I want to get a tattoo, but I'm having second thoughts.

United States
July 1, 2007 1:41pm CST
Okay, I've always wanted to get a tattoo but I've recently been doubting that desire. I know a few people who've gotten one or a few and they always tell me that they love it and that they never doubted doing it. But there's also a couple people who've I spoken with that tell that they regret getting one because they did it out of spontaneity or were naive at that point in life. I'm pretty young myself. I'm just on my way to college and I'm trying to get my priorities straight. I think I should get a tattoo when I'm pretty sure I won't turn back to that decision. (haha) I think I figured my problem out already. I am so weird. Sometimes, the best person to help you out with a personal matter is yourself. Right, folks?
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20 responses
• Malaysia
2 Jul 07
Make your decision wisely. Tattoo's are permanent, so if you're gonna make one, choose carefully. This is an advice from a person that had his first tattoo from a DIY machine built by himself, and then regretting it. Took me a year before I did re-tattooing. Never use DIY tattoo machine, you'll regret it. The speed is like uncontrollable, the needles gonna go too deep etc.. My first tattoo, a ring band on my right shoulder. Second, a big dragon encircling my right arm, extending to my chest. Owh yeah, by the way, chest is gonna hurt badly ;). The way the dragon was tattoed, it was a total disaster. Ink quality weren't that good, so there are some spots that are not clear. My last resort that I did was to go to a proper, established tattoo shop. I repaired it by laying a new tattoo over the old dragon, which is like, ugh, very very painful. Took me like 1K to finish the job and some 10 grueling hours non stop pain :P. Make your decision wisely, learn from other people's mistake. ^_^
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
3 Jul 07
that picture you use as an icon, i know that picture. you pasted your face over the tattoo artists body. shame on you. do you really have a tattoo? if yes why resort to trickery and deceit with the picture? that picture is of a tattoo artist that keeps popping up in discovery channel. and that picture is found at http://www.borneoheadhunter.com the owner of the picture you pasted you face on, is having the huge 2nd Borneo Tattoo Convention somewhere in Malaysia this month i think.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
1 Jul 07
Yes I think you are very wise! Tattoos are nice for a while, and then things change. (Nothing ever stays the same) either you get tired of the tattoo, or the tattoo begins to fade and looks worn out. I think a faded tattoo looks doudy, and cheap. But if you really want one, get it in a private place, like on your bum. Then, even you won't have to look at it (only when you want to see it.)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Thank you!
@shelagh77 (3643)
2 Jul 07
I can see the attraction of a tattoo, the designs have really come on and some of them are beautiful and very intricate. However, the skin does weird things as it gets older and sometimes a tattoo can look all haggard and wrinkled and not at all attractive. i must admit that I would sit on the fence and have a temporary tattoo that I could remove when I got tired of it. You are 100% right to wait until you are absolutely sure you want the tattoo design for life, because although it is becoming easier to have a tattoo removed without leaving a scar it is certainly preferable to be certain that you want the design first. If you do decide to go ahead it would be interesting to know which design you picked.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I wouldn't get a tattoo if you are having any second thoughts at all. And if you do ever get one be sure it's something you can live with and I would make sure it's someplace you can hide it if you don't want it known you have one. Also never a name not even if your married. It's very expensive to remove a tattoo. Even if you love it when you get it just think about how you will feel in 10 years or so. I have one tattoo of a butterfly on a sun on my chest over my heart. I got it when I was 18 years old. I wanted to do something crazy and that was as crazy as I could get... haven't got the nerve to do much else. Anyways that was seven years ago now. I now am kind of sick of looking at it. It has been there for seven years after all. However I'm very glad it is where it is because it doesn't show to the whole world unless I'm wearing a bathing suit or something low cut. It's really a very beautiful tattoo so it's nothing anyone would absolutely hate, but I think it would be easier to just do a stick on and be able to just wash it off when you don't want it any more.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
1 Jul 07
My suggestion is that if you get a tattoo, get a temporary one. Never put something permanent on your body, esp if you are having doubts. I have seen older women with tattoos and they did not look good.
• United States
1 Jul 07
Yes, you're right, but I'm considering on setting aside this idea for now since I have a lot things I need to accomplish before anything else.
@kumar27 (129)
• India
5 Jul 07
so far, your desire to get tattoed in dominant.... i advise u to get it done after u are assure that those needles are used by vendors are well-sterilized or new. coz,this medium is used by AIDS. beware! even my desire to get a small tatoo on my hand is thawrted since a god-knows period due to this reason.
• India
2 Jul 07
ya well
• United States
2 Jul 07
You should NEVER get a tattoo until you KNnow what you want. You need to know EXACTLY what you want and know where to put it. A good way to decide if you want a certain image or not is to carry it with you everywhere. Put that image all over the place. Carry it in your wallet. Put iton the door ofthe bathroom and on the wall across from the toilet. If after 3 months you are not sick of it, then you are probably making the right decision with a tattoo. If you are sick of seeing it by then, you need to not get that image inked into your skin. Good luck.
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Hi! I also wanted to get a tattoo when I was in my first year in college. I think it looks cute and all but I was scared. Scared of the pain and what my skin would look like when I get old. It would be dry and wrinkled and even if I have it removed, it wouldn't be totally erased anyway. So, I am also considering the fact that it wouldn't look nice when I get old and I have this tattoo on my body plus I wouldn't get to donate blood and there's an emergency, right? I don't know. I just satisfy my wanting to have a tattoo by imagining I have one. Lol. :)
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
2 Jul 07
if you want a tattoo, pick the picture you want and carry it with you for at least a month. keep looking at it. believe me, some pictures loose their appeal after a few days. if you are still happy with that particular picture, then get a tattoo.if however you feel that you are not 100% sure than do not get a tattoo. depends where you want it, some places on the body are more painful that others.
• United States
2 Jul 07
I've wanted a tattoo since i was probably 10 and i'm still not old enough to get one, but you should always get something that means something to you. I know already that my first tattoo is goin to be my zodiac sign because thats something that will never change..lol my birthday of course. I will probably get something to honor my mother because she has always been there for me. and maybe something for my sister. I think you should go through with it because tattoos are an awesome way of expressing youself and your originality.
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Tattoo is a way of expressing your individuality. But you should know what you're getting into because there are risk involve like infection from unsterile equipment and needles, removal problems if you don't want it anymore, allergic reactions, granulomas, Keloid formation. It can also cause MRI complications like burning sensation and swelling if ever you will be required by your doctor to undergone Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Hope this will enlighten you.
@Jade27 (67)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I have a tattoo, that I love but I wish I would not have gotten it. I thought about my tattoo for five years before I got it. I love it. I think it is beautiful. I just think about when I am older what it will look like and I cannot always cover it when I want to (it is on my shoulder blade). If you do get one I would consider whether you would be able to hide it if you want to when you are deciding where to put it.
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
things to consider before getting a tattoo... .....they say it has some effects on your blood.. .....it is permanent mark unless it's a henna tattoo... .....it could be beautiful to look at..for some but not for all... ....do you really wanted it?...or you are just envied to your friends' tattoo?.. ....it's your choice..it's your body....that depends all in you...
• United States
1 Jul 07
Please remember that society changes. When I was a young man, a tattoo was generally considered the mark of a low class person. Of course, this was stupid but that was the way a lot of people thought back then. Tattoos are much better now and do not carry a social stigma. However, twenty years from now you do not know what people will think of them or what you will think of them at that time. But to start off, maybe you could get a very small one on a hidden part of your body. There is always time to expand it or get one on an exposed part of yourself. See if you like it for a while before doing anything large or flamboyant.
@mschiqui (1284)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
if you really want to get a tattoo,just those fake tattoos that can be erased after a year,cause having a real tattoo on your body,is really one of the reason in the future that you cannot land a job..It is still cool if your body is clean from any tattoos..
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
1 Jul 07
I think you are a very smart young lady. Getting a tattoo means dealing with the permancy of it. Getting rid of it is not so easy, painful and costly. I had a friend who got a tattoo when she was in college like yourself. It was a small little bird right on her ankle. Unfortunately, after many years, the bird just turned into a blob and it was unsightly. Fast forward a number of years and she wanted to have it removed for professional reasons. It cost quite a bit of money and she said that having it removed was more painful than childbirth. The moral of the story is to think very carefully about getting a tattoo. I'm certainly not against them and my son who is also in college, has two, but if you do get one, make sure it's something that will hold meaning for you for years to come and not the name of your current boyfriend.
@GEOvanne (94)
• Jamaica
1 Jul 07
i dont get a tattoo yet because it would be too painfull and more importantly, id get bored and want to change it. so untill they invent a removable tattoo, i dont think im getting any. no i dont want to do lazer sugry cause that still leaves marks. but if i do get one, it would cover my upper-right arm and shoulder, come down a little past my elbow, the right shoulder blade and right side of my chest. then id get some barbed wire and thorns around my upper-left arm.
1 Jul 07
You pretty much got it right. If you decide to get a tatoo make sure that it is something that you wouldn't mind having on your body for the rest of your life, and that you won't be embarassed about when you're much older.
@MLLanser (162)
• United States
2 Jul 07
If you are having second thoughts, then wait a bit. Tattoos are there forever, and you dont want something you will regret in a year or 10 years. My tattoos have my childrens names on them, the only names I will get on me. I never understood the people that get the cartoon characters on them, as I would think they would outgrow that after a while. Oh well to each his own. As for you, you have all the time in the world, and when the time is right you will know it!