Did you vote for Bush the last time? Would you vote for him again?

@blondbat (503)
United States
June 26, 2007 5:47pm CST
I have never and would never vote for Bush. But during a conversation with my mom, she said friends of hers that had voted for Bush before would not vote for him again, and neither would she! She's a dyed in the wool Republican all her life - No vote for Bush! How about you...?
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5 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Well, I never Voted for him either time, and would Never consider voting for anyone with his Last name even ever again. I live in WA State, and we voted for Kerry, and I only know a couple of people that personally voted for Bush and would still support him today. Overall when you look back at his terms in Office as President I feel he is the worst President we have ever had, and also the Least caring. How can someone feel that Medical Care, and helping the Senior Citizens with Medicare, etc. is not important? Instead he wants to send money to Iraq and not care if all the Soldiers come home safe or not. Personally, I am Glad it is almost time to Vote in someone else. It is time for a change before things get any worse. Just my opinion.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I did not vote for him so I can honestly say that I would not vote for him or anyone else in his family again. I do know several people who did vote for him and feel the same way that your mom does. He has sadly disappointed the country and we need a change and soon.
• United States
28 Jun 07
I didn't vote for Bush or his papa. I couldn't vote for a Bush. Is he really a Bush or just an overgrown weed that you can't actually get rid of? You try to pull it out, it just has too many roots to get them all. You try to trim it, and it grows by the minute. Let's just hope that when we finally get rid of it, it doesn't regenerate itself and spread.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Thanks for the Laughs. I need this today... LOL
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@blondbat (503)
• United States
28 Jun 07
LOL and Amen. Sr wasn't so bad, but I didn't vote for him either. The apple didn't fall so far from the tree on that one...
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• United States
2 Jul 07
Save a tree pull a Bush! LOL was a bumper sticker! I didn't vote for him or his daddy. He seems to do everything all willy nilly. He really needs to grow some balls and do the job right!
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• United States
29 Jun 07
I would vote for Bush. He is a better alternative than Al the "bore" Gore and "the skirt chasing" Bill Clinton. Most of America voted for him the last time. The only ones who did not vote for him are the cowards, the gays, lesbians, immoral child molesters, child abortionists, people who hate Christians, covert Muslim extremists, Communists, and other dissidents who hate America like Black Panthers, and "entitlement" people.
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@blondbat (503)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Interesting you would say that people who hate Christians did not vote for him. My mother and most if not all her friends are Christians and none of them are voting for Bush. They are not gay, lesbian, child molesters or any of the other persons who you listed above. You must really like Bush to categorize those who did not or would not vote for him in those terms. I for one am extremely insulted - I didn't vote for him but am none of the above.
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@bigmacnc (142)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Did you know that the Christians and Jews started the hatred toward the middle east. The people in the middle east were hungry for religion but were rejected by the Jewish Religion and then by Christians, so when Mohammad came along they were ready for a religion. Read the Koran and you will find yourself recalling things that are in the Bible. Many claimed that Mohammad Plagiarised the bible, but Mohammad was illertate. Mohammad spoke and those who followed him around wrote the sayings down. The Koran speaks of several of many people in both the old and new testaments. Jesus is referred to in the Koran. I don't recall Jesus ever rejecting anyone, but He did mention that it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to go through the gates of Heaven. Being rich is not the problem, but the greed and power that comes with it can lead a person away from the example Christ provided. The Buddhist actually live a life closer to Christ than many people who follow Christianity do. You know the Publicans crucified Christ before, and if he walked the earth today the Republicans would. Can you imagine the uproar of big greedy corporations when he showed up and started healing people, turning water into fuel, etc. How long would he last??
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• United States
1 Jul 07
Uhmm, that was ridiculous. Republicans believe more in Jesus and God than extremist liberals do. Republicans believe in marriage between a MAN and a WOMAN. Democrats defend the honor of perversions of marriage. For example, a man and a man marrying. I do not even think Jesus would have went for that. Jesus was a very holy man, and God made man and woman. God did not tell two men or two women to start a family because they can not. This is why I think gays and lesbians are an abomination. I think their practices violate the sanctity of the words and wisdom of God. The ones who were responsible for betraying Jesus were his very people. Although not all Jews were his betrayers. Not all Jews are bad either. The Romans carried out the sentence which was given. The publicans and republicans of today are entirely two seperate things. So do not try to confuse people with that last line of silly verbage. Republicans were created to go against slavery and have a much better history with Black people than the "evil" democrats. The publicans did not do that back during the times of Rome. They collected taxes which the republicans hate. The publicans did not stop slavery or fight to end it. What was in the bible did end it. What the Christ believing republicans did too.
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• United States
2 Jul 07
Never did...never will. I believe that this man is unfit for the office. He doesn't even use the English language properly and I wonder if at times, he even understands the meaning of what he says. I cannot stand to look at him or listen to him...he always has a smirk on his face and I believe that he has done more destruction to our country than one man should ever be allowed to do. He cares nothing about the common folk and has proved it over and over again...he has made a mockery of our constitution, civil liberties and human rights...he is just a spoiled little rich kid who bought his way into office and I think if he wasn't a Bush, MacDonald's wouldn't hire him...No one will ever tell me he won this election fair and square. Him and his buddies have exhibited criminal behavior since the beginning of his reign and has gotten away with it for almost 8 years! His behavior is so blatently in your face that the American people couldn't even see it the first time around! I think it is the height of egotisim that he puts himself above the law...and gets away with it! He never served in the armed forces and now wants to do nothing but play war games and put our soldiers in harms way...let him go over and work the front lines for awhile! No, I am not a fan of king dubya in any way, shape or form!
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