When calling someone, how many times do you let the phone ring?

@foxyfire33 (10005)
United States
June 28, 2007 12:14pm CST
I always thought it was polite to let the phone ring at least 5 times, more if I was calling someone elderly or who otherwise might have a reason for being slow to answer the phone. A friend of my s/o's son just called and only let it ring twice before hanging up. Then he called back a minute later and only let it ring once. Then he immediately called a THIRD time and again only let it ring once. It work up my two year old from his nap and isturbed the baby also. And for what? He kept hanging up before anyone could answer. I am so annoyed and think this was really rude. He oes this all the time though. If no one answers within two rings he hangs up and tries back several times just like he did today. I can almost guarantee that in 1/2 an hour he will do it again. I can't get to the phone in less than two rings and it's annoying when people only let it ring that many times. How many times do you let it ring when you call someone? How many times does it ring at your house before you can get to the phone to answer?
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4 responses
• India
28 Jun 07
Even I have a lot of patience when I call somebody. Usually I let the phone ring till it goes to the voice message or answering machine so that I can leave a message. In fact if its some one close i do call back after some time without waiting for that other person get back to me.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I'll call back too without waiting for them to return the call but at least I give more than a minute! He actually waited a full hour before repeating this two rings/one ring nonsense that he does. Most of the people I know have answering machines or voice mail that picks up between 4 to 6 rings so I think I'm just accustomed to waiting that amount of time.
@mohit1123 (564)
• India
28 Jun 07
It depends. I i know a person very well i would let the phone ring till it stops. Since many of my friends have call waiting so you never know when they pick it up. Generally speaking about 4 to five times before i hang up the phone.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
28 Jun 07
That would drive me nuts... It usually takes two rings to get to our phone unless someone just happens to be standing next to it for some reason. I usually let my machine pick it up on the fourth ring if I'm there alone since the kids get more calls than I do, that way they can leave the messages on the machine and save me the trouble of remembering them or writing them down. When I'm calling someone else, I usually let it ring at least 5 or 6 times, and as many as 10 times.
@laltu86 (1249)
• India
28 Jun 07
We are becoming restless now-a-days , as if the total hours of a day has been reduced to 10 rather than the usual 24 hours , so why bother 5-6 rings while we call :) anyways i always prefer to ring 7-8 times before hung-up , and after 10 rings the operator gives a message no response from the user so i go upto 8 , actually i dont like the IVRs lady to tell me "No response :)"