Chemicals that we use every day, are they really safe?

@carmella (496)
United States
June 26, 2007 10:22pm CST
Are all the chemicals that we use these days safe? I know we are told that they are safe, but when was the last time you actually asked for, and read the MSDS sheet for a chemical that was being used in your area? Many of us, have our lawns sprayed every year to kill the weeds and help it grow better, but have you ever seen the color of this stuff? If you haven't, allow me to tell you... It's green, but not any green, it is a glowing green color, just like toxic waste, YUK! If that is not bad enough, we spray all sorts of chemicals in the air to kill bugs, especially mosquitos. We even put the stuff on our bodies to make sure the mosquitos do not bite us. Those are only two examples of chemicals that we use today. these are two bad chemical examples, and I used them as examples because of how much the two are used. But think about all the other chemicals that are used everyday. Now sit back and think about all the allergies there are, how many cancers there are, and all the other illnesses and diseases that we see today, that were not around back in the day when we did not have all these chemicals. Do you have any idea of how many illnesses that we see today are actually allergies, but doctors are misdiagnosing them as other ailments? The list is so long, I can almost write a short book on the ailmewnts and what most likely caused them. I am one of those rare individuals that are allergic to litteraly EVERYTHING! I left the Midwest with my family last month because of how severely we were being toxified by mold in Indiana. My severe allergies stem from the mold that our family lived with for over 5 years unknowingly. Now I walk around reacting to every little dust particle and pollen piece that gets up my nose or on my skin. Our new town we moved to in Colorado has a thing about spraying for mosquitos, (like there is a problem here), and as my luck would have it, I am allergic to the stuff they spray. Worse yet, I live right next door to where they fill their tanks and mix the stuff! I woke up on Friday with my eyes oozing, red, trouble breathing, sinuses all clogged up, and irritated skin. Then I suffered a migraine the entire weekend. This morning I again woke up with my eyes oozing, all red, trouble breathing, sinuses, skin itching like crazy. On Saturday I bought a news paper and read that the city was going to start spraying for mosquitos. So when I woke up this morning all oozy and stuffy and unable to breath, I called the City Hall to find out more about this spray and when they were spraying. Turns out they sprayed on Friday morning, at around 2:00am, and they sprayed again at around 2:00am this morning! That is when I went to the City Hall and got the MSDS sheet. So how safe are all of these chemicals we are using every day? Why is there so much cancer, and illnesses? Could all of these chemicals have anything to do with it? Why do we have to use all these toxic chemicals? Did you know there are tons of natural products that will work as well, and sometimes better than the chemicals? It's true, just do a search on Google and you'll see for yourself.
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