Memoirs of a tired CITY girl
June 29, 2007 9:33am CST
It's one of those days I'd rather not get out of bed. I just want to stay under my duvet as long as I possibly can, not that I am ill or anything like that, it's just that the thought of going in to work this morning wears me out! If I can recall, I have been feeling this way for over a year now.
"Oh well, do something about it!" I hear you say.
But, what exactly is a girl to do? There are bills to pay... Phew!
After a few more minutes of tossing and rolling in bed, I finally dragged myself into the shower.Scrubbing away my tiredness, I mentally listed my to do list for the day.
I guess you can say the thought of losing all I have acquired over the years shot some energy up my veins, because, a few minutes later I was good and ready to go. I know you must have heard it said that most of us are a pay check or two away from being homeless. Yep! that is why I get out of bed each morning, to go to the same old job and be rewarded with an over-taxed salary.
A few highlights of my 10 minute walk from my North London flat to the train station is usually the same, this day was no different. A woman walking her dog smiles at me and I return the smile hoping mine looked as sincere as hers.
A mother pushing her baby along in the push chair walking so fast perhaps to catch the bus or just out of habit. I f I don't run the rest of the way, I will miss my train so like the lady I just saw, I picked up my pace and ran the rest of the way. I got to the ticket barriers before I realized. My monthly travel card had expired. I need to get myself an oyster card, I added to my mental "to do list" as I joined the growing queue at the ticket machine.
Ten minutes later, I managed to squeeze in a train virtually bursting in its seams before the door shut close. Chance of getting a seat is not only ridiculous but also laughable. "Are you having a laugh Vanessa?"
8.45am I was at my desk, munching away at my cold cereal, I logged on for the day, ten email were already waiting for my attention. Some of them will have to wait till I get back from one of my many meetings of the day, due in half an hour. God knows I hate meetings! Especially the ones where you meet to decide when the next meeting would be.
It was like a roller coaster day, before I knew it I was £5.00 poorer and sitting at the company cafe for lunch. An opportunity to catch up on office gossip and fed up employees like myself, I cannot miss. It's our way of keeping sane, I guess. Same old gist of who's doing what..juicy stuff all the same. An hour later, everyone is back at their desk typing and clicking away.
4.50pm I logged off, I have had enough for the day, I am done with this hell of a place, I am not coming back!
Yeah right...
"Goodnight, see you tomorrow"
Those were my words as I swiped my card at reception and walked out into the fresh summer breeze, walking briskly to the train station, hoping that this time around, I will get a seat on my return journey home.
Keep your fingers crossed, will you?
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