By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
June 23, 2007 6:50am CST
Well everybody I am sitting here trying my best to go and hide under the Bed
We have Thunder and Lightening here and I know I should really turn of the Computer but I can't as I am scared of thunder and lightening, so I need to stay on here and keep my mind of it
When I was about 7 I was stood under a tree outside my Granny's House which got Struck, I had been told to go in , lol, but I didn't want to it was warm and the Rain was lovely, well when my Granny made sure I was ok, I got a good Hiding for not doing as I am told. As if it had not been enough chuffing Punishment that I had stood under that tree
Well since then I am scared of Thunder and Lightening.
I mean Gissi is happy asleep here while I am trying to keep it together here lol
Anyone else scared of This type of Weather? I know I am lol
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41 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
23 Jun 07
Don't worry my good friend you are not alone it's brontophobia apparently and even now I hate it, although the lightning scares me more. As a child I used to run into my parents room with a blanket, pillow and teddy bear LOL! I used to ask my dad it won't thunder tonight will it, promise me! I used to hide my head under the pillow, it used to worry and scare the hell out of me and even now I hate the thunder season
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@weemam (13372)
23 Jun 07
I am not scared of the noise of the thunder and lightning but my Mum used to hide in a cupboard , I do worry about my electrical appliances blowing up through , especially my lap top lol , I am sorry pal , O have done one about the same subject but a different story all together , I hope we don't get them withdrawn , I did it after you so it would be me , Its terrible though that we have to worry about it xx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Jun 07
Do not worry it is totally different from mine Weemam so they better do not if it was the same that would be different but it is not so they better not withdraw it
They will only do that if someone reports it and there is no reason to
Don't be sorry lol there is no need
Can you ask your Mum if she will take me in the Cupboard with her lol xxxxxxxx
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@LilacMoon54 (106)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Ohhhhhhh Thunder and Lightening!! I am a tad bit afraid of it! lol I feel for ya having to be in it alone. Was Gissi afraid of it too? My dogs are no good for protection because they are more afraid of it than I am. And there BIG dogs. lol So usually when it happens here we are all huddled together. It is a funny site!
I never was afraid of it when I was a kid. We used to play lightening tag. Shows you how innocent kids are! We never thought it would ever hit us. lol
I hope the storms are all over for you now. I bet your kids get a giggle out of you calling them. lol
Have a great Saturday!
@add_im (2712)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
Like others says gabs, don't worry you're not alone in such situation. As I am writing my post now we do have thunders and lightning going on and like you did I'm also hiding here inside my room and trying to close every windows we have here, i'm just also scared of it somehow.
@rainbow (6761)
23 Jun 07
Poor Gabs! My Mamma used to make us hide under the table, lol! I don't think you needed a telling of any further than "I told you so" it was because she was scared for you. So I can understand how you feel but I have to confess I've just been stood on the doorstep enjoying the big spots of rain, flashes and noise. I love the feeling of power, although Noo tends to hide in the bathroom if she gets chance. We've had so many storms lately even she just ignors them now, I don't thik she hears them as well as she used to do bless her.
I love to go outside and run about or spin in a good storm the power of nature is fantastic.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
I personally love thunder storms, especially the ones of the prairies that roll and sound so cool. You can hear them coming miles off and when they get over you you can hear the sound start way off in the distance and roll right up to where you are and then off again, they can last for hours. The lightning on the prairies is cool too, most of it is fork lightning and you can see it hit miles away. I used to love driving home during a thunder storm and watching the lightning strikes all around. My son it scared silly of thunder storms and cries when they happen. He is glad to be on the coast where they don't last long.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
A funny story for you. My husbands Aunt and Uncle where visiting us from England a few years ago. It was July in Calgary, in the summers you can count on a thunder storm every 3-4 days in that area. We went down to stampede so his family could see what it was all about, nothing we where really interested in but we had been their for several years so stampede was nothing special. Anyway, I looked up and saw the blackest cloud coming, I pointed out to my husband and we told his family we had to go right then or we wouldn't make it to the train before the rain started. Then the thunder hit and his Aunt crawled under a park bench. We finally got her down to the train and she crawled under the train seats. All the way home she cried and when we got home my husband said to his Uncle thank God there wasn't a tornado with that, which his Aunt heard and she went down stairs and hit in the corner of my family room behind the sofa for 6 hours before we could finally convince her to come out. I felt bad for her but it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. The people on the train where saying things like 'she can't be from around here.' and 'did you find anything good under there.' I of course didn't laugh at her in front of her, even my mother-in-law (her sister) was laughing at her. My mother-in-law is a very timid person, she is afraid of sea food (another funny story) but even she was more together then that. Come to think of it though if it had been raining fish she would have been under the seats too.
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@Eskimo (2315)
4 Jul 07
I'm just back from a holiday in Cornwall, and had a bad thunderstorm on the way down (couldn't see out of the car window) + a smaller thundrstorm while there. I don't mind thunder and lightning as long as it doesn't actually hit me, its actually really beautiful. If you had such a scare when you were young then it would tend to frighten you for the rest of your life. Surge protectors should give your computer some protection from lightning strikes, but if there is a massive spike then it could still damage your computer, your telephone or broadband connection could also allow a spike into your computer if they are still connected as lightning could still travel down them if the telephone box outside was struck.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
Oh Gabs I know where you are comming from. When we cousins were little we were playing hide and seek in my grandma's house. I hid in the bathtub. In the meantime lightning struck the power pole out back and the wires were live. They were snaking around and one of them hit the house. The sound was soooo loud. I was petrified and did not move out of my hiding spot.
The wires did start a fire and I was still to scared to move. The neighbors had called the fire department and picked up my cousins. My grandma refused to leave the house untill she found me. Fortunately she did. But to this day I am still so scared. If I am outside I am even worse.
I have tried to act brave, especially when my kids were little, But I have succeeded in making 1 of our dogs just as paranoid as I am. lol
@rosie_123 (6113)
23 Jun 07
Hi Gabs - and - oh my dear - you have my sympathy on this one! Thunder and lightening is my only real fear/phobia. I am petrified of it. And I don't even have the excuse of being struck in childhood - I am just scared it it:-(( When there is a storm, I turn off all the eletricity, refuse to answer the phone, and huddle under the stairs and cry until it's over. It is not my usual "strong" image at all - LOL! One of my cats (Wilby) is scared too - but the others totally ignore it. It is actually called BRONTOPHOBIA and it is in the Top 10 most common phobias in the world - so we are not alone!!Take care sweetier!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Jun 07
Oh wow Rosie that must be awful I have to admit I am not that bad I get scared and start shaking a bit and just want to hide but I have not cried yet
As for Wilby he is sweet and I have pinched him for Gissi lol as he has not got there yet
How is Lily doing is she back home?
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Jun 07
Oh poor Wilby and I know they are hard work and he has found a good Person to love him and look after him
As for Lily the poor little Darling, of course I will ask as I want to know that she is ok she has been through a lot there the poor Kitty
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 Jun 07
Indeed she has - and finally seems to be getting very stressed and "down" with it, whereas before she was happy most of the time:-((At the moment she is sleeping - so that is good. We've put her cage in our bedroom, and we take it in turns to stay there and keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't start to damage herself. She seems calmer if somene is in the room with her. At the moment my partner is up there reading while I'm downstairs on MyLot - shortly he wants to watch something on TV so we will swop places! It's worse than having a young child!
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I used to just love storms but then we moved to an area at which we got flooded numberous times. I am afraid of water and now I am also afraid of storms. I have anxiety attacks now also and that does not help. My husband will always come into the room that I am in when a storm hits (if he is home) as he knows how scared and panic stricken I now get.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Back in the winter, I began to get depressed, anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I have just begun to seek help for these problems and I have haveing a hard time finding meds that I am not allergic to. I have dealed with chronic pain since 1986 and it is constant. It never goes away. They are surprised that I have not had these attacks and depression sooner than I have. It is hard to deal with.
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@student7 (1002)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Don't worry, whenever there is thunder and lightening, I close my eyes and try not to look out the window. I don't like the thunder either. I was about ten and I woke up scared out of my wits well I was going to the parental unit's room and I was in this hall when a bright flash of lightening struck and I screamed and ran like there was no tomorrow. I don't know why I don't like it but I don't.
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@tredale (1309)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
You were very lucky gabs8513 to only get a hiding it could have been so much worse. Its no wonder you are scared of thunder and lightening. I on the other hand love it and we live on a hill and can watch it off in the distance and just sit for hours watching. But I must admit its nicer from a distance than right over your head. I hope for your sake it ends soon. goodluck
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
25 Jun 07
This discusson got my attention, because I am scared of lighting, I don't like being alone It scares me so bad when I am with someomne and when I am not with someone. so we have something in common.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I am not frightened of thunderstorms or lightening. But, I will not be caught outside in a bad storm. My Grandmother was terrified of the storms. She would unplug everything in the house and sit in the dark. She would shake like a leaf in the breeze. Funny thing about this was that her dog would sit beside her and shake just like my Gram.
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@Darkwing (21583)
23 Jun 07
I love thunderstorms. We just had one here, in fact, with HAILstones, would you believe? I like to watch them when it's dark, though. They can be quite spectacular then.
I understand what you mean about standing under a tree in Germany. The thunderstorms there are quite violent, and I recall, always came during very hot days, and after the torrential rain had stopped, a dense blanket of steam used to rise from the ground and rooftops. Amazing!!!
Brightest Blessings, my friend. Stay safe.. love and hugs. xx
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I am not afraid of thunder and lightening, but I am afaid of being up high and of snakes. There was a time when I was a little boy when there was a green momba snake in the bush in our front yard and also a time when I think that myfather thought about throwing me off of a bridge. I think of these things and am afriad of snakes and high places. Have a great daY. Albert
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@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
You poor thing! I am still apprehensive whenever there is a thunderstorm, but here in Ontario, sometimes you get those nasty tornadoes too! They can cause so much damage. I remember when I was little I used to hide under the covers whenever there was a lightning storm. My grandmother who looked after me then told me to pray so we would be safe, so I prayed the only prayer I knew: "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and my Grandmother howled with laughter because it was afternoon. :-]