Do you believe in destiny?

Do you believe in destiny? - A picture of a guy levitating in the park by his bicycle. Taken with permission from .
June 27, 2007 11:10am CST
You glare at the sun and presume to challenge it. Of course, you are only a mere mortal, but you don't really care. You continue to lock stare with each new day because you BELIEVE. You believe in... DESTINY. You believe you are here for a reason. You believe there is a purpose for your existence. Your believe your life will not be in vain. You believe... Is this what you believe? That you really have some sort of pre-determined destiny? That you are meant for greater glory than what you have now? Or do you feel that there is no divine or arcane plan whatsoever? That you are just here on your own, to plod along your own chosen path? Do share your thoughts.:)
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74 responses
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I believe that each of us is creating our own destiny, even at this very moment. Nothing is predetermined becasue it makes no sense why some should be predestined to have a great life and some predestined to have nothing but misery. We determine what we get in life by the energy we send out into the universe. This energy then attracts our destiny to us and it is a constant creation.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I have watched part of it. But I have been studying the laws of attraction for many years. I have read many books and visited web sites related to this topic. As I encounter more information, I gain a greater understanding of what this is all about. It makes so much sense to me and you can find writing on this topic going back to the Bible and even further back than that.
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
You've watched the secret?
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
I know - the secret is just a gimmick. So you really believe in this law of attraction? zzz
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• United States
27 Jun 07
Yes, I do believe in destiny. I think that we have forks in the path of life to take and according to which path we take that is the destiny that awaits us. I just can't believe all this is for not. Surely there is a plan for each of us somewhere, somehow. I think that at this time in my life that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. But, also on that note, I think that somewhere in the future I am going to come to a fork that is going to lead me even further on down the line. Whether good or bad, that is yet to determined by my choice. If that makes any sense? We have choices that determine our destiny, is what I think I am trying to say.
• United States
27 Jun 07
That is what I believe, yes, we have a choice in which direction our lives will go. I don't believe there is only one ending. That everything is mapped out for us with only one way to go. That is too cut and dry for me. It also takes away the reason for living for me. What is the point if it is all predestined to only one ending? It takes away the element of being a free spirit, if fate or destiny is already mapped out for us. There really is no choice in that way of believing. That is just MY opinion. But, I do think it is predestined in the way that we choose the paths. I hope that makes sense, because I feel like I am talking in circles.
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
A tree with branches of possibilities..
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Are you saying that our actions determine which pre-determined destiny we will fulfill? Actions and consequences?
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@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
27 Jun 07
I believe that I have Multiple Sclerosis for a reason. Without it I never would have met Bruce and been this happy. I believe there are reasons for most things.
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
Always good to see someone taking life in her stride.:)
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@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I believe I am here for a purpose. I don't know what the reason is but nevertheless I believe in it.
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
That's cool..
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• United States
27 Jun 07
Hmm...On one hand, I believe that we make our own opportunities...but I do believe in destiny. I believe we are all destined to become greater-and to contribute to the greater good of the world. I think each one of us is aware of the "path" we are to take-whether consciously or sub-consciously-and God has a way of moving us in the direction we're to go. The problem is that we sometimes don't recognize His voice-or others sometimes don't believe we can actually hear it. LOL At any rate, we have to follow our hearts...which God also has a way of "getting to."
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
What path? Where is the path? :P
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Yes I believe we all have a destiny but that we need to challenge ourselves to achieve it. Are we meant for greater glory? Do I want to have an impact or do I want to be remembered? People don't have to know my name. I would rather not be remembered. What I have effected should be sufficient.
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
But how do you know what you are supposed to achieve? :P
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
That's cool. I have no ideas myself.
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
27 Jun 07
No but I do have an idea of what I am supposed to be doing. And that at times one purpose will be achieved in some way and it is time to move on to the next challenge.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Hello Lordwarwizard, I do believe in a greater destiny. However, I don't think it's planned to the tiniest detail. I think that like most features of the physical world, that adaptability is a characteristic of destiny. 'It doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we DO get there (where ever there may be for you personally). An example that comes to mind is a spider's web. If the spider gets distracted by an ensnaired fly, while casting the web, the spider disengages to go gobble down that tasty tidbit. The spider will return to spinning its web once dinner is finished. The exact pattern may be altered, because the spider stopped, then restarted the web-spinning. So, there may be flaws in the web, but the web is cast and recast, to accomodate instances of choice. The overall objective is to have a web for catching tasty morsels, yet the web is forever in progress. I don't know if that makes sense to you, but it makes sense in my head.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Hello Lordwarwizard, You're reply made me laugh, 'cause that sounds like a whole, separate question to me. Perhaps with a jingle or title such as: Why are we here? Or, What is the Meaning of Life? Or, What is our purpose on this planet? In other words, THE age old question. Is that what you're getting at?
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
Well my lady, I am just offering the question that was begged by your "answer".:P
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
Yet what is the purpose of that spider?
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@suscan (1955)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I do believe that theres is a purpose for us. I believe we are guided by God but sometimes we get side tracked and make wrong choices. I don't believe that i am here alone with out the Lord to guide my path when I slip up.
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
So how is he guiding you?
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
27 Jun 07
You caught me at a bad time. With the mood I'm in right now I don't know why I'm here. A horrible ending to a nice evening last night and now a disappearing husband who will be gone pretty much the whole weekend starting tonight. I believe we were brought together for a reason because we broke up and I missed to a different city but somehow we found out way back to each other. I believe God meant for us to be together. Right now I'm wishing He would have just butted out! LOL! I am here for my kids. That is the only reason I am here right now. Without them I am nothing and they cannot live without me.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
28 Jun 07
Yes, he has pretty much recovered now. He is back to work, working overtime, etc. He had come back to the house because when he went to the neighbour's he got no answer, so he went back over there again but I could not get an answer at the house because they were outside. He did make an appearance and we did spend a couple of hours by the pool together.
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
I thought your husband is ill... disappearing? God bless...
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@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
27 Jun 07
I believe something at the middle .I will try explain better and I hope make you understand with my poor English lol: I believe there is destiny for each of us a reason that we are here (not always for a greater glory but still reason).I just believe we must try find our destiny and not sit and wait it find us,will not happen ever and always will be asking &what is the reason we exist*. So have a faith and always try find your destiny...
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@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
27 Jun 07
But these is the beauty of life...the journey.After all the good things are always hard to reach.
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
It's hard. You are like groping in the darkness, not knowing where your destination is.:P
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I believe in a very weird self-contradictory blend of destiny and free will. Think "Jungian". I believe in both, but I believe that even our acts committed in free will is a part of the grand scheme... Can't explain it, just feel it.
• Singapore
30 Jun 07
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
To date, I still do not know what destiny is. At times, it appears as little kids, innocent and easy to understand. At times, it just seems as elusive and vague. I feel destiny is just like a child, enjoy playing games with you, without knowing that you will be shattered after the game. I was told that there is a reason for whatever that happens, even our existence in this world, or rather in this planet and in a particular country. Even an ant has a role to play, not to mention we, human beings, including you and me. It is a result of what we are in the past, since beginless time. To some, it is termed as destiny. To some, it is the result of what we seek to achieve. I choose to believe destiny is there for us to change it. It is only whether we choose to believe in it, or choose to change what the high order has in store for us. I choose to believe in destiny if I am switched to the submissive mode.
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
Life is just described as one sigh after another.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
Why sigh? Take it easy, friend.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I do believe everything happens for a reason. I did not go to the college I wanted to. I did not become an attorney or child pyschologist. But I met my husband and had two beautiful children. I work as a 911 Dispatcher helping the community, translating, etc. I believe I am where I am supposed to be, where I am meant to be. I believe we are given opportunities in life, perhaps destiny, perhaps not. But what we do with those destinies and/or opportunities is entirely up to us. There is a joke that is pretty funny if you think about it. A man is in the middle of the ocean, drifting in the water. He is calm in his belief that God will save him. A boat comes along and tries to assist the man. He says, no thank you, God will save me. A second boat comes along, again the man says no thank you, God will save me. A third boat comes along, and again the man states God will save him. After a while the man drowns, and upon arrival in heaven, he says to God, "What happened, I thought you would save me" To which God replies "I sent three boats, you refused them all" We have what we have, and do what we do, based upon our actions. We are given many opportunities, it is up to us to take them or let them pass us by. Do I believe in destiny? I believe we all have a purpose in life. Maybe not to be rich & famous. Maybe not to have all the glory in the world. But just maybe we affect one person's life and that shall change their life for the better. So in a way, I guess you could say I believe in destiny. But I believe we are in control of where that destiny leads us, and if we follow the right path.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Wonderfully said misheleen73!
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• Singapore
27 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Yea, well said...:P
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• United States
27 Jun 07
thank you both very much, just speaking how I feel.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
27 Jun 07
I don't believe in Destiny. I don't think I was born for this or for that. I think I am the one to choose the best for me, and I must fight for what I feels that will have some return to me. I don't believe that there is also the woman made for me. I just think that life is lived by us, not by someone else or by some greater force that creates a path for us... After all, this is not TheSims :D No offenses for those who believe in destiny... But destiny for me is nothing more than the results of our choices.
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
Good luck in walking your path.
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• India
3 Jul 07
Yes I believe in destiny.But that is not mean that we have to sit in a side and waiting for your destiny to have to do a lot of hard work to achieve it. God send us here to achieve our own destiny which will come only by doing hard work with patience. Everybody in this world is unique, have power to achieve his own goal and make their own destiny. There is nothing without hard work in this world. Everytime in our life there is lot of thing come, whether they are our good or bad days but they all come because of our destiny to make us to reach to our goal.
• Singapore
3 Jul 07
How do you work towards it if you don't know what it is? :P
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@yanjiaren (9031)
27 Jun 07
To some degree yeah..we are given some hints and opportunities and it is up to us to put i the hard graft as they say6 to make things better or not. I believe God gives us the tools and we have to figure a way to use them. In my life I have never had it easy.I have struggled for everything..from the age of 16 I was working and studying full time and giving all my wages to my I give half of my money to my sister to help her with the kids..I am battling online to make enough one day to show the govt here that I am earning enough to bring my Beloved over from the U.S so to a point there is destiny..but my life I only know about working 16 hours a day..and a bad back lol. I do see in life though that some have it easy and some have it hard.I am in the second category ..
• United States
4 Jul 07
Perhaps, and I know this is going to sound lame and simplistic, you are trying too hard to figure out things. I find that things reveal themselves if we take a step back and just let them be.
• Singapore
27 Jun 07
Sounds easy.. yet I can't figure out anything. :(
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@kaplya (1578)
• India
28 Jun 07
i don't believe in destiny or at least i m not depended on it. i don't think that i m made for some special reasons or for achieving something.. whatever it is i have to achieve it myself! i can't exactly say that why i think in that way but that's the way i see it!;)
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@kaplya (1578)
• India
28 Jun 07
Thank you MakeItCount!!!^^
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• India
28 Jun 07
You have Such a Cute avatar!
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
Yea, so you believe in yourself.
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@vijigopi (991)
• United States
27 Jun 07
What is destiny? Something that is bound to happen to an individual in his own opinion. Why is that bound to happen? Is it because God wanted it to happen? I don't think so. God is not partial to give some of us glory and the rest a life of misery. Our life is a combination of destiny and free will. The consequences of our actions leads to our destiny. On the whole, destiny is a product of free will. Can we change our destiny...I believe we can if we work hard enough to change it. Let me explain. Say you have a nail driven into a wall. You want to pluck it out. How much energy to you need to take it out. That would depend upon the length of the nail driven into it and the quality of wood into which it is driven, of which we know nothing about. So, we try and exercise some strength on the nail to take it out. Say it doesn't come off, it means we have to try with greater effort. So, that is how Destiny is. We try to achieve something, and when we don't get success, we blame it on destiny instead of trying harder. Whatever glory or blame we achieve is a result of an exercise of our past and present free will. We create our own destiny.
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
But if it is meant to be, knowing (assuming) that you would not put in much effort in removing the nail, then the nail will automatically be shorter, and not driven in that much.:P
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@vijigopi (991)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Lol... Good thinking.... I don't see it that way. Nothing is 'meant to be'. That phrase is just a solace to those who have to accept life as they see it or their lives will be more sad. It is one's will power that depends on whether a person does not accept defeat and keeps trying again and again or just takes it as his fate. Either way, Success lies is keeping oneself happy, whether we reach the destination or not.
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@kyutstudph (1263)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
I do believe in destiny not because it happened to me but there is a relative of mine who happens to experience this. He and her wife are not supposedtedly meant for each other because they have both plans to pursue their career in another country. They both part their ways to work in different place but then after a couple of years not even planned they meet in one street here in our country and exchanging contacts again and continue their relationship as friends until there come such time that they realize that they love each other and plan to get married. They are now in their 10th year of marriage having 1 child. They still live happily ever.
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• Singapore
3 Jul 07
Cool.. sounds like serendipity. :)
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@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
3 Jul 07
I don't know whether or not to believe, sometimes something is happening, they can not explain,say, is destiny sometimes I feel that the fate of the manipulation of your life,you want to change has finally found another lifestyle But think about it carefully, so maybe fate is in operation,which in the end should not believe in fate? I think that is not important.It is important to seriously spend every day and not let themselves regret the incident.
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• Singapore
3 Jul 07
Yea.. live each day to the fullest.:)
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