
June 22, 2007 10:20pm CST
SHOOT ME---KILL ME!!!Seriously someone kill me...right here, right now...shoot me, stab me, hang me, poison me....I don't care anymore!!! gosh, im so stupid.....I so AM!!! How many times does a person have to go through a really stupid mistake before one learns??? I have a loooong way to go and i'am sure this will not be the last ever. But heaven forbid! once is enough, twice is too MUCH!!! if this happens for a third time, then I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Could someone shake me to awaken me...slap me on the face, whack me on the head and shake me real, REAL hard. And maybe then I will wake up and would grow up. And would someone teach me again the sense of responsibility? I'm troubled. I'm tired of being who I'am. I feel so weak and I'm beginning to feel incompetent. I HATE HATE HATE THIS FEELING!!! Here i go again wishing , dreaming to turn back time...just little backwards...so that I could reetify that simple WRONG decision that created this mess and has put me in such deeeep s***. wish me goodluck, will ya? Coz i do need all the luck there is to clean this up!!
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3 responses
@el_jeffo (750)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
Well, what exactly happened? It would help a lot if you tell us.
3 people like this
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
things happened recently that i don't much like and hurted me badly. Cos maybe i think too muck. i worry about alot of things which i really really hate. it stresses me a lot but i can't seem to get away from these annoying thoughts. it just gives me headaches and moodswings. i mean, i don't even know why iam thinking too much when i should just be focusing on my priorities. its just that when things are going really well for me, something would come up that would drag me all the way back down to the bottom and suddenly i'll be back where i have started. i know i sound too random now and too general, i may even just confuse you but iam just like my thoughts....too random and too general, a bit hard to understand sometimes...=c
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@el_jeffo (750)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
Ahh...sometimes I have a problem with this too. I think about the things I did in the past and how wrong they were, and how my relationship with my girlfriend sometimes suffers because of them...But I just try to think of other things--priorities like you mentioned..and tell myself that nothing can be done about the past, all that can be done is make the future better and move on. And that's what I try to focus on right now.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
23 Jun 07
this is good advice, we all need to let go sometimes and move on blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
23 Jun 07
MY FRIEND, IT TROUBLES ME TO SEE YOU SO UPSET AND HURTING, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME IF THERE IS ANYTHING i CAN DO FOR YOU? aS FOR YOUR QUESTION, I WOULD HAPPILY SLAP YOU LIGHTLY (im KINKY THAT WAY) lol Seriously, all things eventually pass, and we are on earth to learn. I really do believe there is a reason for all our troubles, if only to teach us lessons. If not, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes If you feel able to give me details, i will try to help if i can blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
23 Jun 07
wow, thankyou for best response its good to see you on line much appreciated blessed be
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• United States
23 Jun 07
Whoa jen! Sounds like your whole world is crashing down around you. Life can be a real betch at times. You know what though? You have learned something though. You've come to recognize your mistakes no you need to be able to overcome & conquer them. View it as a challenge that you'll be damned if you let these things get you down. I wish you would've shared a bit more about what's really got you this way. ‹(°¿°)›
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