do u add tags to the discussions u response?

@sonone (267)
July 5, 2007 6:34am CST
Honestly, I don't add tags to the discussions i respond to. I don't own enough time for that as i use the internet 4 a few hours. How abt u? do u add tags to the discussions u responce?
1 person likes this
3 responses
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
5 Jul 07
Hi there. Yes I always add tags. And I must say, it can be a little time consuming... I really dont know how many people add tags, It'll be interesting to know how many people actually add tags to there discussions or posts...
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
5 Jul 07
At first when I started to participate here, I didn’t feel that I should add tags because as you my time here is often limited too. After a month or so, I got a whisper from another member who advised me to start adding tags. They say that the more tags you tags you add the more likely your discussion or responses would be noticed! When someone uses the search bar above our page and types in a word that you have placed as a tag, they will then be forwarded to your discussion or response through that tag. In essence, I do add tags because although they are time consuming they make postings a little more worth wild! Good Luck
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
5 Jul 07
Yes, I make sure that I put tags coz I know though I only putt one or two words I a helping mylot with the tags. Its important, take time in putting tags because its all for our welfare.