begin with . I am not sure how one can really overcome their fears but I don't believe that facing them works .
I don't like snakes or bees either but probably don't fear them as bad as you do .
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
Hello,sjohnson,i have a fear of cockoaches,i can kill the small ones by myself,but when i see the big cockroaches running around,i will be nervous,i will not touch them by my bare hands because i am really scare of touching them,i will try to use the vacuum cleaner to suck them in.If i see a flying cockroaches,i will have no ways to deal with them,i may just close the door and pretend not to see them.
@brand4less (1061)
• Indonesia
23 Jun 07
i have a weird fear of bar soap.i really don't know why but i don't like to hold it,i don't like IT sticks under my skin or my wedding ring,etc.when i was in middle school my mom forced me to go shower using the bar soap.and i remember i felt so disgust when i hold it and then i spent time to wash my hands w/liquid soap because i touched it.i know it's so weird..i hope i know the reason.for me the solution is very simple,use the liquid soap :))
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@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I'm terrified of frogs. It's horrible, when it rains and gets muggy here, they are ALL OVER the place and it just freaks me the heck out. It's so gross how they're all slimy and green and they hop! Or more like flop. So gross. I will not move if I see one of those things AT ALL and someone has to go and scare them away. I always feel so silly afterwards, because it's just an animal after all...despite of how ugly it is. Lol.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
23 Jun 07
Speaking of fears or phobias, what I am most afraid of is when I am travelling in the country and have to pass a tomb. They always scare me. I always worry that a ghost or vampire might come out jumping at me though I know there is no such thing as those. Maybe it is because I was brought up in a city that makes me afraid to see and pass a tomb. And those movies about vamires can scare me a lot, though I love to see this kind of movies. I am also afraid to look down if I am on a very tall building.
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@egrettathula (27)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I've got an odd variety of phobias/fears.
First off, I'm terrified of flying insects. And it's a very random, selective fear too! I'm actually more terrified of flying cockroaches than I am of bees and wasps (when it should be the other way around - cockroaches don't have stingers and fierce, pinching mandibles!). We had a plague of grasshoppers a few weeks ago, and I refused to step outside. My husband had a good laugh over that, but the very thought of one of those things landing in my hair or smacking into the side of my face (or my ear!) makes me want to shriek. The most horrifying thing that I can imagine airborne is a praying mantis. Silly, huh? They're great little creatures, a very beneficial thing to keep in your garden (or so I'm told), and there are people out there who even think mantises are cute and keep them as pets. But the idea of that long, creepy, segmented abdomen bobbing beneath them in the night air as they take to the skies, and that weird, staring, triangular head that pivots nearly full-circle on that freaky elongated thorax, and those knobby, prickly legs! GAH! I am most certain that getting one of those in my hair would traumatize me for life. XD
Then, I'm genuinely emetophobic. That means that I'm afraid of vomiting. More than that, I'm afraid of even feeling nauseous. There have been several occasions where I've driven myself in what's close to mortal terror to the emergency room over little more than an upset stomach. On an intellectual level, I realize that vomiting is a part of life, and once the deed is done, it's done. No bid deal, right? After all, it really shouldn't be an issue as there are people who throw up on a regular basis un-phased (heavy drinkers, for one). But the moment I get the slightest inkling that I might become nauseated within the next 24 hours, the panic sets in, and it's a downward spiral from there no matter what I tell myself. It's a wonder I survived pregnancy with all the morning/afternoon/random-hours-of-the-night sickness I had going on (I was going to say it's a wonder I retained any sanity through the extent of my pregnancy, but that's questionable).
If that isn't enough, I'm also acrophobic (fear of heights! My husband jokes with me about taking me rock climbing someday, or forcing me to set foot on a rollercoaster so that I can "learn to enjoy myself". WTF!), I'm still afraid of the dark (a 26-year-old married mom that still needs a night light to fall asleep?!), and can put up quite an embarrassing fight when confronted with the need to be jabbed at with needles at the doctor's office (they always come up with SOME inane reason, don't they?).
All that said, I'm not sure I believe the old addage of having to confront your fears in order to conquer them. I've faced three-inch-long airborne cockroaches, needle-brandishing nurses, rickety ladders, nine months of nausea, and night-time power outages by the dozens. And you know what? I'm still scared witless. ^_^ Hurray for phobias!
@egrettathula (27)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Oh hey! I misspelled "adage". Fantastic. Hurray for crappy spellers, too. ^_^