Why are so many people proud to be atheists?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
June 25, 2007 7:43pm CST
This is a weird concept to me. I've always believed in God. And, though I understand that most people vary on what or who they think God is, at least most of the planet believes in a God. Most religions acknowledge the existence of God.
So, why then do people so proudly declare that they don't believe? Don't they know they're in the minority, or is that why they do it? Are these non-God believers going to claim special society status soon and start bringing lawsuits against the rest of us when we don't hire them? Will the government declare that we have to give them special privegeleges?
As if being a goof-ball is a special minority category! Good grief. What will people think of next?
As is, most of the atheists are already ruining society with their no prayer in public rules. When I was in public school they forbid us from saying Grace over our food.
They are allowed to bash my religion and beliefs, and they don't want me to practice openly in public where I might offend them. But, they don't want me or anyone else to say anything about them.
And, oddly enough the government agrees with them.
That's a double standard!
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21 responses
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Atheists really aren't the ones who were pressing the idea of not prayer in schools. This was thought of by the school for the students that believe and celebrate god in their way. Pushing the beliefs of one onto another hurts both sides when things don't work out.
I see no reason as to why you have to stop saying grace and completeing your own rituals to your beliefs. I had a friend in college who said grace at every meal and prayed often. She wanted to become a minister. I respected her greatly and I myself am an atheist of sorts. I personally believe that peopel should just leave others along but by the looks of it, it's not happening.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I'm not an atheist and I believe PUBLIC SCHOOL should be free from prayer. Why? Because not everyone that attends school is religious, speficically Christain which is what the majority of people in the U.S are. We can't FORCE a child pray to GOD when they don't call their deity GOD. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. If you want your child to pray in school, fork over all that extra cash and send them to a private school. Plain and simple. Don't like that? Homeschool them. Just don't try and force your beliefs on every single person that believes differently than you.
Secondly, America is a FREE COUNTRY, therefore we can believe what we want and the government is required to protect those rights of everyone that lives here, because we are a free country. You have to accept not everyone believes like you do. Not allowing someone a job because they believe differently than you do, is ludacris and should be, and thankfully is punishable by law.
Atheists know they're a minority. What's wrong with that? Gays and lesbians are a minority and they're pride, but I'm sure you think they're horrible people too because they're proud of being who they are.
People are different. Thankfully, if people weren't different, we'd be living in a horrible world, full of people that acted the same, looked the same, and wanted the same things. That's a really crappy world to live in if you ask me.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I hated private school for that reason. Forced prayer. Prayer never had meaning for me. Except that it was forced activity. When I went to public school, I didn't see any of the "not being allowed to pray" thing that people speak of. People prayed if they felt like it. Most students didn't though. But you had the option and weren't encouraged or discouraged.
I don't like anyone that forces beliefs on people. I don't force my beliefs on anyone and I expect that same courtesy. The funny thing is, Christians seem to be the ones who complain most about non-believers. But the main thing that turned me off that religion, is all the "get into heaven points" systems. I mean, how many people do they need to convert before they can get on with having a life?
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
26 Jun 07
This is what happens when I get on a rant about what I feel strongly for.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
26 Jun 07
As far as saying grace in the school system I can understand where they are coming from. There are too many diffrent religins in the schools now and if they allow 1 religin to pray before meals in the schools then they have to let all of theothers do there own thing before eating as well.
Athiests dont choose to be that way just to be diffrent. They truly dont believe in a God. Honestly there is nothing wrong with that.
We were all given the ability to decide for our selves and you decided to be Christian and it is obivous it works for you.
I choose to be Wiccan. I was raised Christian and honestly I could never understand it nor was I comfortable with it. I am totally comfortable with Wiccan and I understand it. That works for me.
What works for one person dosnt always work for another.
I agree with them too. I know you dont want to see me worshiping God and Goddess the way I do and to be honest I dont want to see you worshiping God the way you do.
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
26 Jun 07
For me to be proud with something means to be proud that you have position and you can assert it. It doesnt matter are you proud with your atheistic or religious beliefs. But everything what is too demonstrative is unpleasant.If i meet a Bible believer who is fanatic and PROUD of it, if he is aggresive and all the time talks only about his God- be sure, it will be disgusting for me and i will treat it as kind of hypocrisy or fanatism. So...both sides of the coin are true and the people just need to be more tolerant each to other.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Jun 07
Firstly, Beautyqueen, let me ask you a question. Are you proud to be Christian? If so, can you tell me why any other religion shouldn't be proud to be what they are?
I was christened, and grew up a Christian, but it was doing nothing for me, so I had a rethink, and chatted with a couple of people, as well as reading some, and I found my new path in Wicca. No... I don't go around forcing my beliefs on others, they are tailored to suit me, and only me. I'm comfortable with them, and although I'm proud of what I do, I don't go around shouting about it, and preaching. I like to live my life as I choose, harming no other, and not trying to convert others either. So why have you got this hang-up about atheists? We all have our own Gods, Goddesses, Animals and Icons which we worship and they probably all boil down to much the same thing, if you sit down and think about it, but no... Christians think their God is the original God, the one and only and they try to tell others they are wrong in their beliefs. Well, I'm sorry, but I don't interfere with Christians, so why do you interfere with atheists?
Let me tell you that the old religions were around long before Christianity... so how is it that Christianity is the be all and end all of beliefs? What happened to the Anglo Saxons, The Druids, The Celts? How does God reign supreme over their Gods and Goddesses? I think your discussion could have been better worded. I, for one, do not bash any other religion, as such, but when my beliefs are put down, I do become rather upset, because I have vowed to harm none, and let others believe what they want to believe, whilst going in peace about my own way of life. I am now Saex-Wiccan and PROUD to be.
Brightest Blessings.
@sreeraj_9 (67)
• India
26 Jun 07
i think it is necessary to think more about god but it shouldn`t cross limits.we shouldn`t create our own blind belefs about god.the government should declare not be privegeleges
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Why do you have to be in the majority to be proud?
I'm proud to be an atheist. Why should I be ashamed of it? Why should someone be ashamed of what they don't believe in?
I have no reason to believe in a God. Yeah, I was brought up in a Christian school initially, but I never really believed in any of that. If I tried, I'd only be faking it. Which wouldn't be something to be proud of. The masses may need something to confort them and have belief in, but that's not for me. I'm not saying Christians or those of other religions should be ashamed of what they believe in though. I don't care what others believe, so long as they don't push it on me.
People should be proud of who/what they are, or they're doing something wrong with their life.
I'm proud to be an atheist. I don't go around converting people (check out my blank book, hehe), I can be proud of who I am on my own. I'm also proud to be a volunteer for several organizations. And I'm proud to be a lesbian. And all of those are minority groups, yet I do not need to be in the majority to be proud of who I am.
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@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I have no idea why atheists are prould of not believing in God. I have no idea why people feel proud of anything they believe in. I mean, what happened to humility and compassion, whether one believes in God or not? I guess alot of us just never really grow up. I've run into that problem, too..my spiritual beliefs are different than most around me, and I'm supposed to be able to listen to them go on and on about what they believe in, but I can't say a thing about what I'm into. I don't want to anyway, not unless someone is genuinely interested in what I have to say, and they don't want to hear my ideas only to use them against me at a later date. I always wonder what Jesus would say about how we behave towards each other when it comes to religion and such. I just don't see alot of "religion" in religions any more.
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@ZenDove (698)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Here's another "weird" concept - as an atheist, I find myself wondering how can anyone believe in the fable of gospel written by men? Don't tell me that they were "anointed", anyone can claim that. What is this nonsense about being "proud" of what you believe? It is what it is, it is not a matter of ego - it is a matter of fact. Fact is, I do not believe in the dogma of god propagated by religion. If there is such a persona who qualifies as a god, his intent, desire and messages would be too far beyond the comprehension of man. In other words, it is ridiculous for anyone to tell me "God said this or that" or "God wants this or that" You cannot possibly conceive of what an infinite mind would think. Heck, you barely know what your children or your brother or your neighbor needs, thinks or wants! You barely know what YOU want. How can any finite human being possibly think that they are an authority of what an omnipotent, omnipresent God proclaims or ordains? It would be like a thimble trying to contain an ocean.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, beautyqueen, just perhaps get you to view it all from a different angle. We, non-believers, do not need to demand "special priviledges" because the Constitution provides them. Separation of church and state, religious freedom,freedom of speech,etc. etc.. Sound familiar? It's silly to complain about someone prohibiting you from prayer - there are no "thought police", you can pray anytime you want to! You just can't impose that private, personal moment upon me or my children. Sounds fair, right? Courts and government buildings should not display leanings toward religion via crosses,plaques, or whatever because they provide general PUBLIC services, fairly for all of society. They do not, and should not, represent personal beliefs. One could almost say that this was a DEMOCRATIC approach.
Look, I may not be religious but I am very patriotic. Your opening statements were borderline insulting, close to ridiculously unfair to the whole idea of American freedom. Should I not be proud of being Black because I am considered a minority? I should, perhaps, be ashamed and try to convert to being white? Just to avoid being considered a "goof-ball"? or to avoid hell and damnation? Hey, I don't mind if you "say anything about them" - it's your own ignorance that your words reveal, not mine.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
26 Jun 07
First of all, who are you calling a goofball? Shall I start calling you names in return? This is why Christians are quickly becoming one of the most hated groups on Earth, after the jihadists! Your arrogance and hubris make me want to vomit!
Your religion is shoved in everyone's face, everywhere, every day. Atheists aren't proud, we just have to constantly defend ourselves from people who are so narcissistic as to believe their OPINION should be the one that defines everyone's rights, everyone's laws, everyone's lives.
Y'all have been shoving the Jesus thing down everybody's throats for 2,000 years, yet over 70% of the people on the planet DON'T BUY IT! Talk about a minority, pal, get a clue!
Until somebody's messiah shows up, ALL RELIGIONS are well-documented bodies of opinion. Whatever you believe, 3/4 of the people on the planet disagree with you, so EVERYBODY just CHILL!
While you're waiting, you might want to pull out your Bible and take a look at what Christ said is the way to treat people. The Book of Matthew, chapter 7, strikes me as the perfect place for someone like you to start.
@FSCAries (881)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I don't really think that as many people that claim to be atheists really are. I don't know, but it just seems to me that those people that say that either are not educated enough about religion to feel comfortable talking about it or it is just easier to claim to avoid religios talk.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Plenty of educated people are atheists. I've looked into religions more than most people (who generally just choose the first or second one that preaches at them). Religion just isn't for me. I don't believe in any of the religions. There are certain religions I really like. Buddhism and Judaism for example. But even though I like a lot of their teachings, I don't believe in the diety aspects of either religion. I just like the teachings.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
26 Jun 07
It is way, WAY easier to avoid religious talk by claiming to be a Jew. Claiming to be an atheist is an invitation to a whole lot more religious talk, kindly aimed at saving our souls.
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@nirvana2007 (205)
• United States
26 Jun 07
people procliam they are athesists, because they are proud of it, itsn o different then anything else, if your proud of something more power to you. whether your in the minority or majority, that doesnt change your sense of pride
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@videobroker (34)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Possible answer: because it's a new trend. It's just a choice. Some people choose to believe in the traditional concept of God, others choose to deny God altogether. It's just a matter of personal preference. Neither can prove the existence or non-existence of a God. The only difference is that there are more books about God and more historical records about God than historical records about atheism. Atheists have always been and will always be the minority. They think they're right just like Christians think they're right. No big deal.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
It is because it is natural for the world to hate God. And the only way to keep people from mentioning God is to make laws forbidding people from reading the Bible or even mentioning Jesus Christ in public. You see, God has standards that are in the Ten Commandments and those who hate God do not want anyone to tell them what they are doing is wrong, and they want the media behind them. Your public school did not have the right to forbid you to say grace and I hope you went ahead and prayed anyway. They are not God.
We have the same problem up here in Canada, only it is the homosexuals who are given special privileges and in most cases, they win lawsuits even though they are wealthier than most.
Here is a link to Traditional Values, if you don't use it already. They might help.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
13 Aug 08
So, why then do people so proudly declare that they don't believe?As is, most of the atheists are already ruining society with their no prayer in public rules. When I was in public school they forbid us from saying Grace over our food.They are allowed to bash my religion and beliefs, and they don't want me to practice openly in public where I might offend them. But, they don't want me or anyone else to say anything about them. And, oddly enough the government agrees with them. That's a double standard!
@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
26 Jun 07
I think technology has a lot to do with atheists thinking there is a pride to not believing there is a God. I personally am Christian by the way. Some of my friends, (actually most) who are atheist are usually obsessed with technology and they always try to find ways to PROVE that god doesnt exist. They believe in the big bang theory and that he Universe has always been and all those sort of stuff. But when i ask them the question "well how does every thing all begin then? EVERYTHING MUST have a creator, e.g. a clock doest just "exist" it has to be created or produced" but they usually backfire me with "well who created god then"
I do think some atheists are really ignorant and they dont even try to listen and understand what you are saying before they reject your argument! Its as if they think they are always right and science is never incorrect.
@jzerbini (97)
• United States
26 Jun 07
My thoughts on this are that some atheists are proud of it because it sets them apart. I also believe its a way they identify themselves. I'm not comparing them at all but look at how gang members, skin heads, kkk, etc. love what they do and who they are, I think atheists are the same....again I'm not comparing how these groups act just how they may think about their group. At the same time I think there are many many atheists out their that will not admit they are atheist or just keep quiet about it.
@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
26 Jun 07
You are simply wrong. It is singularly inappropriate to make such a comparison, no matter how much you waffle and try to qualify it.
While there may be groups of atheists who come together in various places for various reasons, there are no clubs, no dues, no book of fables, no unifying theory or catechism or induction rituals or anything like that. I hear that Europe may have such groups, but it isn't like that in the USA.
I love my intellect and powers of reason, not the conclusions they come to. Some people choose faith, I don't. Period.
Why is that so hard for people to understand?
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@ZenDove (698)
• United States
26 Jun 07
What's really funny is that those groups you compared atheists to are self-proclaimed Christians who feel that their radical positions are ordained by God! Haha! As an atheist, I would have been insulted if it weren't so ironically funny. For the record, you can't say "they are the same" in one breath and then in the next breath say "I'm not comparing them" Haha!
@jzerbini (97)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Get over yourself, I wasn't criticizing atheist. If you don't like the groups I used then use any other group....Americans from a specific background, fans of a movie, fans of a sport. You don't have to belong to a group to be happy about believing that. There is no need to play the victim here.

@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
14 Aug 08
I dont understand this either. One of my biggest issues with people who are atheist is that they are always saying they disagree with the way believers shove their beliefs down everyones throat and judge those who don't believe but they do the same thing. I have nothing against people who don't believe. It's their life. While I am a God fearing, praying, faithful woman I do not shove my beliefs down any ones throat, I dont push them to go to church, I dont tell them they will go to hell if they do not. Yet, they are ALWAYS saying how "stupid and uneducated" the religious are for believing in something that doesn't exsist.