How can an argument get so out of control that you ask for a divorce?
By vokey9472
@vokey9472 (1486)
United States
June 24, 2007 8:14pm CST
I am so angry at my husband right now. We were fighting and things kind of got out of control and I said I was completely unhappy in my marriage. He told me that if I was so unhappy then why didn't I just leave. I was so angry at him for appearing that he didn't care that I said he was right. If I am that unhappy I should leave and I told him that I wanted a divorce. He said that was fine with him. He demanded all the credit cards back and the folder with the bills in it. He told me to make sure that I only took my personal belongings, like clothes and shoes since everything else is community property. He then told me that he wants custody of our son. It was like getting slapped in the face. I just don't understand how things got so crazy that we are now planning a divorce. I tried to tell him that I didn't mean it, but he won't listen to me. He just keeps talking about how we need to decide how to tell our families and when to expect that I will have all my stuff out of the house. He told me that he expects me to move to my mother's by the end of the week. I am at a loss as to how to fix this. Has anyone else ever allowed a fight to get so out of control? How do I get him to realize that I was just angry and I didn't mean it?
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25 responses
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I used fight like that with my hubby and a lot worth than that...I never realized think can get better either. I have been trying for 4 years and I get nothing. As far as you know, we are woman that everything is up on us and they always think they are right... and we are the only one wrong. I hate that. I was trying for the best but he ignores it... So I let it goes.... however, when i let thing go it has been better... I was like, what? I dont even try and it is better?
Trust me, be yourself and let him go sometimes. do you have to move out of that house? If i were you, I will let him move out not me. It doesn't matter that is his house or watever but this is belong to community property and woman are first and right. dont let him bring you down.
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@gigglegirl (5)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I doubt very much that this one argument would be the catalyst for a divorce. Obviously things have been percolating for a long time. Problems don't form out of a vacumn.. the issues have been there and now it has become a "straw the broke the camels back" thing.
Until you start working out the issues, all petty arguments will escalate, all big arguments will become divorce threats until things either self destruct or you both start ignoring each other completey and check out of the marriage.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I read part 2 of the story, but had to come and read part 1. He needs to understand if he does this again. Legally you can live there until the divorce is final. Heck you can make him leave. Leaving with just your clothes, lol. You can leave with anything that was given to you by him. My husband and I get into fights like this, and I learned to read up on divorce laws. Now mine knows that I can legally stay in the home and if I chose to leave, I can take anything I want to. I just need to sell it after the divorce is final so he doesn't get half of it. Make sure only small things are in your name, so you won't be held responsible for the big bills. Custody, lol, most courts will award the mother custody, unless the mom is proven by the court a bad mom. So I find that funny when my husband used to say that, lol.
Funny how fights can get so out of control. Next time if there is one, read up on your rights for your state, so you can shout out things back at him. I pray that there isn't another time.

@chertsy (3798)
• United States
4 Jul 07
That's a man for ya. You should just come right out and say why are you starting a fight. He will deny it of course. Then say your the one getting loud and saying stuff, then just walk away, leaving him hanging in his own thoughts.
Don't back down, show him that you will not be ran over even in a fight.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Yeah, we actually attempted to talk to one another today (july 3rd). He wanted permission to go play some stupid game with his friends. I told him to go. He actually invited me along, but I told him I already had plans to go out with some girls and get a drink or two. He got all offended and started griping about who was going to take care of our son. My mother already had our son at this point to take him to eat pizza and go to the movies with his cousins. So arguing about who was watching our son was a moot point. My hubby just wanted to start a fight.
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
25 Jun 07
oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. I think the key is to apologise apologise apologise. Although both parties are at fault to a certain extent, wait for both sides to cool down, and then just take the first step of apologising. And say you never meant to say you wanted a divorce. It was just anger that was speaking, not you.
It's not a matter to be decided hastily, and even more not so when it was broached in the heat of the moment. I know you are not thinking of divorce, but if it ever crosses your mind again, before you say Anything, do think of your son. It will be very very traumatic for him.
Hoping to hear from you soon, that all is resolved amicably... take care.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I am not apologizing. I am not the one who started the fight. He started it and he is the one that pushed me into saying I wanted a divorce. I am still mad at him and we are not talking to each other at this time. It is a really quiet house for once. The only person either of us is talking to is our son.
@LadyK2 (71)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I haven't read beyond this post, but here's my take on things.
You BOTH were in the argument, you BOTH got angry and said things Neither of you should have said. Forget who started it - that's childish. Remember why you got married in the first place. Someone needs to be the first to apologise - and if Pride is the only thing keeping you from making that apology, dump the pride and get with the I'm sorry's!
My hubby and I have had many battles in our time together - and sad to say I was pretty damned cruel in a few of them! We have had to learn not to bring up past issues (past hurts, past mistakes, etc) when we are arguing or it causes more damage. We have had to learn to talk and not yell, to listen openly, to pick up responsibility and not lay blame. when we work together - and I'm telling you this is one of the hardest things to do! - we manage to keep our disagreements only on the "fight at hand" instead of dragging anything and everything else into it.
We too have been angry enough and hurt enough that we have suggested a divorce or said we felt one was needed. Once we cooled off we realised we love each other and want to stay together. It's amazing what you say to one another in the heat of an arguement.
On another note - for him to be so serious about your comment leads me to think he might want you to be the one to file for a divorce. Is he having an affair? Could he possibly want you to leave him before you find out about it? My husband and I have never taken our fights so "seriously" in that the next day we are still saying "divorce". Something seems fishy there. I wish you the best of luck.
And if he happens to suddenly change his mind again - go from adamantly wanting a divorce to not wanting one, definitely look into the possibility of him having an affair, OR, maybe he's battling depression and the mood swings that go with it? I had a friend who suffered bi-polar as well as depression, and even meds weren't helping. The mood swings are just scary - they go from one end of the spectrum to the other faster than you can blink! And you find it difficult to keep up! And the depression mixed with bi-polar causes all kinds of interesting situations.
Blessings to you!!
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
2 Jul 07
It is now July 2nd and we are still barely talking to one another. I seriously doubt he is having an affair. He doesn't know anyone and even if he did, she would have to come to our house for them to get it on. He works from home and I am a stay at home mommy. I know every person he sees, talks to, etc. I know every detail of every minute of his life. HE NEVERS LEAVES THE HOUSE!! On the rare occassion that he storms out, he will take a walk around the block. Then come home. HE IS ALWAYS HOME!!
Ever heard the saying "familiarity breeds contempt"? I am starting to believe it is true. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. My problem is that my husband is never absent. I have had some time to think about things, and well....maybe we should separate for a while. I am just not sure anymore. Maybe deep down, I do want to end things.

@djbizmonkey34 (633)
• United States
25 Jun 07
My husband and I have done that before. I got so mad at him for something completely stupid that I told him that I want a divorce. Well I ended up staying at my mothers that night just to cool our heads off and then when I came back the next morning we just talked it out. Maybe tell him you are just going to a family or friends house for the night and then you will be back in the morning. Hope all well works out for you :)
@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
25 Jun 07
i agree with you completely! time is the best thing you can have between you two right now... it can wash away bad thing.
just tell him you will be at someone's house for a day or two, so you two can calm down, and the apologize or do what you please, so then at least he has a chance to listen to you and not be to angry.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I am not going anywhere. If he wants to go to his mother's or brother's house then he can go.
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
So sorry to hear that...But if you're not happy with the marriage then why get sad. It's the only option to make, to have divorced with him and ask help from a lawyer about your son.
It's not the end of the world yet and make sure that you will concentrate more on your child and not get married again so that you can still care for your son.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
25 Jun 07
My husband and I have done that a few times to eachother. The thing we do is just leave eachother alone for a while and eventually we appologize to eachother and all is fine. Ihave found that if I wright a letter to my husband explaining to him that I didnt mean it and I am appologizing that usually works.
Some people have to see it in writing then it must be tru.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I have written him letters telling him the problems in our marriage. He always claims to want to work them out and try to save our marriage. I am beginning to not have any faith in anything he says to me. I am sure that is not healthy in a marriage.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
25 Jun 07
that's pretty bad..but I guess he was still overwhelmed by differenet emotions as you were when you told him those things. Wait till emotions get low and try to talk to him again, let him know that you really didn't mean it. Don't leave and don't do anything that will give him a thought about what you said..and pray.
We have had arguments to but it never came to a point of talking about going seperate ways, sometimes I go and leave the house but only to take some fresh air and let go of those bad feelings so I won't say anything I would regret later on.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
26 Jun 07
maybe you can wait a nother day to see if he calms down.if not ,maybe you two can talk to a pastor or marriage counselor.please keep us updated.I will keep you in my thoughts
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
25 Jun 07
i make it a habit never to say anything i dont mean. it sounds to me like it is something he may have been wanting and just now used this oppertunity to go for it. but I would not leave the house and I would not allow him to have the child,if you leave its like admitting guilt also if things came to court he can say you abandoned him and your child and you will look guilty because you did leave.
think long and hard before you leave the house and if you do go make sure to take everything you want including your son because believe me once you leave you have no right to anything out of that house.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I can assure you that if I left, I would take everything that was mine. That means my son. I don't care about anything else. I wouldn't even bother to pack anything except my son and his things.
@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I am going through a similar situation wtih my husband right now. We just talked last night again about a divorce in the future if things don't start getting better. I have talked to him several times about me not being happy, and he chooses to ignore it. I brought it up again yesterday which made me the 'bad guy'. i'm so frusturated at times. I try to take things day by day.
I hated having to throw the whole divorce thing out there, but sometimes I wonder if that's the only way I'll get him to understand.
Good luck to you!
@jnallen_487 (800)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I'm sorry to say this but it sounds like that he doesn't want to work it out. Sounds like he wants this divorce whether you do or not. Has he been acting weird lately? I'm just asking because I just don't understand what happened to make him agree on the divorce so quickly and want you gone. Is he cheating on you? Wants to move someone else in? Just sounds very suspicious to me!
@clearer (22)
• South Africa
26 Jun 07
My goodness. I feel your pain. I have had aruguments like that before and it has gotten to the point that we don't talk and there is complete silence. Your husband needs to understand that once you make vows to each other it is very difficult to walk away from that. He maybe needs to calm down and speak to him when he is thinking more clearly. I realise that you say things that you dont necessarily mean when you angry but try your best to not say things that will hurt in the first place. You need to treat people the way you want to be treated. I am not taking sides or anything. Just imagine that he said that he wants a divorce. How would you feel? Maybe sometimes it is better to stay quiet and not say a word. Rather than speaking and getting yourself in a place that you really would rather not be at.
I hope this helps.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jun 07
OMG DONT LEAVE THE HOUSE!!! thats considered abandonment where I'm from and you could TOTALLY screw yourself in the worst way should you two actually get divorced or even seperated!!!!
that being said.....Look..maybe you didnt mean it...but then again maybe you did if you look cold and hard at it....ppl tend to say the hurtful truth in the heat of an arguement, things they arent otherwise able to spit out for whatever reason....if you really ARENT happy then maybe deep inside you really DO want a divorce and that fight was your inner you letting it be known....OR maybe it was you way of letting him know HOW SERIOUSLY UNHAPPY you truly are and if things dont change for the better that will be the end result...thing is, if thats the cse and he doenst come around in a couple days then maybe HE wants a divorce but never could bring it up....
My hsuband and i have had fights like that but we end up pulling it together BUT if we hadnt, and we had got divorced it woudnt have phased me in the slightest cause bottomline was I WAS UNHAPPY which in turn was making my kids unhappy and teaching them something that I vowed I'd never teach them (to stay in a bad/unsatisfying/unhappy relationship)..
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
25 Jun 07
Maybe he is the one wanting a divorce in the first place since he wil not listen when u said that u didnt mean it.
I have had fights with my bf and they have gotten pretty ugly but we are always able to work them out once we both have cooled off.
Just keep telling him that u really love him (if u do) and that u do not want a divorce. suggest that u go to councilling to solve all the issues in your marriage.
The way I see it it´s the only thing that u can do =)
@smacksman (6053)
25 Jun 07
Let this be a lesson to all you girls out there - learn when to keep your mouth SHUT!
Yeah, well ok, grudgingly I have to admit the same goes for us guys too.
How's your sense of humour on a scale of 1 to 10? I think one of you is going to have to suck up to the other and from the way you are talking I think you are the one who needs to do the sucking up!
@La_Bella_Vita (598)
• United States
25 Jun 07
That is a tough sitch and I really can't say that I have the answer for you. I can say that I feel bad for both of you but maybe that was the final straw of arguments you know? Have you ever hinted at anything like this before?
Also, maybe he has something that he is guilty of or has been secretly been wanting this all along but didn't want to be the "bad guy".
I know personally I am a wordsmith of sorts in that I take words for their 100 percent Webster's dictionary meaning and if you didn't mean it you should not have said or implied it with the statement you made.
I hope it all works out, just give it time, but not too long because abscence does make the heart grow colder.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
25 Jun 07
"hug" I think that the best thing you can do is give him time to cool off. There are times that everyone can say something that they don't mean when they are angry. I would wait a couple of days for him to cool off and then try to talk to him about it. If after a couple of days he doesn't change his mind then I would refuse to move out or to leave my child. If he wants the marriage to be over then he will need to move out and fight for custody of the child.
@sreeraj_9 (67)
• India
25 Jun 07
first of all both must have unique understanding... for this understanding one must respect to others decision.... and if the wife is in angry husband have to just leave the things for a while and when they are alone he can express his feeling to his wife... simallirally hus to wife... also.... theere by all the problems will be solved....