How Much to Pay My Cat Sitter?

@Aurone (4755)
United States
July 2, 2007 11:24am CST
I am going on about a two week trip to visit my family. My little brother is getting married. My bestfriend is going to check in on my babies, my cats. I wondered how much people usually pay their cat sitters. I want to get her a giftcard or something (cause I don't think she'll take money from me) and was wondering what a proper amount would be.
1 response
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Jul 07
We are going out of town for a week and my Aunt is checking up on our cats 2-3 times. We are getting her a $10 Starbucks gift card. To give you an idea per day, around here to kennel the cats it would be $10 each. Our birds (which we may actually kennel at the Drs office) are $17.50 per bird a day.