Facts about India....Will this make you feel proud?

Proud to be an Indian - Will this make you feel proud?
@rakhii (1302)
July 5, 2007 8:30am CST
FACTS TO MAKE EVERY Indian PROUD Q. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard (hp) ? A. Rajiv Gupta Q. Who is the creator of Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today's computers run on it)? A. Vinod Dahm Q. Who is the third richest man on the world? A. According to the latest report on Fortune Magazine, it is Azim Premji, who is the CEO of Wipro Industries. The Sultan of Brunei is at 6 th position now. Q. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web based email program)? A. Sabeer Bhatia Q. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)? A. Arun Netravalli Q. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems? A. Sanjay Tejwrika Q. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart? A. Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar. Q. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America, even faring better than the whites and the natives. There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (15% of population). YET, 38% of doctors in USA are Indians. 12% scientists in USA are Indians. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. 28% of IBM employees are Indians. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians. 13% of XEROX employees are! Indians. Some of the following facts may be known to you. These facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA. 1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history. 2. India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. Did you know these facts? You must have read them earlier. It made me feel proud. Has this made feel you proud of your country? Share your thoughts please. Thanks!
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6 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
6 Jul 07
I am very very proud of the facts.This a wonderful country with a beautiful family system.We are growing and shining day by day.I am proud to be an Indian.I beg to differ with your facts.Haven't we invaded Bangladesh recently.
@balasri (26537)
• India
14 Jul 07
"In December India invaded East Pakistan in support of the East Pakistani people." These are the lines in your cut and paste reply.Hasn't it answered the question fairly?
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@rakhii (1302)
• India
15 Jul 07
I am sorry but I am not getting your point you want to put here.
@rakhii (1302)
• India
7 Jul 07
Here is an explanation to that: Bangladesh, literally meaning “land of the Bangla (Bengali) speakers,” was born out of the civil war in Pakistan in 1971–72. Pakistan's very creation had been rooted in its claim to serve as a homeland for Muslim South Asians, but it proved unable to incorporate Muslim Bengalis into the polity. The major sources of conflict included language—Bangla bore little resemblance to the ideological, conceptual frameworks created for Urdu and Punjabi, the main languages used in the West wing—and rather different cultural understandings of the practice of Islam. Indo-Pakistani relations deteriorated again when civil war erupted in Pakistan, pitting the West Pakistan army against East Pakistanis demanding autonomy and later independence. The fighting forced an estimated 10 million East Pakistani civilians to flee to India. In December India invaded East Pakistan in support of the East Pakistani people. The Pakistani army surrendered at Dhaka and its army of more than 90,000 became Indian prisoners of war. East Pakistan became the independent country of Bangladesh on 6 December 1971. So, would you call this an invasion. If we would have invaded that country, it would have been under our rules and regulations. But Bangladesh is an independant country now.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
6 Jul 07
This has made me to say that EAST OR WEST ,INDIA IS THE BEST. nice sharing these facts with us,never knew about these,indians are doing quite well in every feild. keep it up people.
2 people like this
• India
18 Jul 07
I proud of myself beacuse i am ian indian.........india is most popular country i the world most are pepole are outside from india in the world they are working for them........and they are showing the indian power to the world.............like Sunita Williams..........
• United States
6 Jul 07
I wish all of these people except Azim didn't have to move to USA to achieve their dream and India provided the opportunities to them and kept them there but hay they went after their dream and achieved it in their land or foreign who cares.
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@rakhii (1302)
• India
6 Jul 07
Thats true! India is unable to provide opportunities to its citizen, therefore they tend to move to other countries. In that case too, they make their country proud. thats great and more important! Thanks for the response!
@rakhii (1302)
• India
6 Jul 07
Hope what you have said, happens soon. God bless you!
• India
6 Jul 07
For this i will like to say just wait for a while and you will see whole of the world is moving to india in search of opportunities.
@anonymili (3138)
5 Jul 07
I have read this before a few years ago - was sent it in an email. Even though I'm an Indian born and raised in the UK, I felt proud to read these facts and promptly forwarded them on to most people in my address book, both Indian and non-Indian and it was nice to receive back some really nice emails from various people about it. Good that you have shared this here :)
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@rakhii (1302)
• India
5 Jul 07
Felt nice to know that though born and raised in UK, you felt proud to read these facts and are proud to be an indian. Thanks for supporting the discussion too. Thanks a lot!
@rakhii (1302)
• India
6 Jul 07
Hey, human spider, I have a question here. To which country do you belong? What have you done for your country? Do you have a name in hot list? It is not possible for each and every person to be on the top and famous and make their country proud. But atleast we can feel proud from what our people have done for the world and taken the country ahead.
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@anonymili (3138)
6 Jul 07
hi Rakhii, thanks for your kind comment. And somewhat in response to the person who posted in this thread above, I would say that the thing I do to make myself proud to be an Indian is I behave in a way that people respect and admire me for. No one who knows me would say "She's a bad Indian" - hopefully they see me as a person before they see my skin colour but I think most people I come across would think of me as a positive example of an Indian person as I do my best to be good to people and as kind and helpful as possible so people can see I had a good upbringing and that I have strong values :)
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• Portugal
5 Jul 07
A country I hope I can visit someday in the future, specially the city of Goa.
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