dead love
By mrddln
@mrddln (457)
June 28, 2007 12:26am CST
one nnight, agirl and her boyfriend were driving home from the movies. She touched his arm and whispered in his ear, " can you pull over?we need to talk." he pulled over and cut the engine at the side of a deserted highway. he turned to her and she said, I dont think that this is gonna work. were just too different. I think we should just see other people. Maybe in few years well be different. I dot feel it anymore". a single tear rolled down his cheek as he pulled a folded note out of his pocket and handed it to her.
At the same instant, a drunk driver came down the same highway and crashed into the driver's side killing the boy instantly. the girl was amazingly unhurt. she suddenly remembered the note in her hand. she opened it and began to sob uncontrollably. without your love i would die. she let the note float onto the gravel road. When the ambulance came, she kisseed the boy on his cold blood covered cheek.
how sad!
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