people were made by extra terrestrials (aliens) as an experiment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@11BIGATOM11 (196)
3 responses
@fugsateyista (212)
• Philippines
28 Jun 07
maybe there really are ET's but I don't think that we were made by aliens as an experiment. how bout the animals around us, the plants and trees around us were they also experimented? how bout our planet?
@11BIGATOM11 (196)
• Australia
29 Jun 07
Hm who knows? maybe it is true. Because at the moment our planet Earth is the only planet of its kind...teeming with all kinds of life.
Positioned at unusually perfect distance from our star, so that we wont get to cold and wont fry. Yet at the same time provide an oxygen, and other element rich atmosphere which supports life.
So maybe, becuase scientists have caluclated the probablity of an Earth like planet existing and the chance of that happening is 0. We are an accident...a one of a kind apparantley in an enromously great viccinity.
Maybe our univerise is a lab where the experiment is taking place...who knows.
However, some things were not supposed to happen and yet they did.
Thanks for your answer
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@lena2000 (2392)
• Belgium
1 Jul 07
They exist and the math backs it up,so pull up a chair and pay attention.(lol)
There are two hundred billion stars(suns) in our Galaxy alone,forget about the other galaxies.Take ten percent of that and you have two hundred million stars similiar to our own.This does not mean that they have planets orbiting them and this does not mean that even if they do,there is life on them.Remember there is life here on Earth because our home is
located just the right distance from the sun where it is not hot or too cold,like the porridge in Goldilocks,it is just right!(lol).Now take ten percent of that and you now have twenty million stars.Maybe these do have planets that are orbiting them and maybe they do contain life forms.But the life dominate life forms are primitive.
Meaning that they have no space faring technology and they are centuries away from basic space travel.They have no idea of other living beings out there and probably could care less.They are too concerned with living from day to day,trying to survive.(Sounds familiar?)
Now take another ten percent and you have two million stars that do have life forms on them and they are intelligent enough to have a rudimentary space program.Probes,satellites and spacecraft that have explored their own solar systems.We fit in this category.We know enough to take baby steps into space and we wonder if there are others out there.Now ten percent it further and you got two hundred thousand stars that have worlds that are really advanced.
These are the ones that have crossed the vastness of interstellar space exploring and looking just like The Robinsons did in Lost in Space.Some of them have discovered us and have spent the last thousand years or so checking us out.The mysterious big headed Grays top the list.These are the ones whose spacecraft we have seen in our skies and who like our jet planes do occasionally crash only to have the government scream that it didn't happen at all.
One last ten percent....Now you have twenty thousand stars that have planets whose life forms are really advanced,they travel space with the same ease as you crossing the street to buy a newspaper.
They have found us,hung around for a while,studied us and deemed us not worthy of any further attention.Kinda' like washing dirt off your hands!(lol).....So answer your question....yeah they exist!!
Did you also know that our Sun is a lot bigger,warmer,brighter, and more awesome than most of the stars in our Milky Way??...Something to think about when you bit** about it being hot!!
@11BIGATOM11 (196)
• Australia
1 Jul 07
Hmm very interesting indeed.
Lol i do have a physics and maths degree you know
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
Men from the Sky Elohim...
Angel are seen as not of the world, in some beliefs G-d is from the Heavens.. as well as the Creator of heavens and earth...
I do not believe Humanity was made by aliens. I believe Humanity itself is Aliens as many religions and cultures speak of their people coming from the stars and leaving their old planets or homes due to wars...
- DNatureofDTrain
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