Things I have Done with My Life
@silverwolf2503 (14)
July 5, 2007 12:52am CST
My name is Brenda "Silverwolf" Hanlon and I live in a small semi rural town on the outskirts of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia...although I am British and was born in London...some time ago.
I have 4 children and 7 grandchildren so you can see I have been around for quite a while.
I have many interests but my principle one is in Spirituality which began, I suppose, around 1978-79...after my family had grown and my career days, as a Building Society manager,were numbered.
My friend and I decided to go to a meditation class. Well! My first encounter with meditation was nearly my last. I was completely in the dark, lost, bewildered...and had no idea what anyone was talking about.People were discussing crystals, white light and "messages"!I didn't know what a crystal was and "messages"! From whom I wondered? It all sounded very strange to me and somewhat surreal. If it hadn't been for my friend persuading me to give it another try...well...I guess my whole like would have been different.It certainly would not have been so enriched.
So that was the beginning and I started to read any and every book on spirituality I could get my hands on. Many times I didn't understand the concept at all, neither did I experience clairvoyance or sudden flashes of least not at that time.However as the years rolled by I began to understand more and more and felt guided to investigate "healing" of some kind.
I wasn't even sure what that meant, I was still somewhat sceptical, still looking for proof and still relying on others to tell me how to run my life. I was, in fact, giving away my personal power without even realising it.
One day in 1991 I received a leaflet in my letter box asking me to attend a free Reiki demonstration.I had never heard of Reiki but had recently been told by a clairvoyant that I had healing hands.I wasn't convinced, but my husband persuaded me to go along..."just to have a look".The very next weekend I went to a 2 day workshop and earned my level 1 reiki certificate.I was very proud of myself and sometime later did level 2 and then took my Master/Teacher attunements.
In 1997 my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer that had spread too far for an operation. I, and 2 very dear friends gave him Reiki healing 3-4 days a week and finally he went into remission. We thought we had beaten the cancer and, in hindsight, foolishly stopped the reiki Healing. Six months later it came back with a vengeance, this time it spread into his bones, ate into his spine and he became paraplegic.I nursed him at home and once again we started on the reiki healing. The doctors had given him 2 months to live and were amazed when he lived for another 2 years...they didn't credit the Reiki with that miracle, but could not find any alternative explanation. The reiki and the mediations we did together kept him as comfortable as possible. In the end we lost the battle in August 2000 but after a long period of grieving I had to pick up the pieces and start to live again. I did this by learning many other healing techniques.
In 2002 I became the first Australian to be attuned as a Prismology of Light Master/Teacher. I have been ordained as a Reverend in the Universal Life Church and am also a Priestess in the Order of Melchizedek.
I have studied and been attuned to many other healing and energy systems and have masters certificates and lineages in all of them which I teach to others via the internet as distance attunements.
I am "clairsentient" which means I feel things. When I am giving a healing I can actually feel the pain...not always a pleasant experience, but very helpful to locate the root of the problem.
Some years ago I realised that I was also blessed with the gift of automatic writing. I don't go into a trance or anything like that...I suddenly just find I am writing or typing something that I previously knew nothing about.This has been most enlightening and sometimes very entertaining.This comes from my "guides' who seem to be with me most of the time. I also have power, or totem animals who appear at various times...they are Wolf...hence the name, Leopard, Orca and Spider.As I am inclined to be Shanmanistic I also use the wonderful earth energies when healing or attuning.
I adore all living creatures and as an animal empath I can feel what they feel...a lot of the time this is a very sad experience...there are so many animals who suffer because of outright cruelty or plain ignorence.I love my family and friends, my computer, where I meet so many lovely people, the health and well being of our planet...these are my passions.
I am not a city person, I prefer the oceans, mountains, forests, the rivers and the countryside.
Two cats, Nikki, a Black british Shorthair, and Bambi, a brown Burmese own me and allow me to share their home with them as long as I behave myself...sometimes they even let me sit in my favourite chair for a whole hour before they want it back...but not often!!!!
My marriage was wonderful and I miss my husband more than I can bear at times...but I believe I have more to do on this earth plane and so I do the best I can...which is all we can ask of anyone.
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1 response
@silverwolf2503 (14)
• Australia
5 Jul 07
Hi Jene,
Just let me know if I can be of any help at any time. I am glad that you gained something from my comments.