My 14 year old LOVES horror movies. Should I be concerned?
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
July 1, 2007 3:44pm CST
I can't watch them. Not much anyways. I don't like the gore and I don't like the ones related to ghosts or possesion or that type of thing.
She gets a kick out of all types of horror movies.
I don't want to be overprotective. I'm not sure what she sees in them, but I know she's not alone. If there were no horror fans they wouldn't make so many movies.
Stephen King is a very successfull writer. I had a discussion about him and from the responses I got on that, it appears that he has quite a few fans here on mylot.
But, I do hear the aruments against these types of films too.
What do you think? Are horror movies harmful or not?
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53 responses
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
2 Jul 07
It sounds like a phase she's going through my daughter did the same thing then one day they will realized that all the hooror shows are about the same and knows what going to happens next. My daughter out grown it as she thinks its boring or just not interested in her. Maybe your daughter will be the same as she is only 14 and knows it's not real and not getting involved in a such of things but I think she'll out grown it as I have too (wink) Have a good day and try not too worry as I think she'll out grown them.
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@mummymo (23706)
1 Jul 07
I know there are many ways of looking at this but I think in the main they are not harmful as long as the child is mature enough to cope with them! We were on holiday last week, my partner, myself our 20 year old friend and almost 14 year old son watched one of these films - I was the only one freaked out by it in anyway! My son told me that I had to remember that it was only fiction and none of it was real - they all laughed! I also think if you try and keep them away from these things they will only be more intrigued by them! xxx
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@Juanamomof5 (429)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I have always loved watching horror movies, even though I would sometimes get nightmares from them. I don't believe they are harmful especially if you have taught her what is on tv or movies are not real she will be fine. I think I'm a pretty normal person.
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@Titanum (98)
• Australia
2 Jul 07
Horror Movies are fantacism, the fact that your daughter loves them warrants no concern, perhaps she likes the adrenalin rush of the next scare that she will encounter. I think this opens the mind for imagination, some horror movies can scar young people (God knows there have been a few that have absolutely terrified me when i was her age) but at the same time people are generally fascinated with the unknown, being the supernatural and such.
The thing you should worry about is if she starts to act them out, then there may be an obsession, but for now i think they give her the adrenaline rush she needs at her age as puberty steps in.
If you are truely concerned then perhaps you should limit the amount of horror movies she watches, the content etc.
@shelagh77 (3643)
3 Jul 07
There are so many variables here. There is horror and absolute deviance and some film makers do not understand where the line should be drawn. If your daughter has a good understanding of the barrier between reality and fiction and doesnt suffer nightmares or anything then she is probably not being harmed and lets face it young people of her age will watch the type of film they want to somehow.
Writer such as Steven King were young once and it doesnt seem to have done them any harm, even they create such lurid pieces of work.
I personally find the books far more scary than the films because they work very hard on your imagination - I actually laughed at that critical scene in Carrie when it was screened because it was so over the top!
You are right to keep an eye on her but this may be a passing thing, tastes change, and if she senses a conflict you never know the teenage "thing" might kick in.
I have to admit that this very subject was a cause of conflict when I babysat my teenage niece and nephew and I got round it by saying they could do what they liked when I wasnt there and hogging the remote control so that they could not put the films on!

@shelagh77 (3643)
3 Jul 07
Well, my Brother and his wife were always back for the late evening and if the kids had had nightmares WHO would have got the blame? Yup, got it in one. However, I love those kids to pieces and as you say if in doubt, put on Mickey Mouse and let them complain lol.
Yes, she will take on other interests and even if she retains her interest in the horror genre, there are a lot of very successful people writing, acting, directing etc and all the spin off jobs, so she will not be alone in her interests.
Maybe you will be able to find something you can enjoy together?
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I think when babysitting other peoples children, even family, one should be careful. If you're in doubt say no. Leave it up to the parent.
Good call on your part.
Thanks for your response. I've pretty much come to the same conclusion as you. She's okay for now. It's not causing her any problems. Soon she will be too busy to watch movies and she will be on to other interests.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
1 Jul 07
As fun as they are to watch, at least for her, it allows Satin to come into her spirit. So, if they are demonic ones, I say no. The spirit would is very really, not to be ignored.
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@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
2 Jul 07
Children like gore and violance, they like to 'shoot' at each other with their toys, they relish in re-telling the most gruesome aspect of an action movie. I don't know where it comes from, but I believe it has been so since time immemorial. So I'm not too concerned about it.
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
1 Jul 07
All my kids loved horror movies and still do for the most part. I haven't had any problems with them, I think it may be a form of release for them, it isn't to sappy to have a reaction to a horror
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jul 07
What kind of horror movies? If they are only mildly horror like then I don't think there's a problem, but like you I don't like to watch real slasher gory type movies...Does your daughter have any nightmares after watching such movies...I mean gee, I'm by no means 14 and I wouldn't want a steady diet of watching such movies--Is there anyway you can wean her away from such movies and encourage her to watch more positive movies??
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@KatieS (503)
• United States
1 Jul 07
I loved horror movies as a teenager, but now that I'm a grown adult, I don't like to watch them anymore. I think it's the element of surprise that was so appealing. Stephen King wouldn't be so big if people didn't watch his movies. I see no harm myself.
@litebrite87 (86)
2 Jul 07
As long as your daughter is of sound mind there should be no concern. Whenever someone does something bad after watching a movie or playing a game that are usually found to be mentally unstable. Now, would I suggest that young children watch horror movies? No, because it would scare them more than older people, because of their imaginations -but I can't really talk considering I watched horror movies when I was little, but they terrified me then.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Jul 07
They scare me more than they scare her.
Now, her little brother is another story.
He doesn't even like to see the covers on the movie cases that she rents! He stays in a different room when she watches them.
@Philboi119 (347)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Supervision is very important when it comes to minors watching tv or movies so that you can explain to your child whatever is there to explain. Movies are sometimes not too good for children. Parental guidance is the best way to do it.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Yeah, but those movies SCARE me! I know what movies she is watching. And I know, basically, what they are about. Plus, she loves to tell me about them after she watches them. But, I won't watch them with her.
I'm letting her watch them, but I'm controlling how often she watches them. I think that might help to some degree.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
2 Jul 07
My niece is this way as well, but she wants to direct and produce them, so I am not too worried about it. Also, she is into comic book films and action films as well, and I am not concerned because we talk about what she has just seen and what kind of make-up and props to use. We think of it more as making a movie and how to make a movie, than whether or not it scares us? My niece is very smart and she is pretty talented. I definately see her producing and directing horror films.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I remember when I was about 11 and 12 watching those films, and it was more or less just a thing for us. Most of the things that we were into were Grunge Rock (it was the 90's what do you expect), Garage Bands, and just being creative souls. I was also into graphic novels and mythology. I like to study mythology and I love to write stories.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I've thought that my daughter may end up wanting to do that someday. I don't tell her that she can't go into any particular career, but honestly that would NOT be my first choice for her! lol
I don't think she analyzes them as much as your niece does, but she does to it a bit. She would be more focused on the writing of them, than the costume and props.
She definitely has a creative side to her.
I tend to be a person that can see things from more than one perseptive, so I can see positive and negative things about this. I'm hoping it's just a phase. She doesn't behave strangely, or badly because of watching these movies, so for now, i'm letting her explore this, but I do not let her watch them every day. I think once in a while is fine. And she does watch other types of movies as well. This just seems to be her "thing" for now.
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
2 Jul 07
This is a normal way to develop some more imagination. Your daughter is inteligent girl, i hope, and she
knows that this is just a film with special effects and dramatic scenarios. Dont impose to her your likes and dislikes-it`s stupid. And dont forget:she is a individual, no need to be over protecting.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Jul 07
She is an intelligent girl. But, sometimes she does lack judgement. I pretty much raise her the way you suggest, but maybe with a little more restraint.
I let her use her own judgement most of the time. Until I see her taking things too far. Then I have to reel her back in.
I believe in letting children figure some things out for themselves, as long as they stay safe doing it.
@ackars (1942)
• India
2 Jul 07
I think no need to worry.I would say he is extra courageous guy...At that age,I was really scared of watching a horror movie.
@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Hello Mia, how old is your daughter? Like you I don't watch horror movies either I just couldn't stand watching those gtuesome scenes. And it is also my sentiments with my 5 & 4 year old kids. They do not understand what the movie is all about but they are aware of the violence in the story. So what I did was I prohibited them to watch movies and tv shows including cartoons with violent nature at the same time explained to them the reason why. In their young minds I know they do not understand but what more important is that they believed me that these shows are bad to watch.
@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Sorry Mia, I feel stupid. I didn't read your daughter's age. She's alrady 14.:)
@crisp_cool (26)
• India
2 Jul 07
well...i think u can allow her 2 watch mildly horror the movie " frmo dusk till dawn 2..texas blood money "...but u shud keep her away frm movies showin a lot of pain and bloodshed and all dose kinda things...especially the dracula movies..coz she's way 2 small for draculas...but as such der is no side adverse effect of these movies until it affects her mind....if she gets nightmares regarding this..then u shud put a ban 2 it....
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I love horror films, I don't think there's really anything wrong with watching them. There's the huge debate that things like this lead to people turning out to be murderers and things like that, but you have to have faith and trust in your children. I mean I wouldn't show them a movie like Hostel because that's way too much for anyone under 18, but I highly doubt anything wrong will happen.