Domestic violence...
June 26, 2007 2:08pm CST
Sorry if this is a bad subject for some....
I had been suffering in silence for 10 yrs i got with my ex husbane to be when i was just 12 yrs old, it start when i was just 14 yrs old i was scared and didn't know where to turn, i couldn't turn to my parents as my mum was just as bad as he was towards me.
As the years went on i just got used, but i found a friend i met online ages ago that helped me get away, i owe this person my life as i have 2 children from the violent man i thought loved me!!!!
Well the reson for this post is this.... maybe you can help
i haven't had counciling im waiting for it, i'm now with this person that helped me leave and i am getting very short tempered with him i dont want to end up like my ex and i feel very alone i live well ove 200 miles away from him and my parents but i feel scared and alone my partner doesn't understand how much it hurts inside i flintch at his every move but i have hit him once and i was so scared i new it was wrong.....
Will i turn out like my ex....??????
I hope not....
please give me feed back on what to do, i dont wanna hurt my partner but i dont wanna lose him either....
I have told him to go as i dont wanna hurt him in away at all but he thinks i'm worth more than that...
I suffer from panic attacks and depression and i hate my apperance i dont know what to do???
2 responses
@jnallen_487 (800)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I think that you are a very strong woman for getting out of that relationship and getting your children away from those kinds of situations. You have all of my respect for that. I think that you must be very angry. You went through abuse for so long that now you don't know what to do without it. Maybe that's why you are taking your anger out on your partner. I'm sure he knows that you love him and that you aren't doing this because you mean to. You just need to learn how to calm down and transfer your anger to something else. Something productive! You will get lots of help in counseling. I hope you get in there very soon.
26 Jun 07
Thanksyou for responding... i was worried mo ome would...
I hope its not to late for me and my partner...
I'll keep everyone posted
Take Care
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@Simpsonj011 (13)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Hunny. Believe it or not I have felt exactly how you have descdribed many times. I was diagnosed with depression in my early teens. "It" makes you do crazy, wierd things. It makes you feel like you're a freak. But I'm much better now. I still fly off the handle sometimes. Different things work for different people. I honestly believe that you only get better depending on how strong your will is. You have a stong will; I can tell by reading your entry. How much do you really want to feel better? Remember it's all in your head, don't feel sorry for yourself, have tough love for yourself. Love yourself. Youcan't love others 'til you love yourself. Counseling is a great way to let your feelings out, say what you want and you will not be judged. This is what's worked for me. I didn't want to be someone living off ssi! As far as the aggression you're feeling, you have more energy than you know. Do something positive with that energy and exercise. I hated when people told me that, but it helps. Make the time to do it. Physically and mentally it makes you feel so much better. Try kick boxing or just go for a walk when you feel yourself getting angry. Seperate yourself from him when you're mad. Tell him to give you space when you're not happy! Sorry if anything I said was not what you or anyone else wants to hear, but that's what's worked for me. I'm not on meds and I'm glad! Hang in there! Look how far you've come!