What was the last "random act of kindness" you comitted?

October 24, 2006 1:19pm CST
What was it, and why did you do it? (And please don't say it was just "random"...what was your motivation?)
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4 responses
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I helped the carry out guy put the groceries in my van this morning. I figure his job is hard enough without me standing there doing nothing while he does all the work. Anything I can do to lighten someone's load like this is a pleasure for me.
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• Canada
26 Oct 06
A agree that this is often a thankless job...I try to do the same when I'm shopping, or if I take my groceries out alone, I always return the shopping cart-at least to the "coral".
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I agree. I always take my cart back, too. I hate it when I try to pull into an open parking space only to find someone left their cart there.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Good question. I honestly don't know. It's the whole random thing that throws me. I try to do nice stuff all the time, but how often do I have an ulterior motive. Probably giving everyone plusses even when the answers aren't that great was the lsat kind thing I did.
• Canada
26 Oct 06
That certainly counts! I guess my definition of "random" would be something I hadn't planned to do when I got up this morning...basically anything nice that isn't on the "to do list", like holding a door for someone. Basic human courtesy (which we seem to be lacking these days!) count as "random acts" in my opinion. Good for you!
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• United States
29 Oct 06
hmm, well I am certainly random often since I very rarely plan anything in advance. Most of my life is just thrown to the wind. LOL
@aureliaz (1177)
• Singapore
27 Oct 06
Besides giving the people who answer my discussion a + , I helped my school janitor lug this heavy metal thing up 2 flights of stairs cause it was late and he looked really tired.
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• Canada
27 Oct 06
I gave you a "+" for that-you deserve it! Janitorial/custodial work is a necessary, but often thankless job. I bet he appreciated the help.
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
27 Oct 06
i gave stuff i no longer use to driver in our subdivision...he wants to attend a church service but said he doesn't have anything to wear...so i gave Him some of mine...:)
• Canada
27 Oct 06
Now that is a kind thing to do, and for a good cause. Most would expect someting in return. (A + for you!)
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