Do you believe in Synchronicity?? Synchronicity is the idea that
By egfitz62150
@egfitz62150 (645)
United States
June 27, 2007 12:57pm CST
there is no such thing as "coincidence," that every thing happens for a reason -- even though we may not understand that reason immediately (or ever!). For instance, say you are thinking about going back to school but are undecided about it. You walk past a table at work (no one else is around or knows what you are thinking about) and there on that table are brochures from 2 or 3 local colleges. Do you see that as a coincidence? Or do you see that as a synchronistic event which helps to answer a question? Would love to hear your thoughts and stories!
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3 responses
@kampo90 (289)
• Antarctica
27 Jun 07
wheal you described fate in another word atleast thats what i understood when you think that you dont have the choices or everything hapens for a reason then you give into fate i personaly dont belive in this a man is not predestind for something some factors influence him but the main decider is his character,a man creates his on way...wheal at least thats my idea but hey i am just human i can be wrong
@egfitz62150 (645)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Actually, after posting this topic, I began to think about my description of synchronicity and realized I may not have done a very good job of it.
You're right -- from what I wrote, Destiny or Fate would be other interpretations for that word. It isn't what I meant, though, because I too believe man always has a choice. What I was trying to say was that -- when you have an intention in mind (an end result, like making a descision about school, housing, lover, car, career), that suddenly people and things begin to present themselves to you in a way that seems purely by chance or coincidence, yet have a direct tie to your intention or descision. Added information to help with it, either by opening new doors to help you along, or by showing you the bad results possible.
Say you were thinking about buying a car, and a Jeep CJ5 becomes available for the exact amount of money you have to spend. The Jeep looks good, runs good, but it doesn't have a radio in it and you really love to listen to music while you drive. So there's only one drawback to this car (you'd have to buy a radio seperately and have it installed), and you think you might be able to live with that, but you hesitate (it means the car would cost a little more than you really want to spend). Suddenly, as if by chance, you overhear a conversation on a bus. Two complete strangers are talking (to each other) about the son of a friend who had a very bad accident in a Jeep CJ5 -- the Jeep flipped over for no apparent reason and almost killed the kid. They then talk about how Jeep CJ5s tend to do this a lot, and the Jeep company has decided to take the CJ5s off the market and replace them with the Jeep CJ7, which is more stable. After hearing this, you decide not to buy the Jeep. The very next day, a Volkswagon is offered for sale for the same price as the Jeep, AND it has a radio! You buy the VW and live happily ever after. So, you always have the choice, but information comes to you that helps to make that decision. Information you don't look for, it just comes to you, seemingly out of the blue. THAT's what I meant by synchronicity. Has anything like this ever happened to you?
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
30 Jun 07
I have this sychronistic events happening to me all the time, so I lost my confidence in the idea of "coincidence" long time ago. However, I don't think all is because of destiny, I think we make decisions and then our ways affect the global metaphysics turning this synchronicities back to us, or sometimes amazing asynchronicities also (when we are supposed to have something totally prepaired and sure and then it is ruined for no aparent reason). I like the way the yoruban idea of Eleggua/Eshu explains this (the "god" that opens or closes the doors for us).
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
2 Jul 07
Yes! I love mylot because of that also, and I have learnt a lot from other beliefs and metaphysics uses in here also. I was born in Cuba, when there are amazingly lots of different traditions about this topics. But I am not an expert, it is just what I hear and read... I like to compare all that to the other worlds perspectives.
I have some doubts about the word "esoterica", maybe you can help me. I'll make a new discussion on that.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
5 Jul 07
Hi,I am a new Mylotter and have been reading your comments and realize there is a definite sychonicity going on with where I end up and have requested you as a friend for that reason.
That doesn't suprise me because I stated my intent shortly into the Mylot experience. I wanted to connect with like minded others...and I have. After having been involved with metaphysical, energy-based thinking for years I see full evidence of synchronicity in large and small ways every day. I am also glad that the Law of Attraction is coming into mainstream thinking with the book and movie 'The Secret.' That awareness will assist others in understanding the cause and effect of choice and clear, focused thinking.
Anyway, back to the discussion. I absolutely agree that there are no coincidences and that everything occurs for reasons we may or may not comprehend at the time. One of my biggest sychronistic events at the time was how I met my husband. I actually placed an 'order' (or request) to the Universe for the kind of attributes I wanted my partner to have. I stated that I was ready to take on the responsibities of a healthy, emotionally mature relationship and was open to receive it when the time was right.
Then I continued to live my life and about six weeks later I was exchanging something at a department store and had to wait because the computers were down. As I waited a fellow came over and starting chatting. I told him I needed to let go of my old Royal typewriter and move into the computer age. He gave me the telephone number of his 'computer techie friend.' I called him and we chatted for six weeks over the phone before I felt comfortable enough to meet him in person.
When we finally met...we both knew we were meant to be together...and here we are 17 years later. We still celebrate our 'monthly anniversary' (204) months on the 15th of July. He is my best friend and partner in life and love the attraction and appreciation for what we have has deepened through time.
The sychronistic part comes with the fact that our career paths and social circle would probably never have merged. I was a new-ager and mature student who had gone back to University. He was a corporate computer specialist. We had no friends in common either. But then when you are working with intent, attraction and sychronicity...none of that matters and we are 'proof' of it.
@egfitz62150 (645)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Welcome to MyLot!! What a great story, and so illustrative of synchronicity, too! I met my husband synchronistically also, and even had a dream about him before we met (another dicussion topic :-) ). However, one of the things I find so exciting about your response is that you are the first person I've come across who actually "placed an order" for your partner with the Universe. I've been trying to get various nieces and nephews (even co-workers) to do this, with rolled eyes as the result. I'm in the process of placing such an "order" myself -- only it's for a new tennant for the apartment attached to our house -- an important influence for us, both financially and emotionally. Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story. It's a real pleasure to meet you!