PPC sites secret techniques

@sandwedge (1339)
June 30, 2007 10:45pm CST
Some pay per click or earning generating sites makes money from all our click and we in turn suppose to make money by click on the adverts. for such companies, anyone quitting before payout is money earned for them therefore they make it very tedious, routine and lengthy process to reach payout. a lot of people quit halfway through and this is what such companies wants.some start with plenty of adverts for you to click on and when you reach a certain sum, these adverts magically reduces in number and your earnings slow down. it gets frustrating after awhile and the person quits. company gets their cash and you just another slave clicking adverts. the other half the patiently clicks through rain or shine gets paid, and tells everyone about it. so more people join and more people quit. the sites earns a bundle getting people to quit halfway. with a few billion people on the internet, the resource is not about to run out soon. there are plenty of people who have no patience but willing to start.
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1 response
@SunDog (108)
• Latvia
1 Jul 07
mylot announced there are 98,817 members as of today. i bet you more than half of those already quit mylot after giving up on trying to get thier earnings. i notice this trend too in other sites as well but mylot is better since those that are still around enjoys the friendship going around mylot instead of thinking about the cash all the time. thats true too that other sites actually makes it harder to reach payout once you reach halfway mark.