Are you like your mother?

July 6, 2007 4:35am CST
I grew up in a conservative household. I was thought to learn all the things my mother does because I will grow up to be a mother as well. My mother thought me all the household chores from doing laundry to taking care of my younger siblings. My mother believed that a woman's primary job is to take care of the family. My mother is a full time wife and a full time mother. she devoted her life in taking care of the family. Now that I have my own family, I can't stop but compare myself with my mother. Am I like my mother? The answer is NO. Unlike my mother, my time is divided bewtween my family and my work. I know most household chores but there are some that I do not want to do like doing the laundry and ironing clothes. i would rather pay someone to do it, rather than doing it myself. How about you, are you like your mother?
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5 responses
@vogelvrij (196)
• Netherlands
8 Jul 07
Allthough you say a big NO that you are not like your mother. You ARE like your mother! She is in your DNA, she is part of your roots. Now that you are still young, you feel different, but sooner or later you will find out you are doing the things exactly the way your mother have thought you. That can feel a bit frustrating, if you dont have had a nice youth time with your mom, but if you have had a good time with her, you only would smile about it. And say: YES, I AM LIKE MY MOTHER!
@yaoyao918 (262)
• China
7 Jul 07
I love my parents!
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
6 Jul 07
My parents have been married for over 50 years, and have worked and raised us kids, plus two of their grandchildren. My mother has nursed three of her adult children back to health after various life threatening illnesses and/or accidents. She is a remarkable woman. I have never met a woman who was a harder worker than her. I wish I was more like her, but I could never compare to her strength.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I thank God every day I am not like my mother. My mother was mean, self centered, materialistic, and on and on. I do not though blame all the negative things in my life on my parents. I grew to be a very strong woman because of it. I am a good wife and mother. I work outside the home, and take care of my family. My husband helps with certain things, but I do the bulk of it. My children know how much I love them and everything I do for them. So no, I am not like my mother. I am like me.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
7 Jul 07
I am like my mother in many ways. I keep a clean house and can't stand if someone's house is not clean. I am very strict with my child. I do allow her more liberties with different things unlike my mother, but it is a different day and age adn I have to bend with the times I suppose! I expect things done a certain way as she does and I am very stubborn. I do however take after my father as well and I have a very addictive personality. I am physically more like him.