Chris Benoit and family's come???

June 27, 2007 11:21pm CST
I've always been a big fan of WWE. I was influenced by my boyfriend so much who is a die-hard fan of it. One of my early favorites was Chris Benoit. Though I can't find any more time to watch it because of my hectic sched (and there's no cable tv on the dorm where I'am staying right now), i haven't had any more news about what's going on the show. The other nigHT was the time I heard from my boyfriend about what happened to Chris, and I felt devastated. Double Murder suicide, that is what he said happened. But i don't get it--why would he suffocate his child and wife to death. I know him to be a good person (judging it from how he put his fights; he doesn't cheat and is very fair though everyone knows the whole show is scripted) but still I can't seem to think of reasons, why or how could he kill someone, moreover his own family? What are your opinions on this? I havent been watching television lately because there's only limited channels available on mydorm so I dont get to se or hear news about it rather than what they posted on WWE's website. Could anyone please share? thanks so much.
3 responses
• United States
29 Jun 07
This crime occurs all to often in the states. It's not a matter of steroids as people are trying to make it out to be. That's is an way of redirecting the blame so his memory isn't so tarnished. Most likely it's a case of past domestic violence and cheating by one or both of them. Her perhaps because he's always away touring with the WWE and RAW. He perhaps because I'm sure women throw themselves at him when he's on the road. What are known as groupies. Women who will sleep with these famous guys. She probably wanted out of the marriage and threatened to take the kid and as much of his wealth (worth) as possible. With his super male ego and the macho persona he has to maintain, I'm sure he couldn't bare the thought of his women in the arms of another man. Nor could he bare the thought of his kid being raised by another man. He snapped, killed them then thought about it and after coming to his senses and realizing what he had done, realized he couldn't live with himself. It's a case of man letting his insecurities and ego get the best of him. So much to live for, so little to die for. ‹(°¿°)›
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• Philippines
30 Jun 07
hey jumpinjack! thanks so much for the precise explanation. But is that what really happened, or just another allegation?
@dimaks (786)
• Japan
29 Sep 07
ive watched some of Chris fights when i was still hooked with WWE few years ago and i heard he is an Olympic medalist.. he do good in the ring. this news of him is indeed sad to hear but then, we all go through ups and downs. its part of the journey in this world. and for you, i think you can pray for him, to show your support.
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@dimaks (786)
• Japan
29 Sep 07
sorry but i guess i misunderstood some point in your post. to correct things, i think a thorough background on what he have had recently would help us on the clue on why he did (if ever he really did) such things.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
The prevailing theory at the moment is steroid use. Steroids are known to cause violence, severe mood swings, and episodes of rage.
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