Sam's gift for retired
By haha171232
@haha171232 (152)
July 3, 2007 8:03pm CST
Sam had worked 30 years for the same company and now he had to retire.As a sign of gratitude,the company held a dinner in his honor."Sam",announced his boss,"It is my great honor to present this gift to you on behalf of the company."Sam walked down to the front of the table and accepted the gift with pride.It was a gold watch and on it was written:To faithful Sam for 30 years of service."Sam wept."I am at a loss for words."At home ,Sam's wife looked at the gold watch critically."For this you worked 30 years?As cheap gold-plated watch?""It is the thought dear."answered Sam."The important thing is that i am not working any more."His wife held the gold watch to her ear and said:"Neither is your watch."
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1 response
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
Sam was a great guy. He was a good employee. He understood the finer things of life. The watch was not as important to him as the thought behind it. On the other hand his wife was a thoughtless person who was stuck in the Material side of life. She had no interest in the thought behind the gift.