Pet Peeves.....What's yours?

United States
June 23, 2007 4:37pm CST
I thought this would make an interesting discussion. Everyone has pet peeves. Share with us yours. Mine are......the drive up at the bank....why oh why do people pull up to the drive up and not have their transactions ready? If you're not ready, go inside the bank. Now I can understand if the bank was closed at the time, but the next time your at the bank go inside and grab a handful of deposit slips so you can have them ready for your next trip to the drive thru. It's very annoying when people hold up the entire line because they aren't ready. A second pet peeve of mine.....smokers who throw their cigarette on the ground or out the window when they are done with it. I want to grab them and say..."HEY who do you think is going to pick that up???".
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41 responses
@onerygirl (549)
• United States
23 Jun 07
My biggest pet peeve is to people who stop and gossip at the grocery store AND block the aisle. I seem to hit them everytime I am in a hurry. Naturally, everyone runs into people they know but at least most people make sure the other shoppers can get down the aisle. Another is people who leave their pets in the car while they go in somewhere in the summer. They must not realize how hot it gets inside a car. I have called several people in but I do admit I watched for at least 10 minutes before I do.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Yesterday I tried to start a driver pet peeve discussion. It didn't get too many responses. However, I think your first pet peeve would have gone with that! My generalized pet peeve is always just people who have no respect for themselves or others. That generalized pet peeve covers all sorts of grounds. It always amazes me how much people don't take others into consideration... both of your pet peeves being a perfect example. Or if you're walking in a store and someone bumps into you and just keeps walking and can't even say 'excuse me' or 'sorry' for carelessly bumping into you. Sometimes I wonder what happened to common decency.
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• United States
24 Jun 07
Oh yes people bumping you and not saying excuse me. I hate that! I have been known to say.....excuse YOU! Of course I only have the nerve to say that when my hubby is with me LOL.
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Oh I hate that too! I can't stand when people don't say 'excuse me' or apoligize when they bump into you. I find that people around here just glare at you like you ran into them or something and it drives me crazy. I also don't like when people don't say 'bless you' when someone sneezes. I think you already had a discussion about that.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Ha Ha excuse you is a good one. It's so horrible that it's so hard for people to say two words. "I'm sorry" "Excuse me" "thank you" "bless you" it's like...two words are impossible to say or something!
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24 Jun 07
You know I'm really not sure. I've just received this and it says it's 3 days old... I don't get a lot of silly things people do and I probably would be able to come up with a long list. Luckily for you right now I can't think of any! ~Joey Take care- Daycarepal:)
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24 Jun 07
That's a pretty strange glitch :P If only I could be bothered to fill out a report or an e-mail to mention it to mylot. lol ~Joey Kudos!
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• United States
24 Jun 07
3 days old....that's weird cause I just started the discussion today. Maybe it was suppose to say 3 hours old? Oh computers, gotta love em!
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
23 Jun 07
My pet peeves are: People who do not tend to their children out in know the ones...where the children are running around, chasing each other, touching everything, being loud, chewing with their mouths open, or coughing/sneezing on others... I agree with any form of littering as highly annoying to me...I am a devote nature lover and it ticks me off well as, trash thrown out of a moving vehicle...when my children were younger and they attempted that...I was the mother who pulled over and got out with them and fought the traffic to retrieve did not take but a couple of times and they figured it out...LMAO
• United States
25 Jun 07
I don't know how many places I've been and people show up with 2-3 kids and they get so wrapped up in what they are doing that they forget they have these little ankle-biters with them...9 times out of 10, the kids break something and they can't even say anything about it because they didn't even know where they were...
@amyann16 (414)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Bad table manners drive me insane. Chewing with your mouth open is a biggie for me... If I wanted to hear you chew your food I would put my ear closer to you, you don't need to chomp on it and let me hear every little chew. Also talking with your mouth full... unless you are yelling "fire", there's not much that is so important that you can't wait to swallow your food to say.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Chewing with your mouth open is so excrutiating to be around. You just can't enjoy your food because you can hear so well how they are enjoying theirs.
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• Philippines
24 Jun 07
Mine is gross... here in the Philippines you would see some writings on the wall or hanged notice reprimanding people especially guys (males) on peeing anywhere (esp. walls and trees). The sign say like this: "Peeing on this wall is prohibited!" Sometimes they add "only dogs are allowed to pee." The disgusting thing is that these guys still pee right in the wall or the writings on the wall.
• United States
24 Jun 07
Hi, krizcruzado! Welcome to myLot, hope you enjoy your membership as much as I enjoy mine! I had the same problem with the old drunks peeing outside my bedroom window. It was a back alley, so I wrote, "DON'T PEE HERE!" in bright orange glow in the dark paint. It didn't help. Threatening to let my 120 lb dog out did, though! I lived on the edge of the business district in Wilmington, Delaware, USA at the time, so it isn't just the Philippines!
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• United States
24 Jun 07
I got a bunch of many responses, someone might have mentioned mine already.. 1. people who insist on leaving a little under a sip of something like juice or milk in the fridge 2. people who are never the ones to wash the dishes but are the ones who like to fill the sink up 3. people who don't clean up when they mess up an area in the house and wait for the neater person to clean up..all to do it all over again 4. people who live where there are assigned parking spaces who insist on parking in the wrong spot then get upset when you tell them they should move their car 5. people who make a big fuss over something they bought...protecting it with their life..when you see whatever it is two weeks later, it looks like garbage..
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I have to agree with the last post. Cell phones and the use of cell phones just about anywhere is one thing I can not stand. Cell phones have been great benefit for business people. But why does everyone have to have a cell phone. And why do they have to yap with there friends every where they go. If you want to talk with your friend go visit them. It really bothers me in restaurants and theaters. And why do people seem to talk louder when they use them. It is really not polite to set there in a restaurant talking on the top of your voice and carry on a conversation that everyone in the restaurant hears. And the use in the theater, not only do they annoy the other people with their talking but just the light of their phone is bothersome. And when people use them while they are driving they seem to put blinders on at the same time because they do not pay attention to the other vehicles. Cell phone have there benefits. I used one for years when I was working. Before I had a cell phone I had a pager and always had to search for a pay phone. Life became a lot easier when I had a mobile phone installed in my truck. But why do people need them to talk excessively to other people. Give it a rest and enjoy what you are doing.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
23 Jun 07
I agree with you on both of these issues it is a pain espically if you are in a hurry to go through a drive thru. I always have everything out and ready before and the smoker's issue is right to. There have been a lot of fires here in Florida and this is proberly how some of them startes. i can't say a lot I use to be a smoker but I didn't through my ciggerete out the window. If a cop sees someone doing it here in Florida they get a ticket really fast.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
23 Jun 07
One of my pet peeves is those people in the supermarket parking lots that park right in the middle of an aisle, and wait for a car to back out of a space, and the person in that space hasn't even put the groceries in the trunk yet!. No one can go around them, and heaven forbid if they have to move to the spot another five feet down the aisle! A second pet peeve of mine is my lovely neighbors that have umpteen cars and they think they have to park all of them in front of MY house. I don't have a driveway or a garage so hubby and I have to park at the curb. It's a constant fight to get our parking spots. Even the neighbor across the street has tried to park his car in front of my house because he has a black car and wants it in the shade! I have taken to moving all three of our garbage dumpsters to the curb so that no one can park there while we're gone. And boy does that tick them off! (Picture me with my cheshire cat's grin! Hehehe)
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• United States
24 Jun 07
Squeaky doors...chronic complainers....people who are on cell phones when driving ..... tail gaters ..... people who have a need to criticize ..... computer problems caused by Microsoft products crashing..... blunt people ...... slackers...people who waste my or their time....... .......people who are late without good reason.... people who are unmotivated and don't make an effort to overcome obstacles in life.... I realized that what my pet peeves are speaks as to who I am. Sensitive to noise, try to think positive and exert my willpower and conscientiousnesss.... sensitive emotionally .... a computer addict ... and a hard worker who is punctual.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
24 Jun 07
major pet peeves would be spitting on the ground/sidewalk/parking lot/ floor - etc lieing and hypocrisy flashing of fleshy parts that ought to be covered
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
24 Jun 07
one of my pet peeves are pedicab drivers who spit while driving, especially if i'm driving behind them.the spit flies in all directions and i have encountered times when i had to zig-zag just to avoid the 'spit-fire' haha!
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
24 Jun 07
My pet peeves are people being late and when people don't call you back when they say they will for important things. If it is for something important or business related, then you should call back. I know sometimes you will be late or forget to call, but if it's important it needs to be done.
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@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Mine is open cabinets. If you get something out of the cabinet why can't you close it back. Leaving it open for someone to hit their head on. Tractors. Why do tractors have to drive down the main road going 2 miles per hr. Usually I get stuck behind them in the morning when I am in a hurry. Why cant they drive on the side of the road or on a road that is not so busy instead of backing up traffic.
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Hey DCP, One of my pet peeves is I don't like my foods to touch each other on the plate-I won't eat any of it if they touch.I know that sounds crazy & everyone says it's all going to the same place but I just can't eat it. +'s 2 U :D
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
25 Jun 07
When I'm standing in line at a supermarket, bank etc, for people to invade my personal space, I hate it! Stealing my parking, I have put my indicator on to go into a certain parking space and then out of the blue someone will just very politely slip in before me! It makes me see red!! Women with their children running like hooligans up and down in a supermarket, or at the doctors rooms!
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• United States
25 Jun 07
People who don't help out with clean-up when there is a family dinner. You aren't at a restaurant. Take your plate to the sink! Help carry stuff to the kitchen. If everyone pitches in, it's done in no time and then everyone can be relax together instead of one or two people being stuck in the kitchen. That's all I can think of for now!
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@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I can tell mine is throwing everywhere their chewed gum.....also while I am in Uk I find the birds blessings everywhere i dont know if anybody care for that but it looks very much nasty....
• United States
25 Jun 07
My biggest pet peeve is hypacrits...especially people who claim to be highly religious, go to church every Sunday, pay there dues volunteering for church functions, and then they turn into some judgemental monster when sitting around having a discussion...they gossip...say bad things about good friends...cut people down behind there mental games with people they love....critize all that is not within the church. Judge not lest ye be judged...I don't attend church and I know that one!? I'm real sorry but I am one of those people who throw there butts out the car ash tray was broken when the boys at Walmart put my new desk in my car...and when my cup holder is in use and I can't use my cuplike ashtray I toss em out the window....will you ever forgive me???? At the bank I pull into a parking spot, fill out my deposit slips then head to the drive up.
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• United States
26 Jun 07
Get that ashtray fixed LOL!! + to you for being ready when you pull up to the drive thru bank window :)