United States
June 28, 2007 3:36pm CST
the world we live in where any Tom, Dick Or harry can call dcfs on a parent That is trying to do the best they can raising there kids. This is not right that parents can have their homes inveded by DCFS when there is not a good reason for it. At least there should be a law that if someone turns you in wrongly and the case is unfounded. The person that turned you in wrongly should be charged for doing so. Its getting where a parent cannot even raise their own kids.
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5 responses
• Australia
28 Jun 07
Nothing has been more closer to the truth!!!! When will people start minding their own business??? We have been put in a similar sit before. The accusations were totally unfounded and when we asked if they would be doing something about the complaint being false they said nothing would be done!I don't understand why! Those people have just responded to false claims.The police would have no hesitation in charging a person for giving false statements and such. Why are these dogooders allowed to get away with it! I know the DCFS are only doing their job as there are kids out there who really do need their help. It would be good to see a little bit more background work regarding these complaints, as the situation can easily become out of control.we were threatend wih all sorts of action because we were annoyed when they came to poke their nose into our business. We didnot take the invasion of privacy very well and we were doing nothing wrong. The people making false complaints should at least be put on a register for trouble makers as that is all they are. A parents job is hard enough these days without having to struggle with false accusations
• United States
28 Jun 07
I find it terrible that you have had such a bad experience! But honestly, if people started minding their own business think how many children would waste away in unbearable situations! I do agree there should be some kind of consequences for people who repeatedly make false reports.
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• Australia
28 Jun 07
Yes it truly was a horrible experience but I agree that without DCFS things would certainly be a lot worse for some children and families. I for one would not like to do their job.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
When my first son was born, every now and then he would get these unexplainable pin-point bruises around his neck and face. It took me about three years to figure out what it was from. When you tipped him upside down for any length of time, he would pop blood vessels on his face and neck, called petechiae (pa-tea-key-i) . The severity of this would depend on how long he was actually held upside down, and how hard he laughed. It would even happen when we tipped him back in the stroller, while we were walking. When I finally figured out what I was doing to cause this, I made an appointment, immediately, with my long-time, trusted doctor. I was afraid he had a bleeding disorder or that his blood wasn't clotting correctly, or something. I told my doctor what was causing it. She seemed as if she believed me, but couldn't give me a reason as to why it would be happening. We left her office and about an hour later they called saying that I needed to get him in for a brain mri, stat. They were worried that he might have bleeding on the brain. Obviously, this scared the you know what out of me. Especially since they still weren't giving me an idea of what it could be. After the MRI, we were out all day. When we got back to our home, there was a business card on the door from child services. It was after hours, so I waited till the next day to call, thinking they were calling regarding a neighbor, or something. I went under a very long, scrutinizing investigation by the child services department. One of their doctors who they confer with, who had never seen my son, as he lived over a hundred miles away, decided that based on the report and the pictures she took, I had been strangling my son to the point of asphyxiation. And he also stated that I had done it many times. How he came to this conclusion, I'm not exactly sure. There were no marks on this child's neck. The woman who was my intake worker didn't seem to like me all that much. She wrote many lies about my son and I while she was with us that first day. These lies could have put me in jail. I am now on the Colorado list for being a person who may have caused harm to a child. I'm not actually on the "abuser" list (or so they told me), as they could never prove anything, and many of the case workers lies were uncovered later. Because of all this, they sent a social worker into my home. She came 3 times a week for 2 to 3 hours at a time, with surprise visits in-between for over six months. I could have, and almost did lose my job. Luckily I was never actually charged with anything, so my employer was not able to fire me. This has to have been the most traumatic experience I've ever been through in my entire life. It nearly sent me over the deep end. I can understand the doctor wanting to make sure that nothing suspicious was happening, but she didn't even tell me she had suspicions. I tried repeatedly to get her to talk to me on the phone or write to me to help me understand what made her think I was doing that to my child. I understand that the county had to investigate it, but what they did instead, was victimize my family and I.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I agree,people need to mind their own business unless they really see something to report.When I was in my twenties I was a single parent with two boys.One of which had an emotional problem.I was working at a christian day care center in a church.My lease was up at the condo we were renting and my friend lived in the next building and was helping me pack.My son's were friends with her son.My son with the problems had a test the next morning at school,while I was moving our stuff and he didn't want to study for it and I was in the front part of the condo and he was in the back and he said he wanted to get to go see his friend,because we were moving to another city and he wouldn't get to see him much.So,I agreed that he could go over there and spend the night.He got his sleeping bag,pillow,pj's,change of clothes and a few toys and walked down the sidewalk,not even on the street,to the next building to my friends condo,where my other son,her son and husband were.About ten minutes later a cop was at my door.Asking what was going on and I responded,as you can see we are preparing for me to move.He said that the lady downstairs caleed and said I had kicked my son out and he was walking up the street with everyting he owned.I told the cop where he was and why and he started laughing and said that that woman calls about everything and I know that is true,not just against me but everyone in the neighborhood.I asked him,how she knew that was all he owned? He laughed again and said exactly,but because she called I have to still report you to DCFS.so be expecting them.While I was at my new home,a worker had been there.When I came back to finish up there was a card on my door.I called them and explained what happened and he said that he had to interview me in person.So,he did and he said that this is unfounded,but your name will go on the state list as a suspected mental child abuser for a year and when the day care center you work at check's the employee records in the capital next month then you will be fired.So,I had to quit my job,because if I had got fired I would never even be able to work volunteer jobs with kids and I have two boys and that won't work.Then as soon as the year was up I got a job as a cafeteria hostess at the public school that my youngest son went to and another nosey neighbor reported that I was abusing my kids by yelling at them,when one boy went out when he wasn't supposed to and I yelled for him and he said he wasn't coming in and I said that he was in trouble.That time I had to go thru the face to face interview,but was not put on a list.The investigater laughed and said I wish some people would just report real stuff.Back,when my oldest son just turned three and I was six months pregnant, he had an ear infection again (a monthly occurance from birth) and I took him to the doctor as usual.This was a group of three doctors and we saw one that day we had never seen before,he was the only one available and he said he did not have an infection and refused to give him medicine.I argued with himthat I knew he had an ear infection and the student doctor that was there looked and agreed with me.The doctor would not budge.That night at 2:00 AM,my three year old woke up screeming begging me to take him to the doctor.We went to the emergency room and it was a Friday night and it was crowded and when the doctor looked at his ear,she said his ear drumb has ruptured,if you had bothered taking him to the doctor this wouldn't have happened.She said she was reporting me to DCFS.I explained to I did go and what happened and gave her his name and number,she still didn't believe me till she called the doctors office the next day to find out that I had also came in that morning when the opened,yelling at them.It is not just people not minding their own business,but the police being dumb.Like I said my one son had some emotional problems.I hurt my foot and was bed ridden and I called my son therapist and asked what I should do if he started having issues while I could not move.I was given a shot to numb my leg,I could not feel it.He started a fight with my younger son and I thought he was going to hurt him,so I did as his therapist said and called the police,when they got there I was told I shouldn't of called and bothered them I should get my lazy butt of the couch and take care of it.I explained why I could not get up and that I was instructed to call them and the cop said he was calling DCFS,because I had no business having kids if I can't move.I tried to explain that it was just for that day and he said he didn't care and that I had no business keeping them.But,every time a noisy neighbor calls about something dumb or a cop has a bad day or whatever his problem was I loose time at work for an interview.I get on a report as a suspected abuser for a year,sometimes loose my job and cannot do volunteer work around kids.There was a woman who smaked her six year olds but because her child kept screaming while she was trying to give the order to the McDonald's clerk.A cop was in their and arrested her for abuse.She had nolegal right's to her child for six months till it went to court,where the judge laughed.Another local lady,smaked her one kid on his hand,because he kept hitting his sister and would listen.The store clerk called the police,she was arrested and her kids were put in foster care.Your right people cannot raise their own kids anymore.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
29 Jun 07
My grandson was diagnosed with ADHD & ODD at an early age. Short of never taking him anyplace we had to put up with his behavior. When he was about 6 his Mother and I took him to a Wal-Mart in a town 18 miles from us. It was the closest one. The minute we walked into the store he would start with his I wants. This particular day he wanted a rather expensive toy and was told no. While I was waiting in the check-out he took off and came back with the toy and put on the counter - he was told no again. He threw himself in the floor kicking and screaming. His Mom got him on his feet and asked me for the keys to my car because she was going to take him outside. She grabbed him by the hand and off she went. When I got out to the car she was sitting in the passenger seat and he was in the back seat - kicking the windows and screaming his head off. I got in the car and drove of - him still throwing his tantrum. I had to make one other stop which I did quickly and then we headed for home. About 1/2 an hour after we got to my house there was a knock on the door. By this time my Grandson was out in the pool with his Mother and was enjoying himself. When I went to the door I knew the girl standing there. She was from DCFS. Apparently someone had taken down my lic. plate number and called the police reporing that a child was being abused in a car with this number. The police called DCFS gave them all the information and here they came. Other than to grab his hand to get him to the car no one had touched this kid. I explained to the girl what had happened and she began to lecture me about how my grandson should be treated. I promptly told her that I would send his Mother to get him some clothes from their house and she could take him home with her for one week and at the end of that week then we would be happy to discuss things with her but until she lived with him for at least a week we weren't interested in what she or anyone else from DCFS had to say. I told her he had a Dr. - they were trying to get hlm on meds that would help his behavior and he had been hospitalised to try and get him sorted. She left and that was the end of it for that time, but DCFS were a constant pain in the butt with people making false reports etc. I always told them - until you have lived with him then don't try telling us what we need to do. I agree that people who make false and un-founded reports about child abuse etc. should be hauled into court, fined and be subject to a lawsuit for slander of the the family they have reported.
• United States
29 Jun 07
I completely understand believe me. If your child goes outside and falls off a slide or a swing and gets a bruise they call them. I had this happen to me one time. I thought it was rude and mean to just assume that we were beating our child. My son is 6 and he is very active outside. He gets bruises all the time and mainly at school. He comes home telling me that kids were kicking him in the private area and they want to blame his bruises on us? I dont think so their idiots.