Last episode the best

@redfang (967)
June 30, 2007 2:33pm CST
Well having just finished watching the last episode of this seasons dr who i have got to say that that was the best episode that i have ever watched of dr who but now i don't want to wait until christmas to see the next episode, i guess that torchwood will be coming on soon enough to fill in some space for dr who fans but i really can't wait for " voyage of the damned " at christmas. The effects in this last episode were spectacular the way the dr re-aged was amazing and plenty of very good twists to it that you might not have seen coming ( well i didn't anyway ). I am however left wondering if they will have martha in the next episode at christmas and even in the next season as she left him at the end so is she being replaced? does anyone have any info on that? Well roll on torchwood can't do without a weekly fix at least.
5 responses
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Doctor Who and the Tardis - The Doctor and the Tardis with last season's +1, Rose.
It was totally amazing episode! Again I must thank those who post the torrents to the internet so those of us who don't live where BBC is broadcast. I loved that Jack asked what happens if he lives a million years and then talked about when he modeled and was the Face of Bow! It does look like the Doctor will need a new +1 next season. Does anyone know when Torchwood returns?
@sammylind (187)
9 Jul 07
i thought the last episode of the 3rd series was rubbish it ruined it
@redfang (967)
9 Jul 07
awwww its a shame that it wasn't as good for you as it was for most of us but maybe the next series will be a bit better for you.
• United States
10 Oct 07
Here in AMerica the last episode just aired a few weeks ago. I really liked how it kind of pulled some things together but I wasn't impressed with the whole thinking doctor at one time thing. What the heck was up with that? I still have that short bit of music running through my head from part two. Here....Come....THE DRUMS. I'd love to hear the whole thing. I like the thing about Capt Jack and The Face of Boe but that does mean that he can die. Will that ever be explained or why he was just a big head at the end? Or is that kind of like Cassandra changing herself?
30 Jun 07
I agree, it was a great episode, although if I am honest I think I liked episode 11 and 12 a little bit more, but then I am a little like that, the build up is usually a bigger thing. However the special effects, and acting were superb. I really enjoyed the characters, although I was a little bit sceptical of some bits of the plot, but I don't want to sound overly critical. I would still give at least 9 out of 10. Then the ending looked great, what an excellent teaser for the Christmas special. Maybe it wasn't an iceberg that caused the sinking. Clever stuff.
30 Jun 07
I can't believe it, no more Dr Who until christmas, How will I survive? The series finale was brilliant though and the whole familt sat down to watch it. They can't get rid of martha so quickly though, she's got to come back. She was just coming into her own as a character. I havn't watched any Torchwood yet so I will keep an eye out for it. It must be good if its got capt Jack in it, he is a great character. roll on "Voyage of the Damned"
@redfang (967)
1 Jul 07
Torchwood is great they put it on bbc2 i think instead of bbc1 from what i remember from last season, i did watch all of that and it was fairly good, s you say with capt jack in it it's got to be good and it is, john barrowman is a great actor and plays jack perfectly. I can't say our household all watches dr who i'm the only one everyone else hates it lol so i am relagated upstairs on my own to watch it but i don't mind it's peaceful and quiet so it's all good. Hurry up christmas now.