IPhone is it worth it

@ivesyono (131)
June 30, 2007 2:37pm CST
i really have to know is the I Phone worth the money or do you think their will just be something better in a few months. like it looks cool and has an ok plan but you still have to pay the 500+ ontop of the plan for two years. Is the phone worth it or should i just wait for the next best thing
1 response
• Canada
30 Jun 07
Good things come to those who wait... I would wait a couple of months. The phone will cost 500$ now but in a couple of months there will be more and more promotions and better phones so the price of an IPhone will go down. In the end it is up to you, but I think you should wait a bit.
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@ivesyono (131)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
good idea waiting sounds like a good plan. personaly i freaked with joy. there are no iphones in canada yet but in july a family from the states came up to ontario and the kid Reid, his mom had an Iphone and she let me look at it and hold it and fondel it, and play with it's touchable touch screen and it was awsome. but still not worth the money but the GPS system in it is amazing. type in a city, town, or village it goes there. then type in oh lets say tai food and it pin points all the tai food resturants in the area. touch a pin and it give you all the info. touch the phone number and it automatically dials that reasturant. sweet huh? well i think so.