Compromise vs Selling out...Where do you draw the line?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
July 2, 2007 11:33am CST
Do you choose your battles? Do you think you are always right? When do you decide it's okay to compromise? At what point does compromising become selling out. This could apply to work, marriage, parenting or life in general. What are your thoughts?
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17 responses
@KatieS (503)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I believe compromise is better in all 3 situations, I'm not always right, even though I think I am at the time. Talking is aways good, gives you insight on other things you might not have already thought of that someone else has. I think without talking, someone is selling out without getting a word in.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I know that I am not always right but my husband thinks he is LOL mind you he is ever hardly wrong LOL. I think after we are all talked out, we come to an agreement, it may be 30 minutes later, or it even may be the next day, but we do somehow sort it out as we don't like leaving things unsaid. Now and then I think we have both just given in for the sake of giving in and for the discussion to stop LOL sometimes we have to agree to disagree and leave it at that. There is not many things in which we do find us doing that though, mostly it's over extended family issues or our son.
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@shelagh77 (3643)
3 Jul 07
I a bit sneaky really because I appear to sell out whilst I am working out a strategy whereby I can make the "killer blow" and win the argument. Quite often someone will go away thinking I am complying with their wishes and they are happy, but I am happier because I resume whatever I was doing prior to the problem.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I think that is called being "passive agressive" lol Sometimes it's okay to use that stategy. Sometimes it is even necessary. But it can be a bit deceitfuland that can sometimes cause more problems than it solves. Thanks for your response.
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@shelagh77 (3643)
3 Jul 07
Oh, I had heard of passive aggressive but didn't realise that I practiced it lol. I have been lucky so far and it has not caused me any problems. I suppose it might be a teensy bit dishonest but I am physically very weak so I suppose I respond to bullying, which has happened often, in the best way I can which is sneaky. It doesn't happen very often but if I am confronted I must admit I will do everything in my power to return myself to my comfort zone as quickly as possible :-)
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
4 Jul 07
I'm no psychiatrist but I bet that's a common reaction to bullying.
• United States
4 Jul 07
I choose my battles well. I fight for what i strongly believe in.I think I am right about what is right for me. It may be wrong for someone, but it is right for me.My point of view may be wrong to someone , but it is right for me.I would never tell someone what they should or should not believe.It is okay to compromise when you can live with it. You won't lose any self respect.When does compromising become selling out? When you compromise just to get fame or fortune.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Thanks for your response. I think what struck me the most was when you mentioned self respect. I think that is the key to the difference between compromising and selling out. Take care.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
4 Jul 07
I do not think I am always right though most of the time I am. This is because propose and decide based on facts, not emotions, not instincts, and certainly not plucked from the sky. If the other party can convince me otherwise, I can accept their point of view. I compromise only when I feel it is a win-win situation, for the good of all parties. If it only benefits on party, there is no point in me compromising as more demands will surface later on.
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I think it's very important to compromise when you can, if you choose not to compromise in relationships, you're going to have really short relationships.
• United States
3 Jul 07
I will compromise when I see that the other side has a point or more truth to it than my opinion.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Jul 07
great discussion. i don't ever think that i am selling out. nor do i think that i am always right. i am just fine with compromising for the greater good of family, work, money, and other things that is going to benfit myself and family. for me selling out is to take everything you believe in and toss it out the window. i would never do that for a man, money, work or anything else. sticking to my belives, and compromising is what has gotten me to this wonderful point in my life.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I try not to choose any battles. I don't have to be right or prove to anyone that I am. Life is too short to be in a battle and be trying to change other's views. I may have to compromise on some things, but I don't care. There are certain things I will not fudge on. Just depends on what is going on.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
3 Jul 07
Some times it is hard to decide what to stand up for and what to over look. Some things that you feel are not worth fighting for, may end up being a big deal later on. I don't think that I am always right, but I try to be right before I open my mouth and claim that something is true. I compromise when I am able to think the situation over and realize that I may be at fault. Sometimes, I may not understand what the other is going through and it wont hurt me to compromise, so I do. Compromising is never selling out, when you do it for the person that you care about or for a cause that you care about. You do what you honestly feel is best for the situation.
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
3 Jul 07
I am willing to compromise on absolutely everything, but I would never sell out. Now what does 'sell out' mean to me. It means that I get to a point where people don't respect me or my point of view. It happens often, because many times people only pretend to respect you to get what they want, but I'm not falling for that anymore. Negotition: Yes, Imposition: No
@derek_a (10874)
3 Jul 07
Beging right and winning battles used to be very important to me. Then I recognised that it is all meaningless really. What did I win when I won an argument? Nothing. I rarely compromise these days, because I either accept something or not. I recognise that others may have different opinions and values to me and I like to give them the space to be how they are and to do what they want. This doesn't mean that I am a push-over and people can get me to do what they want. I do what it is needed, if others do the opposite, that is OK. If they object to what I do, then it's OK for them to object, but I will do it anyway, if I need to do it or if I have promised to do it. I am not in this world to live up to others' expectations and neither are they here to live up to mine. My motto on this is live and let live :-)
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi miamilady!!Well i will compromise in home life with family and never compromise at work.I think in home life we should compromise each other to have good relation ship among the members.We have to accept them if their decision is good,Coming to work i should compromise till it ends.
@sharon_ (1169)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I don't think that I'm always right, but if I know "without a doubt" that I'am I will get my point across no matter what. I don't do this at the expense of hurting others or to the point where it might backfire on me.Just the other day, a co-worker and I got into it over wanding someone with a defibrillator. I tried to explain to her in a nice way not to wand anyone with one. She looks at me like I'm crazy.Even though she was mean to me, I try to be nice to her. I know I'm right about the subject matter, but I tried real hard to be the "better person". She's still mad. LOL
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I fyou think you are right and just give in to the person that is to far of a comprmise I dont go that far at all most time has to be my way after a big discussion lol hugs
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
3 Jul 07
My compromising occurs when it is good for both of us. Selling out does you no favors and of course not the job really. Same principal with marriage and parenting. Although in parenting you have a serious job to raise the kids to fend for themselves and to become positive and energetic and productive people. Life is always a give and take and it behooves all of us to have it a win win situation.
@rdougl (469)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Right is right. Everybody knows right from wrong. The bottom line is trying to get your way and not being a snitch. I try to do what's right. As much as I can, I will just mind my own business. But when it involves me, my work, marriage, or parenting I have to come forward. I am a believer of integrity and I want to push that on my family. Choose your battles wisely but remember you are a Man/Woman of your word. Sometimes all you have is your word.