By Nazairah
@Nazairah (1)
28 responses

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
6 Aug 07
akongato- are you mental? First of all, I saw that you left the same response to S.Clam in another discussion. Second of all, where would you get the idea that I am bitter about my life?
When I am alone, when I am with friends, when I am with my family, when I am sound asleep- I am quite content & happy with my life.
Women who support choice are not bitter, vicious, 'baby killers'. We're (generally) compassionate, educated and responsible people who value actual lives, personal choice, and personal freedom.
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@cybermom45 (196)
• United States
12 Jul 07
And yet you are saying that it isn't wrong or barbaric for us tax payers who believe abortion to be both killing and a sin to be forced to help pay for it against our will because you and other groups believe your views should be imposed on us.
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@Jessem (372)
• Mauritius
3 Jul 07
Yeah i think abortion should be legalised to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy. Well many advocate that its a crime and not moral but shall we let a 12 years old girl getting pregnant? she herself is still a baby so what care then will she take of another one..In case of rape i think abortion must be allwed if the person does not want to conceive the baby.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I personally could never see the act of childbirth as a gift.
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@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jul 07
In much of the world it is quite legal to kill the unborn
all the best urban
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
10 Jul 07
Abortion is actually legal in certain countries. However in my country abortion is not legal and people will get punishment in terms of paying penalties by the court of even going to jail. Abortion is only allowed if the pregnancy is endangering the mother's health, that's all that I can think of. Other reasons are still not acceptable. What about your country?
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
12 Jul 07
In most of the US early abortions are legal, and there is no need to justify or explain why you wish to end your pregnancy. Each state has specific laws & guidelines, some attempt to restrict them with parental consent laws, mandatory options counciling or mandatory waiting periods; but to the best of my knowledge only one state has banned them outright & that is still being challenged in court.
I think carrying a pregnancy against your will could easily be considered "endangering" in almost any case. Depending on how badly you didn't want to be pregnant, the changes your body goes through, the side effects & whatever challenges arise in your life specifically because of the pregnancy could easily lead to degrees of depression. Or a woman may be so in denial or upset by it, that she's unwilling/unable to care for herself properly which in turn would carry serious risk for her & the child.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
4 Jul 07
It is legal in some countries and I for one fully believe in and advocate for the woman's right to choose. A woman's life, health, well-being and mental health will always be far more important than any fetus or potential child.
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@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jul 07
More important to whom? To many life of the unborn is of greater value than the inconvenience to the woman
all the best urban
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Being forced to gestate an entirely unwanted and unwelcome pregnancy is far more than a mere "inconveinece". I can't believe you would dare say to a statement concerning the well-being and welfare of a grown woman, "more important to whom". Chauvanistic much?
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
12 Jul 07
So you're saying that it is irresponsible of me to be fully aware that I will not care for a pregnancy, I will not care for a baby or child, I would probably go insane and repeatedly stab myself in the stomah during the pregnancy anyway? It's irresponsible of me or be fully aware that refuse to risk my mental and physical health and well-being for some clump of conception that I never wanted nor welcomed? It's irresponsible of me to be fully aware that I do not and probably never will want children? An unwanted pregnancy is far, far more than a mere "inconvienece", as you like to put it.
And you still haven't answered my question. Why can an abortion not be a realized concequence of pregnancy? Why does it *have* to be childbirth?
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@l_xin80 (109)
4 Jul 07
while i think abortion is legal in some states
, and others do not have any legislation for abortion at all
, whether it is murder or not still remains a hot contraversal issue at the center stage
too many young kids get drunk and been stupid, and realized it is too late to recover, while they are definitely not ready both physically and mentally for keep a child
, they can't even look after themself, abortion seems to be the only choice for them
@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
8 Dec 07
In America it is legal. It needs to stay that way. Americans need the option of a safe and legal abortion rather than sending women to back alley abortion clinics with rusty knives and a folding card table.
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@ayris77 (1301)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 07
I think so,but must have a law before make it legal,because some people like to use abortion as a reason to flee away from responsibility,such as unmarriage couple.But for legal abortion is just only for the marriage couple that have a problem with the mother contents.For example,the contents can give a dangerous situation to the mother life,if the contents is not aborted !
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@kyutstudph (1263)
• Philippines
5 Jul 07
Yes in some countries abortion is legal because of population control. But I am not agree with that because its still a life taken.
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@yammydudes (865)
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
I hope and pray that it will not be legalized...Why would a person get pregnant if she is not ready for the responsibility?or why does a man gets a woma pregnant if he is not yet ready ready for the responsibility or did not realized the responsibility of making her girlfriend/wife prenant?This is totally a SIN

@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jul 07
Eden, your argument is the logical fallacy of false dichotomy.
all the best urban
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
11 Jul 07
"Eden, your argument is the logical fallacy of false dichotomy."
Urban, there wasn't an argument in that particular response of mine. There was a little sarcasm & a question.
"Sins" are in my opinion up to God to determine & judge. There are many spiritual paths on this planet, each with their own understanding of how to live life correctly. Opinions about what is or isn't a sin or even if there is such a thing as a sin, are not universal. If you feel something is wrong, don't do it but you can not force another to follow your spiritual guidelines.
My question was honestly asked, even if written with sarcasm. Can we agree that when life begins is debatable? That neither you nor I can "prove" our feelings? Let's say we can, we can agree to disagree on that point and move on to that if a woman is alive/human is NOT debatable. Do you (originally I was asking this of yammydudes) feel that it is better for society to return to the days before legalization (I seem to remember you're not from the US so Roe V Wade wouldn't apply) and that it is acceptable that women are harmed, maimed or killed by illegal terminations?

@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
As for the religious thing, your god didn't make even one of those rules, Moses did as method of keeping his followers following him, not some other person. Besides, the originals weren't thou shall not, they were if thous followest me, thou wouldst not. Suggestion, not orders.
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@Philboi119 (347)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Depends on where you are. Some country don't beleive in it. Personally, it should not be unless it is necessary to save the life of a mother. It is murder.
@rina08 (68)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
abortion cannot be legal!.. why? Because it can destroy our dignity and humanity.. And one of the 10 commandments sstate there about like this "thou shall not kill".. and me as a christian, i really obey and respect god's word..
It's wrong to kill.. And me, I dont have any child but in christian living, the baby is the most special gift that god has given us.
so we must have to value..
'coz only god can take away our lives..
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
16 Jul 07
"i can't really understand of what do you want to express"
What I was saying is that forcing anyone to undergo such a life-altering event, is neither humane nor particularly respectful. People have the right to decide what happens in & to their bodies, anything short of that is basically slavery.
If your religion & beliefs tell you that terminating a pregnancy is wrong, then don't do it. But understand that not everyone believes as you do & that doesn't make us heartless baby killers or any such nonsense.
And imo the most special gift God has given us is free will.

@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
13 Jul 07
Im not quiet sure what you mean with this posting. Do you mean it as a question? and in what connection? Many countries have legalized abortion years ago, amongst those Denmark where i live.
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
13 Jan 08
aborbion is not be legal, because you kill the life that they dont know what they wrong, those are the tiny little angel that god give a best ever gift to the parent.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Not everyone thinks children are gifts or angels. I know for a fact, if I ever got pregnant it would be a curse and a pox on my life. I could never have children. I can't stand children and the very idea of pregnancy makes me want to vomit.
@tamararacine (268)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I believe in God but I also believe that if a child is to be aborted their spirit leaves before that. It is a womans choice to decide if she is willing to carry a child or not. I have 3 boys and expecting my first girl!!!
But none of my children were planned. If I could go back yes I would of waited. But sometimes BC just doesn't work...
@deepika_mona (1338)
• India
3 Jul 07
i think is illegal as the new born child is gift from god to us n we dont have right to kill i means abortion it crime from god point of views
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
No, I don't agree to make the abortion legal. It is a crime and here in my country it is illegal and punishable by law. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@tamararacine (268)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I think that abortion should stay legal as it is now in the US. It is a womans right to choose. Just because some people do not agree with it does not make it a crime. To make abortion illegal would result in deaths because of illegal abortions and tons of unwanted children.
Also, I am a single mom so to say abortion should only be a choice for married couples is bull too me.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
I don't agree with abortion. Think of other husbands and wives that can have children. They are finding difficulty in having a child while you, you just kill their innocent lives. Give them a chance to live,and if you have no money to brought them to a social services that transact and adopt children.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
13 Jul 07
If those poor, childless husbands and wives want children so badly, then they can adopt some of the hundreds of thousands of children already in the system. I'm not going to torture hyself or my husband just to risk my mental and physical health and well-being just to gestate some creature to cater to the age-specific and race-specific dications of some uptights brats.
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@vasty1224 (33)
• Philippines
14 Jul 07
i think it depends in the society.Everything can be legal if its freely accepted by the majority of the people.And another this if it is accepted by the church.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
16 Jul 07
The church, any church should have no say in what medical procedures are and aren't allowed to be preformed. They may instruct their parish however they see fit. Followers can accept or not accept their wishes- but the rest of us do not need other's religions forced on us.
@ChaiDy (27)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
hmm nazairah i think in other country is legal but here in philippines is illegal we dont accept abortion here in our country but there are some clinic or something i dont know how to call them.. but for me abortion is illegal. and i hope that abortion is a sin in GODs eyes. we all know that GODs wont allow us to kill someone speacially those little angels.