Homosexuality: Freak of Nature or Population Stunt?

July 1, 2007 10:46am CST
Hey, i have noticed a few topics in this site that surround homosexuality and whether its natural or not. Now being homosexual myself i believe it is natural, i also am a firm believer that we are here for a reason, Genetics play a role in life, and i believe that the reason each generation has a higher percentage of homosexuals then the last means that we are natures way of slowing down the population.. What are your views? PLEASE No verbal bashings. Save it for a post where you can.
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11 responses
• United States
2 Jul 07
i have quite a few gay friends and love them dearly and for thoe who say homosexuality is a choice who in thier right mind would choose to be villified and mistreated as are those in the gay comunity !also for those who say it is a sin then they need to remember we are all siners in one way or another !so as Christ said let those who are sinnless caste the first stone!
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
2 Jul 07
You asked for peoples opinions.Iam not bashing anyone.Iam just telling you myopinion.I don't feel that homosexuality is natural.God did not put anyone on earth for that reason. I do believe that the reason that some people become homosexual is for popularity,to be different then the people around them and think that they are impressing someone by doing that.I think some peoplebecome that way,because they heard on tv or some where that a person feels this or that way and therefore they are gay.When that is not the case at all.And they they start saying,"Hey,I feel that way,so I must be gay." That's my opinion.May you get Jesus into your heart and God bless you. Glory Donna http://homeworkoppsplusmore.blogspot.com
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Jul 07
You know you could be right, I like your reasoning, I have always thought how some animals don't have young ones when the climate is not good, I being an animal lover have often said to friends how animals are so much smarter than we humans... I think love is good in whatever way it comes, it is to be treasured....
• Australia
2 Jul 07
Yeah, the only difference really with animals versus humans is that we are smarter. I am an animal lover myself. I want to get a cat soon, i love how smart they actually are. Not to mention perfect sleeping companions. lol
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Jul 07
yes I think we are smarter than animals in way but are we, we seem to have out smarted ourselves in some areas and animals like the cat are just lazing back and are just so happy in a simple way....
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Jul 07
No I don't think it is strange that we form such friendships with animals, especially cats as I think there is something about them we are not really aware of, have you ever seen how when they look you in the eye they almost seem to be looking straight into your soul they really stare, well i am a firm believe cats and dogs and maybe other animals as well are closer connects to the spiritual than we let ourselves be, when cats are loyal they are loyal and to be hones I trust animals more than I do most people they are such beautiful souls.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Years ago I acquired the book Biological Exuberance - Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. Despite the claims of fundamentalists that it doesn't happen in nature and therefore is against nature it does happen a lot. I pointed that out to one fundamentalist first using the nature argument and he responded with, "Well, we shouldn't be behaving like animals anyway." Just can't win with them people. Though I don't know if it is in response to population control. That may be a consequence, but to say it is a cause would require a bit more burden of proof I would think. But it is of no consequence to me. I'm attracted to whom I'm attracted to, and if that's against your religion ... tough. Convert me to your religion, it becomes your concern, but until then, as long as I'm in a country where there's freedom of religion (and I believe that would include freedom FROM religion) it is none of their business anyway.
• Australia
2 Jul 07
Very well said there. I am very content with how i've become, i am not ashamed or defamed in any way, its a natural selection process and you can't yearn what you haven't experienced. :)
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@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
I agree with your assesment with homosexuality. People are now beginning to accept the fact that we are also part of nature. Hey, homosexuals dis not come from bamboos or from the stars, we are born naturally. And some of us have tremendous skills and talents contributing to the growth of the society. For as long as we are not bothering those people againts homosexuality, then they got no right to make us unacceptable in the society. Live and let live, as they say.
• Australia
3 Jul 07
haha Bamboos! certainly not! We do contribute ALOT to society, whether we are commended for it aloud or quietly at least we have helped shaped humanity. thanks for sharing
• India
2 Jul 07
Hey man i think homosexuals are what they are & we should let them be what they want to be & not force them in any way i am telling this eventhough i am not a homosexual but u have to try to understand every body in the world then & only then we will all live in peace & harmony
• Australia
2 Jul 07
yeah exactly! we are who we are! thanks for replying!
• United States
2 Jul 07
I also believe homosexuality is natural. We all know what our preferences are. Even though I'm not homosexual, I've had friends that were. Some folks believe that people aren't born that way. I beg to differ. From what I gather a good friend of mine was always on the feminine side, even when he was very young. We shouldn't have to live outside our comfort zone. I think the only reason we see a higher percent of homosexuality is because people accept it easier in the world we live in today. Back in a day, more folks were ashamed and tried to hide it. Now they're more carefree and proud of who they are.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Thats an interesting theory I have to admit...In the animal kingdom there are natural "tricks" that occur in order to keep their numbers from goin hogwild if I'm not mistaken so really its a pretty logical theory....And of course the g/l/b/t community is FAR FROM being "freaks of nature"......MIND YOU I think that its not necessarily that there are higher % with each gen. I think that a big factor is in todays world the need to hide isnt nearly as strong as it was in yrs past...So that IMO is also something to consider..
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I think that homosexuality is purely genetic - it is not choice. A person can't say "Today I am straight", then six months down the road say "I am homosexual." I have some homosexual friends and I have worked with some too. Many of them you could not in anyway begin to tell that they are homosexual. When I was working I had an accountant - good looking, well dressed and most women would have considered him a hunk. We were talking one day about families. I asked him if he had ever been married. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "No I am gay." You could have knocked me off the chair. I say let them live their lives the way they want and in a way that makes them happy because they did not choose in any way to be the way they are.
@bad_boy2 (41)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
i think it just human nature to be homosexual or what.
• United States
2 Jul 07
i'm straight...i think that it won't really affect the population...i mean hell there actually making it to where men can have babys...plenty of kids to adopt and that may be a good side affect to 2 men being together...as to whether its natural or not i think its all about the people you hang out w/ and there ideals...not born gay (well maybe rare cases) but most of it is decided by friends or family