Will you STARVE to be SLIM?

Will you STARVE to be SLIM? - A picture of a female model doing catwalk. Taken with permission from http://farm1.static.flickr.com/92/254837813_85ef3cb141.jpg?v=0 .
June 28, 2007 11:23am CST
Welcome to the 21st century, to the year 2007 where skeleton-parading models are the hottest craze in Village Paris. It is the age of "enlightenment" where people equate SLIM (a.k.a thin) to beauty. Yes I know the thousand-year-old debate about inner beauty VS surface beauty. Yes I know that beauty is not just skin-deep. Yes I know that looks are not everything. But so? Humans are after all humans. If the crowd says being thin is beautiful and that it will make you well-liked, so it must be thus. :P This frenzy is taking hold even in "kids" - those who have not even reached their majority. To get slim, they are willing to do anything. One common DIY method would be to STARVE. They simply don't eat. If they can skip lunch, they skip lunch. If they can skip dinner, they skip dinner. All in the name of beauty. Are you one of those who are willing to starve in order to be slim? Or do you prefer to rely on good old exercise? Or do you pop slimming pills? Or do you drink slimming tea? Or do you go for one of those slimming diets? Or do you rely on surgery? Or do you go for detox programs? Or do you cut down on sugar, fats, carbohydrates and proteins? Or do you just don't care at all? Or... ? Do share your thoughts. :)
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137 responses
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Honestly starving yourself is the worst way to loose weight caust not only areyou loosing fat but you are loosing muscle too. For me yes I am over weight and to be honest I am ok with it. All that matters to me is that my husband still desires to be with me andloves me the same today as he did the day we got married.
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• Singapore
28 Jun 07
Yup. I think it is not very effective too - unless you starve forever and ever.:P
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
12 Sep 07
Why should one starve to become slim? I think its silly to try and suffer in order to become thin. Best to eat moderately and excercise regularly - that way one will achieve a healthy weight.
• United States
28 Jun 07
Oh my. Must we go there? lol Yes, I have starved.. Yes, I will not allow myself to weigh over a certain amount. I have exercised all my life since my early teens. I don't use pills or special drinks, but I have been known to go to bed hungry on more than one occasion. I had a mother that would not allow her daughters to become overweight without being ridiculed. I feel terribly guilty and ugly if I gain a few pains over my acceptable weight. I know that sounds horrible but that is the way I am programmed, to coin a phrase. I don't go into any programs, I know what works for me and I do it. Mostly no junk food and plenty of physical work and exercise. I do eat healthy and I am lucky, I actually like health foods.
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Just stay healthy. :)
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I probably could stand to starve a little for the sake of my health, I weigh too much. Usually however, the most effective way of pursuing good health is to cut back on bad fats, refined sugars and flours, and at the same time increase daily physical activity. It is just too easy for me to sit around and work on the computer all of the time, and not pay attention to burning off the extra calories from all of the good myLot recipes I have received. We have some excellent cooks in this forum. I believe that one reason I have some trouble loosing weight now is because I did starve myself to lose lots of weight a couple of times. The reasonable approach is much healthier, though. I was never created to be exceptionally thin.
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
It's quite a bit about maintaining the weight too. It is relatively easy to lose weight but keeping it off would be hard.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
29 Jun 07
At my age physical beauty as defined by our media-driven youth culture is no longer an option for me. Why should I suffer to conform to other people's standards? The only thing I care about is my health. And there are many kinds of fads that are just not healthy. As for me, I was at 255 for a long time, and at 5'10" that put me on the border of obesity. So I tried limiting my carbohydrates (not a full blown Adkins diet -- I know that initial phase is only meant to be temporary but I don't trust any plan that limits fruits and vegetables for ANY length of time.) I did get down to 220 but it felt weird. Sure enough I started eating normally again (two meals at least, breakfast and lunch, and a moderate dinner on most days, but I would skip it if I'm not hungry. I am now at 285. One thing I do not want to do is become a yo-yo dieter because I know that is definitely unhealthy. I eat moderately, making sure I have lots of vegetables and fruit, and I walk a lot. One bad habit I just recently stopped is diet soda (and of course I'm not going to start having the ones with the sugar :D) and have instead water, or decaffineited tea (I had a bit of a high blood pressure scare this week) The stories I hear about what parents and guardians do to their children horrifies me. A solution to that - I would have to think about it.
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Right.. just make yourself happy. You are the only person you need to satisfy.:P
1 person likes this
29 Jun 07
Hi Wizard. I started a similar discussion some time ago after seeing a documentary on UK television about young girls becoming anorexic in their efforts to be skeletal. Having seen the number of people starving themselves in the name of beauty/fashion/ etc., I can only hope that some of them come to their senses before it is too late. In my younger days, many years ago now, I tried just about every diet going in an effort to be a skinny minnie and only realised that my genetic makeup was such that I would never achieve the stick-thin look that I believed was necessary. Now I follow a sensible eating plan, I will never be skinny, but so long as I eat healthy foods and exercise when I can, then I will be fine.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Oh gosh, I apologize for copying your discussion unknowingly. I confess I gave up checking for similarities before posting. I know I write every discussion up myself so it is original - if the topic is the same, then it is the same.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Other than beauty, having a slim body saves lots of money. Imagine the amount of money saved from the cloth required for a size XXXXXS and that of a XXXXXL. The money saved can be used to buy more beauty and slimming products :p If starving works to slim one without any side effects, I will. I have starved not because I wanted to be slim, but because I do not have food to eat. I did not end up slim. Other than surgery, all the methods you mentioned, I have tried them. It works for a week, and then it is back to normal or worst. Maybe I did not do it right. so, do me a favour. Tell me which method works best after you have reviewed all the responses. I go try. I seriously need to lose some weight off my big head. LMAO.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Not really.. I don't think bigger clothes cost more.:P
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Once upon a time, I did starve to be slim. But then it was an eating disorder of control. What I was able to control and no one else. I am not fond of straving...but there are times that I feel that I am. I have had to cut my carbs for medical reasons...I became borderline diabetic so to control it, I had to cut my carbs. At the same time, I have been for a long time a hypoglycemic and need to make sure that I do not skip meals. I think my bouts of starvation when I was younger did a horrible thing to my digestive system. So, there are still times that I feel like I am starving because of cutting so many carbs and a person can only be happy so long with no breads, pastas, and rice. But I do not go about thinking that I am going to fast for days in hopes to be unhealthy thin. I am in my 30's and have had a hysterectomy after having seven children. I will just have to accept that I am not going to be a thin 16 year old again.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Imagine it is a fun challenge.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
28 Jun 07
To answer your question...no. I will not starve myself to be skinney. As that doesn't work for me because the meds I take cause me to gain weight. I have skipped meals before. But not to be thin. I have skipped them because I felt full from the last meal. I do however watch what I eat. i cut down on suagrs, fats and other things out of my diet. Not to get thin. But because of health reasons. Cutting the sugars and fat out. I don't seem to be as hungry as I once was.
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• Defiance, Ohio
29 Jun 07
If that was the case I would loose some weight..But I don't. Not even a pound.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
But might feeling full when you didn't eat be a subconscious way of starving?
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
28 Jun 07
I have always been slim and have never dieted or tried things to make me slim... I don't beleive in starving oneself in order to loose weight.. I would vote on eating a balanced diet and exercise... Not that I do that anyaway. I keep busy with my children and eat all my meals, don't cut down on sugars or anything like that... My body wouldn't be able to survive, my metabolism burns off energy to quickly...
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Many girls would love to be in your shoes.:P
• United States
29 Jun 07
Isn't it amazing how big of an issue eating can be? It goes from one extreme to another. I think the world is obsessed with "outter beauty" and even those that say they are "fine" with their weight usually have some issue, self included. I've finally gotten past that need to be thin. While I'd love to drop some weight, I know that the only way to obtain "perfect weight" is to have perfect eating and it's pretty tough to be perfect isn't it? I think that our world is so obsessed many people will try anything to be thin. Realistic methods of changing poor eating habits isn't bad but when you begin relying on other sources for an easy fix, that's when you're in trouble. Personally, I know my eating habits need to change in order to lower my weight but I will no longer search the ends of the earth to find an easy fix. The "easy" part is knowing what you have to do, change poor eating habits. The hard part is making it happen. So no, I won't starve or pop a pill, or have surgery, etc. I have to do it on my on, changing my poor eating habits, before I'll see any real results.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
No harm trying to eat healthier. Healthy food can taste nice too.:P
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Blah Blah Blah who cares to be skinny. I look good with some curves lol. I will exercise but only cause its fun (biking etc) I dont do a daily routine or anything. And as for food I will never stop I love my food.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Try skipping. ^^
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I have done diet and exercise naturally. I have lost 140 lbs. I however have been on a diet aid recently due to a plateau, but still following the same regimne that I have been. I used Dr. Phil Ultimate Weightloss as a guide. It teaches you about emotionally eating, and is a book on emotional therapy, and how food is used to solve whatever issues you have. It is learning to eat normally and to exercise, and to completely change your life style when it comes to food. It isn't easy, but I am really grateful for the help. So that is my take on it. Good posting.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Sounds interesting.:)
• Philippines
29 Jun 07
i am on the plump side but i never thought about starving myself to be skinny like paris hilton or nicole richie. i engage myself in some physical activities like i swim a lot when i have the time to spare. i also jog by the shore when i am in the province. if i think i need some medicines or pills to shed off extra weight i make sure that it is under the supervision of a doctor. i don't think that i will ever sacrifice my health or even my life just to be slim. =)
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Sounds quite a variety.:)
@Syrentie (17)
• Latvia
28 Jun 07
You know, there was a time when I would answer: "yes, I'll starve just to look good". And infact, I did! But that had a very negative impact on my health. So I would not advise anyone to starve for a perfect body -- it's not a good idea! With time, I came to realise, that I have an absolutely normal weight for my height. And everybody kept telling me that. Infact, people keep telling me still that I should eat more and get a bit fatter. =D
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Yea, if you over-starve, you might suffer some nasty side-effects. :(
• United States
28 Jun 07
When I was younger, in my 20's, and modeling full time, YES, I did just that, starved myself, took the diet pills, had crazy diets and was very thin, in fact, most of my pre-adult life that is how I lived, very unhealthy to say the least. And then my daughter at the age of 15 years old developed a horrible eating disorder, it turned my world upside down, between meeting with her therapist and trying to get her consumed my life, suddenly eating was a requirement, something to show my daughter that it was healthy to do. I started cooking very low fat, but healthy meals, and with many more therapy session and 5 more years she finally put the eating disorder to rest and became a normal young adult. Those years that she was practicing I did everything I could to keep her alive. Nowdays, I realize how horrible it is to withhold food from your body, how starving really doesn't make you lose weight, it only hurts the chances of you eating normally without gaining excessive weight. My weight has fluntuated 20 pounds over the past 20 years, but since then I have never skipped a meal, starved myself or relied on diet pills to maintain a slender body. I have been really skinny, the natural way, and my life did not change, nor did I become rich or really happy, I was the same, so I see no need to starve yourself from food, life is too short to live it miserably, leave the regrets on the shelf and enjoy it to the fullest!
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
A painful lesson.:P
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
28 Jun 07
I want to be thin but not for the sake of beauty. I want to feel comfortable in my own body. I want to feel good and know that if I feel good, I look good. I have lost over 30 pounds and am beginning to think I look pretty good - the right clothes help. I still have some more to lose. I do not purposely starve myself. I find myself missing meals because I am busy. I cannot starve myself without feeling nauseous and weak so I would never do that. I am having a Slimfast shake for breakfast and a Slimfast bar for a snack in the afternoon, but if my stomach is not well I will have cereal instead because milk tends to make some digestive troubles. I try to exercise as well (walking) but if I am busy and can't find the time, then I don't. The only diet changes I have made is sugar. I am addicted to sugar so do use Splenda in my tea and on my cereal (when I have it) and eat No Sugar Added Cookies (I love my cookies but eat fewer when I eat the NSAs). I don't pop pills and am not for surgery though sometimes I look at my stomach and think about the nice chunk that could be cut out. Because I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome related to my fibromyalgia, I have trouble making a diet. I cannot eat salads. Some days I feel there is nothing I can eat that won't upset my tummy. So the best thing for me is to exercise and just try not to eat too much because once I start I can't stop. Evenings are really bad for me munchie-wise. Unfortunately today's society has an issue with kids (usually girls) wanting to be thin and becoming anorexic or bulimic, and there is also an obesity in kids issue because they are inactive and spend too much time in front of the television, video games or computers. We must find a happy medium. All these things are going through our kids' heads and affecting who they are. My skinny minny little 10 year old thinks she is getting fat because her weight is going up. Hello? She is getting taller, she is growing. The kid needs belts to keep her pants up. I am sure I am partially responsible for this because I have been stewing about my weight for years. My husband recently started an exercise program and has lost about 25 pounds. But my girls are active so they really have nothing to worry about, except for their own attitudes.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Actually it is not just girls lol.
@rosie_123 (6113)
28 Jun 07
LOl - no! I'm far too greedy for that! Luckily I'm not someone who puts on weight anyway - rather the opposite. When I was a teenager I was probably too skinny naturally, despite eating like a pig all the time!! Obviously with age I have put on a little weight and gone up a couple of dress sizes, but I'm still considered "slim" for my height, and I still eat like a pig! Yes - I know - everyone probably hates me now - I think it's just genetic - my Mother was the same!!
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
I think many people will consider you lucky.:P
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I would never starve to be slim. I will cut out some of the fats and sugars, but since they aren't healthy anyway, I think that this is good for me, unlike starvation. I try to drink more water, which I've been told all along that I should do, and any extra exercise that can be added into my daily routine is another healthy addition that also helps with the weight loss. I won't put my health at risk for the sake of losing weight. I want to lose the weight for the sake of my health, not for the sake of beauty.
• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Newsflash from my Mum: she screamed that green apples work.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I will admit that I get a lot of help from genes on this topic so I don't really worry/care about it. Although I'm not THAT thin either. To me health is more important than size. I will eat as much of whatever food I need to eat to be healthy,. I will exercise as much or as little as I need to to feel good. I think skeleton thin is just as if not more unhealthy and dangerous os being obese. As long as I'm somewhere in between an healthy, I'll be happy.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
You must make everyone envious.:P
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 07
Contrary to popular believe not all people feel fabulous about being thin. You'll find health clubs popping up everywhere and most emphasise on weight loss. I do not fancy being a beanpole and am happy to be the way I am. A bit of flesh will give you a figure to be proud of rather than looking like someone who has not taken breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week. Neither do I want to be like a walking skeleton. Unless you live in Europe, where the tall and skinny are most appreciated back here being thin will run the risk of disappearing undetected in the background.
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• Singapore
29 Jun 07
Yea, it has to do with where you are. Different expectations in different societies.