What satisfies your thirst? Really.

@arkaf61 (10881)
June 25, 2007 7:45pm CST
It's one of those really hot days. You are thirsty. What do you drink? What is the thing that will really make that thirst go away?There are many things one can drink. But do they really work? Are you not thirsty anymore after you drink them?Myself, only water helps. I can drink anything else, but I will still be thirsty. It's kind of a joke between my friends, really. They've seem me drink a juice or something else, and then ask for a glass of water because I'm still thirsty LOL So, what safistfies your thirsty?
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35 responses
• Singapore
26 Jun 07
Water. I think water is the best fluid to drink when you are thirsty. Sometimes people mistakenly drink sugared drink since they taste good - but those will only make you more thirsty.:P
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@alienstar (5142)
• India
25 May 08
Actually, when it is a hotd ay, anypne will like to have cool drinks isnt it? but in real fact, drinking cool drinks like soft drinks and all makes on ethirst again within sometime and if on etakes hot watre during hot season when he is thirsty, maybe his thirst will not come as fast as by taking the cool drink
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
Yes, you are actually right. I don't put ice in my water and I don't put it in the fridge. But I will not warm it up either. Naturally cool temperature and it works for me :)
@amitksing (1323)
• India
8 Jan 08
Yes, I too think that only water quenches thirst well in summers or when we are extensively thirsty. I have tried many other things: Juices Airated drinks coffee Warm water All these seem to quench our thirst for some time, but the next moment, I feel thirsty again. And then, water comes to my rescue!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
Yes, water seems to be what works the best:)
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
24 May 08
coooool cleeeeear water water water. water has nothing in it to cause a thirst but quenches the thirst most effectively. my favorite form of water is sodium free seltzer with a lime in it :) and some crushed ice.... sizzle!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
My daughter also likes water with a lime edge. I tried it and it is nice too :) Still I will always go back to plain water, no ice.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
9 Jan 08
iced tea. And only iced tea! Morning, noon and night!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
MY daughter swears by iced tea as well. I"m afraid it's still water for me hehehe although I will drink ice tea sometimes with her.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
24 May 08
I'm always so surprised to find these discussions from a year ago still relevant today. Green tea, love. The only thing that satisfies my thirst completely other than water, is Arizona Diet Green Tea. I don't like the sugar, that's why I buy the diet, not because I'm fat. lol
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
I am not a big fan of tea, but green tea I will drink and enjoy. But if I am going to drink it, I will have to make it myself, not buy it. Just because all the things they put to conserve, give drinks a taste that I don't like. My daughter sometimes buys cans with iced tea or green tea, but I don't drink those. still, after I drink my green tea, I might have a glass of water LOL
26 Jun 07
Pure Orange juice. I could drink cartons and cartons but I don't think anything else makes me satisfied. Apple juice is nice but just adds to the dryness. ~Joey
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
hmmm yeah I guess that would work too, if I made the juice myself. Come to think of it, lemonade does help when I"m thirsty too.
@tuhpaul (475)
• India
26 Jun 07
My dear friend for me when I am very thristy,I take water with a spoon of sugar ,a pinch of salt and squeeze half a lemon-and it does for me-the water has to be from the frize-I mean really cold.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
YEs I was just thinking that a lemonade would probably be the closest thing to water when it comes to satisfy my thirst.
@twils2 (1812)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Hi Arkaf61, I think everyone agrees that water is the best thing, but I prefer Propel which is vitamin enhanced water. I like having something with a little bit more flavor. Just my two cents, Take care, Terry
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
26 Jun 07
Water is the only thing that releaves my thrist specially when it really cold. I try not to drink too much softdrink coz I know its not really good for my health. I drink water as plenty as I could coz its the best for our health and for our bodies.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
It sure is the best, but the only thing that really helps when I"m thirsty. I don't really like pop, but even when I used to drink it every once in a while I was still thirsty after drinking it. It was actually quite funny. THere I was in the cafe, waitress comes and I come up with " Can I have a coke and a glass of water please? " LOL
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
1 Jul 07
Hello,arkaf61,i always drink warm water to quench my thrist,i think it is the best drink when you feel thristy,i will not have cold soft drinks like coke or pepsi,because they will make more even thristier.Orange juice may be good but because it is sweet,so i will have to drink water to dilute the sweet taste of orange juice to maintain my teeth healthy.
@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
26 Jun 07
When I am really really thirsty, water is the only thing that quenches my thirst. A nice cold bottle of water. Other cold drinks help but they don't quench the thirst the way that water does.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
Yes water is the main thing. The one that works all the time for me too. I find that with any other drinks - with the exception of lemonade - I always end up more thirsty.
• India
1 Jul 07
For me its only which helps me out from thirst...If i drink juices then i tend to get more thirsty so avoid...If i don't have money then i drink local drinking water...I can go to that extent also..
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
22 Jul 09
I guess I'm very economical because I prefer water anyways :0
• China
26 Jun 07
I know some guy who seeems addicted to Coco Cola. He drink it whenever he wants and never drinks water!Personally I usually have some water with me and that will be enough for my thirst.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jun 07
I find that pop is too sweet to work when I"m thirsty. I would drink a coke and feel even more thirsty than what I was before:)
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 07
Yes Water is the only thing that helps me to even though I do not like plain Water and apparently that is the only thing that will stop the thirst so I force myself to drink it but then again I always drink flavored Sparkly water and Cranberry Juice so I don't mind drinking all the time lol
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Anything that tastes sweet, even if it is artificially sweetened, just makes me even more thirsty. I like cold water, or iced tea, either one with a wedge of lemon on it. Or if the lemon is not available, plain. I will drink sports drinks if I feel I have gotten too dehydrated. I just do not ever feel thirsty for that. I just know that under certain conditions it could be quite healthy. Yes, give me lots of water, on a regular basis all day. If I wait too long it is like I will never get my thirst quenched. I need water.
• United States
27 Jun 07
@musu112 (528)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Only Water.....although I am fond of soft drinks too much but ya when its the matter of severe thirst, then wate comes the first :-)
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@jalbeos (1175)
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
Cold drinks for me... water or fruit juices... will be the best.
• Morocco
27 Jun 07
the glass water only who can satisfies my thirst.
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