How to be a stocker in a super center store
By renee64
@renee64 (17)
United States
June 26, 2007 7:43am CST
This what my job as stockers duties are. First of all we have to unload all the pallets of merchandise from the trucks using a power jack. Line up the skids and determine which skids need to down stacked onto carts. Then we need to go around the stores receiving areas to find enough carts. you also have to go on a hunt around the store to find hand jacks to move the skids that don't need to be down stacked. Once you have all the carts and jacks that you need then we start down stacking the merchandise according which isle that each case needs to go to. Making sure that you put each case on the proper cart for each isle.
Making sure you put the bigger and heaver cases on the bottom of the cart and the lighter cases on the top of the cart, so when the are being moved to their isles nothing collapses onto the floor.
After all the skids are down stacked onto the proper carts, this is when everything needs to be taken out onto the sales floor, to there proper isles.
Then you need to get a large trash bag and a cart for the trash and empty cases.
When you get to your assigned area with all your equipment that you will need to stock your shelves, I usually separate all my cases as to where they go on the shelves. After I complete all these steps then I can start stocking my shelves. After all your merchandise that will go up on the shelves is completed you need to take your card board back to the compactor and all your plastic back to the plastic area.
We recycle our plastic by making special bales. When our plastic bin is filled and our cardboard baler is at the half way mark, we then add the plastic to the cardboard baler, after the plastic is added then we fill the remainder of the baler with cardboard, and that is how we recycle both the cardboard and the plastic in our store. If you have any non cardboard or non plastic trash, you would then put that into the compactor.
After you take care of your trash you will then take all the merchandise that would not go up on your shelves (which is called your over stock) to put onto a cart and take back to the receiving and put it in something that we call the steel.
After we take care of all the trash and all the over stock, you return to your isle and zone your area.
Some stores also call this facing your isles. What you need to do when you are zoning or facing an isle is to pull all the merchandise to the front of the shelves, which makes your isles look like they are filled. By doing the zoning or facing which ever you prefer to call it, your isle will look nice and full.
And this is what a stocker does in a super center store.
Is there anyone out there that can give any insight on being a stocker to maybe get things done in maybe a faster more suitable way then what I have described here in this article, please feel free to comment on this article on being a stocker in a super center store.
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