Is it possible to be in love with two people???
By hjalj1221
@hjalj1221 (46)
United States
July 2, 2007 1:34pm CST
I am currently in a relationship with the father of my 2 youngest children. We have had alot of problems in the past, we have both cheated, and fought alot, but have tried for 4 years to make it work, i think mostly for the kids. I do love him very much, and would have done anything to make it work out, but recently he has become very controling, and selfish, not only with me, but with our children also. I have tried to leave him, but if i do, i leave with nothing, everything we have is in his name, our home, the phones, the car...all of it, which makes it close to impossible to take care of my kids. Everytime we fight he takes all of it from me...its his way of keeping me here, he never gives me money for anything. Last week, i saw the man i had cheated on him with, and we got to talking, I have had feelings for this man for 3 years, but was unable to let anyone know how I felt...fear of losing everything I have. Now I am not sure what I should do. I love both of them, and I really want to be with the other man, but I am scared that I will lose everything. What should I do???? Please help!!!!
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18 responses
@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I don't think it's possible to love two men, no. doesn't sound like you love your sounds like you love the things you have with him. You don't want to lose your house and car and of course, your children. No one can blame you, either - it would be hard to give up those things which you are accustomed to already.
If the only thing stopping you from divorcing is your possessions, make sure you look into your state's laws. Some states split everything down the middle - whether or not they're in the husband's name or the wife's. Keep in mind though, that if you leave your husband for another man you might not get custody of your kids...since your husband would be the "victim" who's being dumped. So I would put off seeing the other man until everything is said and done.
Good luck!
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@hjalj1221 (46)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I agree with you that I only stay for those things, and without them I cannot take care of myself...I cant get a job, without a car, and a phone. I have no place to live without a job....its a vicious circle. The bigger problem is that we are not even married, therefore I have no rights to any of the things we have accuired together, except for my kids, the fact that we are not married gives me full rights to the kids (I am the custodial parent), so he cannot take them from me, but my state does not recognize common law marriage, and because he will take everything if I leave, I don't have much of a choice other than stay, or let him take the kids (which by the way if that should happen, he would moist likely take them to Mexico, where he is from) I want to be able to leave, and take care of us on my own, I do not want to move in with this other man, and depend on him....i need to know that I can do this on my own!!!! I guess I need the emotional support more than advice:0) Thank you for your thoughts!!!!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Sounds like your husband is very controlling and its unlikely to change any time soon, or if ever. Do you think continuing to live with him will make your life even happier or worse that it already is? I think and its just my opinion, that it will only get worse. It is easier said than done, and i don't know how else to say it but I think you need to get out now.
Do you have somewhere to go? any family members you can take you and your children to, to stay for a while. Can your other male friend help? I don't know if its good to get him involved but if he can help in any way then I think you should ask him if you don't have any family members to help.
I feel for you and hope that you are going to be ok!
@hjalj1221 (46)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Thank you sooooo much!!!! No, I do not have anyone who can help me out. And the other man is out of the state for a few months....and I am trying to get out of here before he does, the plan is to try to get out now. So that me and him can be together in the end (him and my current boyfriend were friends before our first encounter). And he is having alot of similar problems with the girl he just came out of a relationship with, so it will tough for us to be together ( we have both wanted this for a long time, but tried to make our other relationships work instead. I really wish we would have just been together from the beginning it would have saved alot of people alot of grief) It's almost as if we have been put in each others lifes again at just the right time!!!! For the past 3 years I have thought of him, and wondered if I should have been with him. But it just didnt work that way! I just pray that it can work now, I know that both of us deserve it!!!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Best of luck hjalj and we are here if you need to talk. I think you are doing the right thing by getting out now!
@desertking1981 (455)
• India
3 Jul 07
I don't think that it is possible to love with two people.It is also true that you are going through a very worst condition because you are not able to decide what to do?
I think if you love your children then first of all you have to think about them that what is good for them.Because if you go with the other person then it is your children only who have to pay for it.
Then if you want to live your own life only then you have to decide with whom you are happy and are able to live a peaceful life.
You say that you love both of them,this is true and this situation is also come in the life of many people but you have to handle it with your mind not with heart becaue your heart don't able to take a decision at this point.
hope you are able to deal with the situation as soon as possible.Take care
@jessigirl116 (848)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I definitely think it's possible to love two people. Our hearts have many rooms and many places for feelings. I don't love my mom like I love my kids. I don't love my boyfriend like I love my sister. If we have enough space inside the different rooms for different people(such as the room for my 3 kids and the room for my 1 sister), then we can certainly love two guys. It's not a good idea, but it can happen.
Definitely check with an attorney about the laws on property. The kids usually go with the mom unless the dad can prove the mom 'unfit'. Are you?? Do you neglect them? Are they dirty? Uneducated in the basics? Probably not or you wouldn't be here asking us about this- you'd have already left with no reguard to the consequences.
If you and your kids are being neglected in ANY way, and it sounds like you are, leave. You are only hurting you and your kids more by trying to stick it out. Take it from someone who has been there. The kids are better off with you when you are in a good place, mentally and physically. It is possible to start over with nothing, it's hard but possible. Good luck to you, we are here for you if you need us.
@hjalj1221 (46)
• United States
2 Jul 07
My kids are very well takin care of by me....and loved very much. There is no legal possibility that he can take them from me, I know that, without a doubt, I am not worried about losing the kids, only that I will not have any way to take care of them financially when I do leave...I can take him to court for child support I know that, but he will not actually pay anything until it is ordered. And like I said I do love him very much....but I cannot let him treat me and our kids this way anymore, I refuse to let him do this to my babies!!!! I know that it is possible...I watched my sister get through worse, but it took her living in a shelter, and being homeless without her kids for a few months to finally be done! He does not hit me...and they do not accept you into a shelter because your boyfriend will not let you have any money to get out of the house sometimes, or because he takes "his" car from you when you fight and he thinks you will leave him!!! It all sounds really stupid when I say it, but it's how he makes me feel worthless that is the problem more than anything else. I know that if I can get out of this...that I will be happier, and therefore be a better mom to my kids!!!! They are my only purpose in life now anyway....and I do not want them to grow up thinking that this is the "normal" way of life. But I am going to have to live the life I want them to have otherwise nothing I say is going to have any meaning to them! Thank you sooo much for your support!!
@manvik (981)
• Hungary
6 Jul 07
Hi, I think it is not possible to love with two people at the same time.From your story I can make conclusion that you love more the person you have relationship for the last 3 years.On the other hand you are scared if you want to spend your life with that man you will lose everything.I suggest you to meet a good lawyer and explain him your situation.I am sure there will be a good solution.And stop yourself to be happy.Listen to your heart and the law,and I am sure you will get eveything.:)
@mdvarghese (1789)
• Bangalore, India
6 Jul 07
You may have your own reasons. But what I can say you are sailing in two boats. May be presently you are capable to sail parallely. Once you lost the control of one boat, you imagine what is going to happen.
Most of the people are indulging in love for different reasons.I dont want to blame. But after marriage, it is better to love only one person. It is for a healthy relationship. But you may lose somany things. You may not be loved by him/she. You may not be sexually satisfied...Like that a lot of factors.....
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Jul 07
Hhmm sounds to me like your feelings for your husband are more like misplaced loyalties either to him or to the relationship....and I would seriously consider finding a way to get out of it if thats how he behaves..I hate to be the one to tell you this (assuming nobody else has yet) but thats actually domestic abuse...i would see if you cant contact (without his knowledge) legal aid adn see legally what rights you have as far as belongings etc goes (I'm not sure where you live) and wht you are entitled to should you leave him....
That being answer your question about loving two ppl at once, yes it is very possible...I love my husband deeply BUT I am also very much in love with another man and have been for yrs...How can I love them both so much? Becuase I love them for different qualities and reasons....they are two completely different ppl and I love them both for very key things.....they are both very important in my life, they are both key ppl in my life and have been for 9 (my husband) and 10 (the other man) yrs.....
do I think ANYONE can love two ppl at once? no not at all...not that its tricky but I think more like because society is so UNaccustom to that way of living, thinking, being etc....but that doesnt mean NOBODY can...
@rosie_123 (6113)
3 Jul 07
Yes - I do think it's possible to love two people. There are lots of different kinds of love - not just the obvious ones like love for parents, love for partner, love for children etc, but many degrees in between. It is none of my business to tell you what to do with your life, but if I were you, I would leave your current partner as soon as possible, because he sounds like a control freak, and things will only get worse as he tries to assert more power over you. The very fact that you feel you can't survive without him proves that he is already succeeding in making you too dependant on him. I know every country and culure is different, and things may not be so easy for you as they are for women here in England, but there MUST be somewhere you can go to find safety with your children? Even if you have no friends or family to help you, do you not have Womens' Refuges, or other places where you could stay with your kids until you've sorted things out a bit. Money isn't everything in my opinion - peace of mind is much better, and who cares if you don't have a phone or a car if you have your health, your peace of mind, your sanity, and, of course, your children? As for getting a job... well, - do you really need a car for that? Do you not have good public transport links? Or maybe you could change your job to get one nearer to where you move to. About the new man - well I would personally advise perhaps not to leap into a relationship with him and live with him straight away. No harm in dating of course, but give yourself a little time to get your head together, and also to get your kids used to te idea of not having their Dad around, before there is aother man in their lives full-time. Good luck!
@wendy82 (437)
• United States
3 Jul 07
To me I would have to say be with the man that makes you happy. You need to get out of the relationship because he is never going to change. But no matter what you can always start over with things. Because you really do not need someone that is going to treat you like crap. Because I know the feeling I am kind of in the same boat as you hjalj1221. I have been with my fiance for 10 years now off and on. He is a controlled freak and he has abused me physical and mental. He threatened me so many times that if I leave that he will hurt me. But during the last time we went separate ways i was dating someone else. But I fall in love with that man. Today he doesnt like the situation that Im in and he wants me to move home to my moms. But I really dont want to move. I am trying to work things out for this relationship am in. Because the guy I live with has been through the good and bad times with me. So he know exactly what to do now. So to me yes it is possible to love two man at the same time. Just dont let them hurt you and do what you think is best for your children.
@melissa911 (92)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I'm sure at one point you loved the man that you are with now. But you cant help who your heart falls for. especially if you have been treated badly by your man now. I say you should go with your heart. You may leave with nothing, But that only means you have everything to gain. If you stay you will never be happy. But if you leave, sooner or later you will bounce back it just may take a little while. But it will be nothing compared to spending a lifetime with someone that you dont love.
@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
yes it is very possible to feel as much love for one guy as as the other. however loving them both is being unfair to them and maybe also to yourself. maybe you should learn to love yourself more and stop being dependent with guys.
@sarangsadh (167)
• India
3 Jul 07
Well u really are in a fix and its something very tough to even give out a suggestion.But i think you should make out with the other man and if u feel the other man can give u as much of security to take care of ur kids then go with him or else stay with the earlier person only.
@redlime (94)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
I think the best thing you do, get a rope and hang yourself.. hehe just joking... Somehow I know what you feel. It is posible to love two men in fact, I, loved more than 2 women hehe... Even have a certain admiration to my cousin... the best thing you do I guess, love him more... If that won't work, try it again, and still not working.. that's the best time to hang yopurself! hehe.. try to approach him... maybe I'll change his mind, tell him everyday you kove him..... comfort him, try to be sweet, show him you've changed.. And also try to talk to God, He might have an answer.. I'm pretty sure He does...
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
3 Jul 07
It doesn't sound like you are in a good relationship, and that can not only hurt you, but it can hurt you kids. The guy will have to pay you some kind of money if you do leave him, he owes you it. And he probably will have to split costs of some of 'his' things with you. But don't you have someone else (family, friends) you and your kids could stay with until you get back on your feet?
If you found this new man who you love, and who you think loves you...maybe talk to him about it. Tell him you want to divorce your husband, but you want to know that he will be there for you and your kids. If the guy loves you he will support you.
@somebodybig (941)
2 Jul 07
You have to let one of them go.If you do not do that.You may end up losing the two of them
@pilotjune1972 (199)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
Seems your in a tight situation there and is really confused right now. I guess if you have the guts to leave the father of your 2 youngest children then go on. I know it may sound drastic, but you also need to be happy, you have to let your 2 youngest children know whats happening and what do you plan to do. It's the risk you've got to take, you just have to tell the truth to the person that you truly love and see what's he's gonna do about it. If he love's you dearly he'd accept you, but if not, then move on your own. Its kinda easy to say but i know its so hard and difficult to do. I just wish you the best of whatever decision your gonna make : goodluck!