October 24, 2006 11:42am CST
It's a changing world now a days, now women have come in the race of working in every field shoulder to shouldr with men..
Thogh as considered earlier that women are house keepers..this theory is quite a it outdated as proven by women in this 21st century..Today,we have numerous examples from Madam Curie(discovered radium) to Bechandri Pal(1st lady..who climbed Mt.everest)well the list will never end. And indeed it never will.It is henceforth clearly proven today that womenarementally as well as physically competent enough for all kinds of services. So, why not military services..they cango far ahead in any veture.
People say that how can a lady fight on a front,well thats not a hypothetical situation,women can indeed compete and strive for the nation ther also. If they are trained optimally and made accustomed to the new and advanced warfare tactics yes they surely can do beat the hell out of enenmy...
They need to be given a chance that's all..Well iam proud to say tha in the Indian Army we do have women officers and they are now being inducted into the combat regiments as Aid Defence Artillery ie;(ADA) they can like so many set the examples for there troops and they can do there level best to serve with trust and pride..
8 responses
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
24 Oct 06
I think the whole issue about not allowing women in combat has nothing to do with whether they are capable, there's no question about that.
It's because women captured in combat are often raped (and also run that risk by their own male counterparts) or are subject to other tortures that wouldn't normally be used on males because many countries we would be fighting in view women as lower-class.