What will you do if you found out your kid has taken up smoking

@1qazxsw2 (512)
June 26, 2007 6:01am CST
and joined the neighborhood gang? I hope my kid will not and I will be very angry with myself if he did.
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4 responses
@Ravrockin (281)
• India
26 Jun 07
i will see to it they should work on this things which are in this follows:- 1}Accupunture 2}Nicotine patches 3}Telephone theraphy 4}Antidepressants 5}congnitive behaviour theraphy I have heard from one of my friend that this thing will work without side effect.
• India
26 Jun 07
I will explain the facts the positive and negative effect of smoking to my boy.once he understand the truth.he himself decide which is good for him.
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
26 Jun 07
I am a smoker myself and it will not surprise me if my kid smoke. I don't encourage him to smoke. I put a restriction that he can do whatever he wants with his own money and not with my money.
@tamikotan (483)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
My kids are all girls and they have been well grounded with the Word of God. It is my hope that it will be enough to want them to stay away from peoplewho will influence them in a wrong way. I will be really upset if they would be engaging in the wrong crowd when they grow up. But as I have always told them, they don't have to do the wrong things just to be "cool" or to be a part of a well known group. People will like them the way they are.