Do you agree in racial discrimination?

June 23, 2007 5:44am CST
yes or no? why??
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7 responses
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Jun 07
I totally disagree to the racial discrimination. Everybody is fair in the world. Nobody should look down upon to another because of the different race.
• India
11 Jul 07
no..but d biggest culprit is d strict anti-discrimination laws dey have..anyone who lives or has been to d U.S will agree wid me for sure.!!
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
I dont think there is any reason for discrimination at all. I think the best man should get the job regardless of race. Or the best tenants to get the house. You get the picture. I think that race of a person really has nothing to do with how you are treated. Equality for all is the way the world should work. In a perfect world .lol
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
thanks.. ^_^
@Corezz (1013)
• Netherlands Antilles
23 Jun 07
racism - stop
I don't agree Because racism carries connotations of race-based bigotry, prejudice, violence, oppression, stereotyping or discrimination, the term has varying and often hotly contested definitions. Racialism is a related term intended to avoid these negative meanings, though whether any word associated with the concept of race can escape the fundamental problems with the concept is doubtful. I think God created man and woman to raise a population here on earth, no matter where, even in a hot climate or cold one.
@jene1985 (224)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
no i dont believe in judging people in any way I dont think its fair it can be very hurtful also
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
23 Jun 07
There should be absolutely no dicrimination in this world - but sadly there is. It is what your are inside that makes you the person you are not the color you are on the outside. We have a mixed race member in our family - and we do not look at her as being any different to us but we often find ourselves having to fight for her in school. This past year she had a teacher who was definitely racist and it has been a year long battle. I personally hate discrimination.
• Singapore
23 Jun 07
I absolutely disagree to racial discrimination.This is because your skin colour or race is not set by you.God made you who you are.Thus,it shouldn't be an issue for you to get a job or give you any privileges or advantages in this world because then the best can't be fully utilised.Companies might suffer if their workers are picked on race rather than merit.
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
Of course not...racial discrimination is a thing of the past, during the Medieval Perids or even before...this is now the 21st century, and I see that people have become open minded; there is less prejudice between and among people from different cultural orientations. If ever I sense people practising racial discrimination, I find it very offensive, and at its worst, inhuman. I heard that there are discriminations going on around the world, and I feel so sad about it. It means people are not yet civilized, have not accepted the fact that people of different races are different in terms of outlooks, interests, physical appearance, religion, personality, values, etc. So I guess discrimination follows after a prejudice...