We're headed for the ice age...?
@mightycrumbgirl (380)
June 28, 2007 5:58am CST
What do you think about Global Warming? Have you become a 'green' person?
I remember back in primary school being taught that we were headed toward the next ice age... the next year, we were told the the Earth was heating up... This is why I don't believe so much in Global warming... climate change has been an ongoing occurrence since the start of the universe, so what do you think about Global Warming? Is it really as severe a problem as we are made to believe??
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12 responses
@Stiletto (4579)
29 Jun 07
It's perfectly true that the Earth's climate has probably been changing since the beginning and it continues to do so naturally. However, there seems to be little doubt that our actions are impacting negatively on our environment. Whether becoming environmentally aware and taking the appropriate actions is enough to significantly affect the climactic changes ahead I don't know but even if it doesn't do any good it certainly can't do any harm! To be honest I have little patience with people who try to dismiss it all as a fuss about nothing. I suppose they could be right but there again they could also be very wrong so why take the chance?
I think you've touched on part of the reason for many people being apathetic about it in your OP. We've become so used to hearing sensationalised "news" - not just about the next ice age or global warming but all kinds of other issues too - that we've become desensitised to it all. Also as we are so often hearing conflicting statements it's difficult to know what to believe. In this instance though I think it's wiser to err on the side of caution and do what we can to change our ways.
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@Stiletto (4579)
29 Jun 07
Well as I suggested in my initial response so what if the scientists are wrong and global warming is nothing to do with us? Adopting a more responsible and thoughtful approach to energy consumption, pollution, etc can't possibly do any harm and may redress, or at least halt, some of the environmental damage already done which has nothing to do with the issue of climate change. Frankly I couldn't give two hoots about Al Gore or liberals or whatever. It's irrelevant.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I'd say there is a large doubt about what is happening is the result of man's actions. If it has been a natural occurence for billions of years, then what do we say caused it before man arrived on the scene? What, this time because the liberals say so, it is man's fault? Sorry, I don't buy it at all. Besides, I have cut my driving in less than half. I don't hear of many others cutting back on much. If everybody is so worried, the use of oil and coal and whatever would plummet because demand would slacken. Lets leave the media out of it. They have never proved anything.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
Yes, we can't pick up a newspaper these days without being told that the human race is doomed by one threat or another - we'll be invaded by space worms next, and have to give up ice cream to save the earth... or something like that LOL. I suppose you're right when you say it can't do any harm to be careful, thanks for your response :o)

@smacksman (6053)
28 Jun 07
The climate is changing a bit but to think that man has anything to do with it is really projecting the human race way beyond it's importance on the world stage.
We are as significant as a wart on the back of an elephant!
More energy is expended in one hurricane/typhoon than all the world's power station outputs in a year.
Man's total contribution to CO2 is 2.5% - the other 97.5% is totally natural and way out of our control.
CO2 makes up 5% of the worlds greenhouse gasses - the main gas is water vapour (clouds). We have tried to interfere with one cloud to make it rain by 'salting' it with crystals with limited success.
One volcanic erruption spews out more CO2 than man's contribution in a year. Currently there are 20 volcanos errupting and some have been spewing out CO2 since 2005. Check here -
Much as we would love to think that we are the big cheese on this 25% land mass of earth we live on, we are really a spit in the ocean.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
Wow, thank you for those stats! You just confirmed my suspicions that we are a really insignificant species when it comes to this problem! I did watch a documentary a few weeks back which said that the majority of CO2 emissions actually come from plankton (I'm not sure if this is true... but if it is, is makes sense, since plankton have the biggest population than any other species on earth, and make up close to 90% of all living beings on earth!). Thanks for your response! :o)
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
29 Jun 07
No biggie. It is over-hyped by the liberals and the media. The earth will always go through cycles of extreme heating and cooling. I wonder who the liberals will blame when the next ice age comes around? They put the blame on man for over heating, which is a load of you know what. It is all guesswork, as many would like us to believe that science knows all. Liberals are anti business and wealth, so it is easy for them to shoot down big business as the cause for global warming. When Al Gore gives up his mansion and goes green, maybe I will buy the drivel he is spouting.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
I like what you're saying! And I have to say I agree with it - I'd never thought of it in terms of the Liberals before, but I can definitely see where you're coming from! Just the one thing that sticks in my head that persuades me that we can't have such a great effect on this, is something I learned way back at the start of high-school... "science is ever changing" - that's what they taught us, and it's completely right. Science taught us that the world was flat - science changed it's mind and decided the earth was spherical... and so on. I'm sure they're due for a change of heart right about now - but I don't think country rulers would allow anything to come out publicly now, because to put it frankly, they've got us by the b*llocks on this Global Warming thing, and they're not letting go!! Thanks for your response and the comments :o)
@laltu86 (1249)
• India
28 Jun 07
I belive due to the ever-increasing pollution the global temperature is going up by 0.3 degree centigred per year , and thus the ice at the caps are tending to melt after a few years the temperature will increase in such a tendum that there will be total presipitation of the polar ice , and the world will be under water.
This theory is supported by the fact that every year the coastal lines are getting into the water by average of 55cm, into the oceans and seas.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
Wow, that's a scary thought - if this happens over a long enough period of time, we could all grow webbed feet and become amphibious (just kidding!), thanks for your response :o)
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
28 Jun 07
The only thing that is Permanent in this Universe is Change. Everything is in a flux, including the Weather. Thank God we are now having Global Warming! Imagine if it was Global Cooling!
Seems like Science has to have a Study to worry about, and Its got to be Drastic or the Public will loose interest. THis one is making the scientists very happy. Because there is no way to prove them wrong. I'm sure in 10 years Global warming will be completely forgotten.
Global Warming you say? Whats that?????????
@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
hehe, thanks for your response; I'm glad it's warming not cooling as well - it gets cold enough here in Wales as it is! :o)
@mandie_mae (97)
• United States
28 Jun 07
i say it probally will be in the future
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
I suppose it's a possibility - we can't rule anything out in this crazy world! Thanks for your response :o)
@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
28 Jun 07
I was taught that in school, too. No, I am not a green person. I am saving energy though because I do not want to pay more than necessary. I have not noticed a change in climate. For me everything is as usual.
I always have liked animals and nature. So I try to treat them as good as I can but it has nothing to do with the preaching of certain groups that are strong these days.
There is always people who like to threaten us. There was the cattle disease, or AIDS or global warming, you name it. Funny thing is I am still alive. And this is why I do not believe these people who like to scare others.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
28 Jun 07
This is exactly the same view I have! It's like you've written a chapter straight from my mind! I've switched to using energy saving lightbulbs, and turning the temperarture down on my washing machine... but that's only because I've recently got my own place and am beginning to understand how expensive the energy bills can be! I also am an animal and nature lover, so I do not carelessly cause pollution with litter or anything, I do my best to conserve nature and treat my surroundings with respect... but when it comes to washing my clothes in cold water and switching off all the lights so I am fumbling around in the dark, because "they" (whoever 'they' are) have told me that I am a major cause for a dangerous climate change (which I haven't noticed either)... I take absolutely no notice!
@Kurokage (548)
• Albania
28 Jun 07
Well, just as all planets do, we go in a cycle that changes how the wheather is in winter and summer. The changes dont affect the moon as much, so weird wheather like huricanes are formed. The carbon and other things our specias produce can affect this. The reason I say there is no global warming is because we would not know what it would be like if we didnt polute. So really there isnt a status quoe to follow that we can say the planet is warming up. We should never worry about what could happen, because it wont happen.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
28 Jun 07
I agree with you here. We cannot tell whether the climate change is our doing, or if it would have happened naturally without us. And as you say, chances are it won't happen - one day another 'global crisis' will come along, and we'll forget all about global warming! Thanks for your response :o)
@jhipolito (40)
• Philippines
28 Jun 07
well let us consider this..human have been altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere by using invention that spew out of millions of tons of gases,these gases are said GREENHOUSE EFFECT resulting in the warming of the atmosphere.warmer temperature are expected to cause other problem,snow cover in the northern hemisphere has been decreasing a 1,250 square mile, ice shelf artartica collapsed in early 2002,sea levels could rise significantly in this century.since a third of the world's population lives near the sea this could eventualy result in loss of homes and farmlands.
@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
I suppose we can't argue against the statistics; you seem to know a lot about this subject, thanks for your response :o)
@pallidyne (858)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Depends on who you talk to. The ones who say the earth is going to evaporate in the next week, are definately off base.
The ones who say, hey we do have a problem and need to make some changes or else its going to be a bigger problem-- well they seem to be right. There is evidence of change and in some cases damages from the change. And that the change is continuing.
So that does not mean we should all panic, or go live like the Amish. If the hero who films in your town of Cardiff, Doctor Who was real we could send him back to help along the Electric or Hydrogen cars-- but we do need to make some changes, personally and as a people.
We need to use cars/autos a lot less, and this until we get some good alternate fuels. The bio fuels are a step, but really, only a transitional step since they do emit greenhouse gasses, just not as much as say, gasoline--
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
28 Jun 07
Thanks for your response! Ah, if only Doctor Who were a real man, lol. I do agree that it would be useful to speed up the process in the development of hybrid cars - not so much for the gas emissions, but for the convenience factor mostly - if we do run out of fuel supplies, and we do not have any other means of powering transport, then it will cause one of the biggest crises the world has ever encountered, since we are all so dependent on our cars these days. Also cars that run on electricity will be less expensive to run, so it will be better for everyone! We do need to use cars a lot less - people are becoming lazy, driving down to the local shop, when they could just work. But when it comes to traveling further, public transport is so ridiculously expensive these days that not everyone iss willing to give up their car. Next time Doctor Who is in Cardiff, I'll have a word with him and see if he'll be willing to use his tardis as public transport... :o)
@MusikSpieler (140)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I think that global climate change is a natural occurrence, HOWEVER, increased CO2 emissions may cause this cyclic change to stop. I think maybe the earth would just start heating up without going back down. Maybe people are upsetting the balance. Its hard to know though.
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
29 Jun 07
I suppose I'd have to agree that we could be causing some change, but as you say, we don't really know if it's all down to us. Thanks for your response :o)
@Ricko82 (584)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Global warming is a real threat. Although no one can predict exactly when is the tipping point, but the ingredients to global warming are more present today than when we were younger. Just observe the ratio to cars and trees, cars are growing in number while trees are dwindling fast. We all know what cars, and trees do to environment. It is not visible to us ordinary citizens the melting ice caps because we were never there. But scientist don't lie about these kinds of stuff. If they say its melting then there is little reason for us doubt about it. Although I must say that some scientist say that climate change stems from several causes not just CO2 emissions. Some say that it's a natural phenomenon, and I'd say that we should hear them too. But then again, doing our part to go green is never a bad thing if it means human survival for the next hundreds of years.
@mightycrumbgirl (380)
12 Sep 07
Hi, thanks for your response! I suppose I would have to agree with one part of the argument - the felling of trees. Trees are vital to the balance of the atmosphere and we're destroying them, which is why I think recycling is an important issue! I'm actually employed with a company that help to promote recycling in my area - if you're interested, check out www.carbonneutrals.com