Do you like rain

July 4, 2007 8:54am CST
I like rain very i want to listen to rain,share me your ideals.
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3 responses
6 Jul 07
You recall me about the teenage time when I was in high school and really love walking in the that makes every moment to be with the loved ones really special.But in this city where i live now, really messy when there is rainning as it causes traffic jam...well i hate it, i dont like to be get stuck on traffic, polluted air and waiting.. Thanks, but anyways i still love watching the rain,you can find it really impressive on many movies.
• Vietnam
8 Jul 07
Thanks adpro4ever verymuch for sharing i think that you have a happy teenage time and i hope that you will have a good weekend.See you later,my friend!
@stdrst (471)
• Bulgaria
4 Jul 07
I like the rain, too. But I don't like when there are thunders. I prefer only rain without thunders. I want sun and rain at the same time. This is what is great.
• Vietnam
5 Jul 07
yes,rain when there are thunder is very terrible,thank you very much for sharing.
6 Jul 07
yep, it's really what's in my mind! thanks
@ofn2007 (121)
• Greece
5 Jul 07
Hi mmo2wealth, I do like rain sound so much,like music to me.
• Vietnam
5 Jul 07
Thanks for sharing!