America "Revisited"
@La_Bella_Vita (598)
United States
July 2, 2007 6:10am CST
I made a post concerning the Chris Benoit case. The post was telling you so-called civilized people judging him that you should look at yourselves before judging him because you all have done or will do things that are evil in the future and will beg for mercy. You all say "Justice on him, mercy on myself". That doesn't cut it. You have all these executives that make money and beat the wife, dog, kids and commit incest but they are considered the beautiful people because they have money. Well, trust me, if you wish bad on others or rejoice in others' pain, you will dwell in ten times that pain yourself.
If you have a response please post it. Don't respond to the perverted and useless crap on this site and skip over this post because it makes you look at the travesty and pathetic event you call life.
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