Have You Ever Been Mugged?

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
June 29, 2007 9:11pm CST
Now I don't want anyone going into gory details here...but just wondering if any of you been mugged...and more important did YOU come out the winner? Now you might be scratching your head about that later part, like how can a person come out the winner who is being mugged. Well folks let me tell you a true story...This actually happened to me. This was a few years ago, I was coming home, it was during the month of August and it was around 8 o'clock at night and was coming home from one of my late nights spent at the library..back then I didn't have my computer so had to go to my library to use one. So eight in the evening isn't exactly late, not like 2 or 3 in the morning. Now I might have my panic disorder and everything but in general I'm not a fearful person...I don't think in terms of getting mugged or anything. Well here I am...I just entered my entrance vestibule of my apartment building and someone comes in with me--he was relatively young, a teenager, very, very, nicely dressed --so didn't think much about it...To me it seemed that maybe he just didn't have his key to open the entry door, which really wasn't all that unusual--I've often let my neighbors in if they forget their key..and this guy looked like he might have been a relative of someone in the building...still maybe my warning signals were on the defensive anyway...So I go in first, and he comes up the stairs behind me..and he goes to the neighbor's next door's door...now the people next door are always having a lot of company and do have a lot of family members, so are people are in and out all the time, so it is hard to tell who is who at times...So he makes to open the door, and I turn my attention to open my door, so my back is toward him. All of a sudden I feel this tremendous hard yank at my tote bag...Signals went on immediate alert..the smuck was trying to mug/rob me...The moment I felt that hard tug at my bag, I grabbed at my bag all the harder and hung on to it for dear life... Now here is the humorous part of it...now you have to envision..I'm only 5'1", and about 117 pounds...I've never done martial arts, but I do have a lot of strength in me especially in my arms due to lugging around tons of photo equipment over the years..Not only did I cling onto my tote bag with such strength, but yanked the bag toward me with such intensity that the kid fell on his a$$---then, believe it or not, I started pelting him with my bag, using it as a weapon..Finally he let go of the bag, quickly scrambled to his feet and ran away--all the while I'm yelling some very polite, dainty ladylike words..uh, NOT What makes my story even weirder,...there had been a series of muggings for awhile there in my neighborhood and one other neighbor, a Vietnam vet used to figthing per se, didn't fair so well...he was mugged and had his kneecap broken since the mugger had some kind of stick and hit this neighbor right at his knees. So have you ever been mugged and do you have your own bizarre story like mine? I'd like to think, that some angel must have been looking over me and helping me fight off my mugger
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20 responses
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
30 Jun 07
I've never had the misfortune of being mugged before in all my life, even though I have travelled quite a bit all over the world. I feel safe though in my own country because the crime rate here is very much under control. What a story you have about your experience. Thank God you came out unscath and unhurt in this incident. It must have scared the hell out of you then. But this experience should help you to be more wary of muggers wherever you go, especially in quiet and dark places.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
As I mentioned to TerryZ I wasn't afraid...but actually very angry...my attitude was like...hey, don't mess with me--LOL And this wasn't a quiet or dark place...it was inside my own apartment building
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
1 Jul 07
Incidently I was in New York many years ago. I touched down at Kennedy Airport and was in a restaurant at a hotel situated around 5 minutes from the airport. The waitress told me NY wasn't a safe place. She related that all the waitress there had been mugged before, and as for herself, she was mugged just outside the restaurant at mid-day in broad daylight. Is NY still unsafe for locals and visitors?
@rosie_123 (6113)
30 Jun 07
LOL - weren't you brave!? I admit that even though I'm 5ft 8ins, I'm a wimp, and would almost certainly have given in without a fight! Thankfully, it has never happened to me. Like most women in London I am VERY aware of being out alone at night - I can't remember the last time I was out alone after 6.00pm without my partner, or at least a whole group of girlfriends, who tend to stick together, and make sure everyone is home safely if we go out for a girls' night out. If I have to work late, my man alwaus comes to pick me up - it's just a way of life here. Sad but true:-(( I definately commend you for your bravery though!!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Thank you rosie..I think a lot of people have to be on their guard no matter where they are from--a fact of life nowadays
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• United States
30 Jun 07
I got two to talk about. First, my friend, who drives a taxi, got mugged. He did not have that much at the time,because he was just starting his day. After he handed what he had, he pick-pocketed the mugger's wallet, & then called the police. The mugger was caught almost immediately from the identification in the wallet. I got approached by two guys, & I called them both a pair of amateurs. They kept their distance, being that I sort of gave them an eerie feeling. Then I mentioned the area that it was well out in the open where unseen witnesses can catch them, including the police. I also mentioned that there's no way that anyone can be hiding just for in case someone like me came along to give that element of surprise. We hung out for a while, talking about nothing, joking around ... About two years later, I got approached by another two guys. Out of nowhere, two other guys popped out of nowhere, saying "Hey - leave him. That's our buddy." The two guys that popped out were the two guys who I had almost got mugged by two years ago from that time.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Wow that's a great story...and funny in a way...the two guys that formerly wanted to mug you two years previously turned out to protect you from two others!!
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@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
30 Jun 07
No, I have never been mugged, probably because I'm constantly walking with angels. Good on you that you maintained your "ladylike composure" and came out unscathed. I'll bet that kid started rethinking his career choices after that.
@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Jul 07
Yes, we kitties may be small, but can do a lot of damage when necessary...
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I probably scared the crap out of him--hehehe...looking at my 5'1" frame he must have thought I'd be easy pickings..boy did he have me pegged wrong--LOL
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• United States
30 Jun 07
I am one of the lucky ones I have never been mugged nor has our house ever been broker into. A friend left work one night, I was an RN at the local hospital, the next thing I hear is she is down in ER had been mugged and beaten up. She would not let them have her purse. She fought off two black men and won but lost. She was beaten up pretty badly but they did not get her purse. She was a skinny little thing also, but fighesty. I was glad she was safe.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
My goodness..Even though she was beaten up badly, I'm glad she was safe
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• Australia
1 Jul 07
I personally have not been mugged, neither have my siblings and my father, but my mum has been when she was young, about 16-17 years of age, long before i was born. She was on the street counting her money at a store (my grandpa used to own a grocery store in Hong Kong AGES ago, decades ago, now he passed away 6 years ago ) Anyways, the thief just ran past and snatched the money and ran off, of course my mum ran after him, money was worth A LOT those days and chased him for a good 3 minutes and kept yelling "thief! thief!" later a kind person on the street just put his legs out and trip the man over and helped my mum get her cash back. It was not until the thief was caught that the police came out and pretended HE caught the thief and told my mum to say that when they had to write the report, so he could take the honour =.= even though he really did not do anything. My mum thanked the man who helped her and just went back to work. Scary isnt it? how people could be so openly stealing money on the street
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@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
30 Jun 07
your story's hilarious.you should mail it to reader's digest;)you'll get $15 for it;) anyway..hrm i'm glad you didn't get hurt, sheeshhh...what kids would do these days.
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@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Jul 07
Let us know if it's published.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Gee...that's an idea..to sell this story to Reader's Digest....might do that!!
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• United States
30 Jun 07
Wow, that's some story. I am lucky, I have never been mugged. I would be so scrared, not like you. Will shop with me?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Sure--you need a bodyguard?? LOL
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I have never been mugged, but I really enjoyed your story. I am glad you faired well, otherwise you might not be here to add your wonderful ideas and stories to this site. lol. I can imagine how you got the better of this young man. He deserved what he got and hopefully later decied to embark on a more honest and prosperous line of work. I can see that you are no one to mess around with..lol
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Nope--you don't mess with me...LOL
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
30 Jun 07
How scary!! I've, luckily, never had anything like that happen. I've heard that fighting back is one of the first things that you should do, but I have to say that I would probably do the same thing. It's a defense mechinism. Fight or Flight. I'm glad that you were lucky enough not to get hurt! It sounds like either you were his first victim, he wasn't prepared and mugging you was a last minute deal gone wrong, and/or you ended up being more of a fight than he figured, due to your size. It can be deceiving!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
He probably did think I was an easy target due to my size...Which goes to prove--size isn't everything--LOL
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I must say I've never been in this situation but have heard such stories. In situations like that you get an adreniline (?sp)rush that really does give you even more strength than normal. I am so happy to hear a good ending to your story as I've always feared I might someday be in this situation but I would be the one saying, "here take it, you must need it more than me". Ok, I'm stupid that way.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Oh well that's a whole different story. Reminds me of a joke I heard years ago, a couple was mugged and the husband says, "Take my wife but not my money" or something like that, I'm horrible at remembering jokes. In this case I would say, "Take my money but not my purse". I'm glad to know there are other crafters that feel the same as me about our 'work' - it's like an extention of myself, don't mess with it :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I probably should have been just willing to give up my bag as well...thing is..I had just gotten a new credit card...okay I know they can be replaced...but the tote bag I had was one I made and painted up in a Native American style motif and had a lot of beadwork on it as well...it took me a whole month to do...it was like, hey no way I'm giving this up...silly I know..but to me it was like a work of art, not just a "bag" one bought in a store
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• United States
30 Jun 07
No, I haven't been mugged, but my 16 year old son was mugged after getting off the school bus in May of this year. I had no idea. We were shopping and he said..uh..I need a new watch and I said that I just bought you a new one not long ago. I looked at his wrist and saw his old watch on his arm and said, okay..where is your new watch? He then told me as he was walking home after getting off of the school bus that 3 older boys, all over 18 approached him. They told him to give them his money. He said, I don't have any money, laughing because he thought it was a joke. He had his hand in his pocket covering his cell phone as they surrounded him, patted him down..he said with his hand covering the phone, they did not feel it, but one boy said to give me your watch then. So, he did. He did not tell me all of this until a few weeks ago. He was 3 blocks from home..just a sad thing. Maybe he will learn something from this, I don't know. I think he did right by giving up his watch. He was probably ashamed, but I told him he did fine and it was just a watch. He then wanted a pocket watch instead of a wrist watch so that way it could not be seen. Well, that's my story, or my son's story:)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I can't help wondering why he didn't tell you right away though--shame? or something? Yes he was right in giving up the watch though or he might have gotten roughed up by those bullies...that's all they were
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• United States
30 Jun 07
Yeah, they weren't even school kids..they just came by the bus stop after school to pick on someone younger and smaller. I think he was ashamed, he was angry, I know that. I remember him coming home from school and being quiet and sullen. I asked him if something had happened and he said no Mom..I should have pressured him more. He said he felt like clocking the biggest one in the face but knew they would have all jumped him. I am sure he felt like he should have and maybe dealing with those feelings as well.
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@webbuff (926)
• Philippines
30 Jun 07
yes i did and i run like crazy! its really hard if you are in this kind of situation thats why you should always be prepared and very careful.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
It was good you ran away!!
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I wasn't mugged in the same way you were, but I have been pickpocketed twice in my life. Once it happened in a shopping mall and once in the city. Now I am very careful how I carry my handbag to make sure that no one can unzip the bag and reach their hand in. I try to carry a bag that has a flap and a zipper. The harder you make it for them, the less likely you will be a target.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Well I never carry money in my bag to begin with..just about everything else but the kitchen sink which is why it is always rather heavy and makes for a good weapon---LOL
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Awww. Sorry to hear that you went through this. I have never been mugged but always paranoid that I will be. I am constantly checking my surroundings and people behind and around me at night. I deal with anxiety/panic attacks, so I am a little more freaked out about things around me anyways. I am so glad you made it out alright and nothing bad happened to you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I've been dealing with anxiety attacks too, but this was one case where I wasn't panicky...but mad as heck--maybe that's how I was able to fight him off
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Jun 07
No I have not been mugged ever and I hope I never will as I would not be as brave as you I would actually just let go of the bag and get away You certainly where very brave there but you took a big risk to doing that
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Well as I mentioned to byfaithonly...that tote bag was one I made...it took me a month to work on it...had a special Native American design I painted and a lot of beadwork...still have it too...it was just the principle of the thing I guess...and it wasn't like I had money in it either....for that I keep in my front pocket
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Oh geez you could have been killed or hurt really bad. NO nothing like that has ever happened to me. I think you got your strength from the fear you were experiencing. I think thats great you fought him off. Good for you my friend.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jun 07
That's just it...I didn't feel fear...but anger!! Honestly I wanted to run after him and kick the crap out of him!!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Holy cripes- I have never been mugged- thankfully- But if I was I’d like to say that I would have been like you- Except I’m 5 foot 9 and weigh around 150 pounds- so I hope I could stop them- Plus I’ve taken 2 self-defense classes- while in college for Criminal Justice. That was a great story- I bet that guy never tried to take anyone else’s bag in that apartment complex- As if- I’m glad you got the best of him- and kept your bag! Smart thinking – but you could have been hurt also- He could have had a weapon- so yes I believe an angel was looking down on you!
@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Jul 07
Reading about all these muggings I just remembered an incident that happened to a friend back in the 80s... He was "punker" complete with mohawk haircut. He had just left the studio (situated in "Pigeon Park" in the downtown eastside of Vancouver) with a pouch type briefcase under his arm when he was jumped. They took the pouch. What they didn't know was that all that was in the pouch was a reel-to-reel tape of a radio play he had been editing...
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Wow I'm so glad you got through it ok. You are a tough cookie. I have never been mugged thank God. I don't even know how I would handle it , if I did get mugged. Sure gives me something to think about.
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@Silver35 (10)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I was jumped once by 3 guys who were trying to rob me, however, they ran away when my gf came outside... idk if you consider that a victory or not... but there it is...
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