Do you ever try to do something really nice for someone but it backfires on you?
By CoffeeAnyone
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
July 6, 2007 5:45pm CST
I don't know what it is with me but when my heart gets wrapped up into doing something nice for someone it seems to backfire on me!
I usually get questions like why did you do that or don't be silly you didn't need to do that and there seems to be an alienation that comes with it. It makes me feel weird! I see other people do kind thinks and it is oh thank you or thanks for the idea or what ever but if I do it people act all strange. Why, is there something weird about me? I guess you guys don't know; you don't know me! Maybe because when I do something nice it is different then the norm or something. Like one day I was going shopping with a neighbour. We had only had coffee at her house a couple of times so we didn't know each other that well. I was making home made soup at my house before we left for the mall so I made extra and brought her over a small pot full for her and her husbands dinner. Three times she asked me what motivated me to make her homemade soup. Once again I felt bad like it was something out of the ordinary I shouldn't of done. A while back I bought a little gift to my doctors office because he was so excited about getting his own building to practice medicine in I thought it would be nice to buy a little dish for the waiting room. I was in tears when I left because once again I was questiond why I would do that? Now I did think that one over and realize that I am a patient so buying a gift was stepping over the line! I got that so I won't do that again in those kind of relationships. I thought I was doing something nice for someone on line the other day but that didn't go over well either. Of course that could be because we all don't really know each other, we can't see each other so who is this weird person could cross someone's mind! I am just putting the question out there because it is something I have question from a very young age until now! It just makes me feel weird about myself when I try to do something nice for someone thats all!
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7 responses
@serenetime (7)
• United States
7 Jul 07
The problem lies w/ them, not you. Your heart was loving and if you get that kind of feedback, pat yourself on the back because love is hard for alot of people to handle and they are reacting cuz they can't handle that someone cares about them. My friend was working at an office and there was this smart mouth, look at me time woman, and my friend a little overweight and kind of quiet, and this woman annoyed her, but she heard that she had not money to buy her kids presents my friend went home and found many games that her son didn't play anymore and brought them to work and gave them to her. That coworker had a reputation to keep up so she reacted rudely. My friend didn't care because she knew she was doing it out of love, and where there is love it prevails. The next day the woman thanked her and they became good friends. Cheryl
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
Thank you for sharing that with me. I love that your friend did that. I tend to feel weird because the reactions I get so seem right to me. I mean I watch other people do nice things and people just say oh thank you that is so nice. I am sure i get that the odd time but a lot I don't. I keep wondering if it goes back to when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I heard the neighbors wife was in the hospital or something like that so I decided to take a plate of cookies over to the man. My mom said dont' be silly you don't need to do that he has his family to take care of him or I can take him something! Dont' be silly go play. I dont' know why but that day has stuck with me all these years and that same feeling of feeling stupid for doing something I think might be nice for someone comes over me and then I want to shy away and retreat from doing things for people. I do still sometimes and sometimes I get that weird reaction that throws me off and I think what is wrong with me? Am I weird? I see other people being nice do i do it wrong or something? A I weird I keep saying to myself? What is it? After thinking like that for a bit I have to let it go and move on because those kinds of things can bother me for awhile and drag me down! I even feel embarrassed for asking the question but think what the heck this is a forum for discussion so why not? Right?
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@AmbiePam (96391)
• United States
7 Jul 07
When they asked why you did something, did they do so in a way that was offensive? I assume so since it upset you. I wondered if maybe they thought it was nice and couldn't figure out why someone would be so nice, like they were unfamiliar with the notion.
But I don't believe you did anything wrong. I too have second guessed myself after doing something nice. All that comforts me is that I know I did it in the right spirit, it was meant for good, and I can't fully understand the mindset of the recipient. If I knew what they were thinking, their reaction might make sense to me. It's just too bad we can't do that.
I'm glad to know there are people out there like you. We need more of you around the world!
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
Yes what a good point to make that we all have to keep in mind when doing something nice for someone that our motives are right? We do it with good intent and maybe they just aren't use to people doing something nice for them! For the most part noboddy ask me why in a mean way they seem genuinly puzzled I think. I remember one friend yelling at me one time why are you so happy your not the one that got the new furniture I did? My breathe was cut off for a second as I was so stunned and I choked slightly as I said hmm I know and I am so happy for you I know how you badly you wanted new furniture! It was a weird moment and again I questioned is their something wrong with me. I really felt stupid!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Jul 07
Well some people suspect ulterior motives because they have been hurt and people have put conditions on their kindness. It takes quite a while to get them to know that what you did was out of the kindness of your heart and you expected nothing in return. You also have to know when to draw the line. For instance if you got a ride several times, it is okay to buy something for the driver and it is okay to offer to pay for the gas, but not to volunteer others to do it. You should not have bought the gift for the waiting room. It assumes that the doctor cannot afford it. I would say sending a card for his birthday would be more appropriate. People might suspect you of buying his friendship, and perhaps getting a discount on your bill. You have to use your better judgment and if it does not feel right deep inside, do not do it. Also your friend may have felt insulted and figured you thought she wasn't feeding her husband good enough because she used only canned soup. It would have been better if when she said how good the soup was, that you offered to give her some to take home and ask if she wanted the recipe.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
13 Jul 07
Wow! We have to really be careful with giving I guess. I just would never think of those things you suggested. Wouldn't it be nice if we can just be spontanious when we are giving something from the heart then worry about how it will be preceived! Just seems to take the joy away if we have to worry about people taking it the wrong way all the time. Just seems like another burden! Maybe it is just best not to do nice things! It is funny to how we all do see things differently. For instance the gift to the doctors office was to celebrate his new office. No one new I even bought it except for my husband and there was no one in the waiting room to see I bought a gift in because for one i had it hidden! If people knew they wouldn't think I wanted cheaper fees because I live in Canada and we don't pay for medical that way. None the less you are right and I should not if bought the gift. For the reason it crosses the professional line I think! About my neighbour I wouldn't know what kind of soup she feed her husband because I only had coffee with her a couple of times and therefor didn't know her lifestyle. I only gave her a small pot of soup to go with what ever she was having for dinner! I just thought it was a nice thing to do. I think she was indeed shocked which took me by total surprise but I dont' think she thought I was trying to show her up or anything like that. Just we didn't know each other all that well maybe and so why would I do that? But I like your point that she could of took it that way. If I am ever tempted to share my batch of homemade soup again I will think about what you said because the last think I would want to do is for someone to feel bad because they made soup from a can; because they sure wouldn't be my intention! Wow we all do think differently don't we?
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
7 Jul 07
Hello CoffeeAnyone!:-)
Sometimes people do things nicely that are not reflected back the same way. We don't get the kind of response that we deserve or we were anticipating. Sometimes other people do it deliberately and other times unknowingly. There is also a possibility that we don't understand their reaction and we assume that they haven't appreciated our good intentions and nice actions. That's why I try to give benefit of doubt to others.
I remember you from one of my discussions here on mylot. I really liked your response there, especially the sincerity, passion and enthusiasm with which you responded. I really valued your comment and spent most of my time in replying to your comment and was expecting you to get back but perhaps you have been busy.
I have too experienced it in past when I did something for someone with very positive intentions and sometimes even on other's request or wish but when I did, it backfired on me. I have many instances to relate here but I'll restrict myself to only one.
In my job, before coming to studies, I enjoyed trust, a closer relation and confidence of my boss even though I was one of those who criticized him the most, usually on work related issues and strategies. Our job was a sort of consultant type where we also handled different projects. I have had the honor of leading some of them. There was this colleague who and my boss could never go along with each other. My this colleague requested me to do something so that our boss also give him some project. Well, one day my boss called me on his official residence and after we discussed work related issues, He asked me for suggestion about whom should be given a forthcoming project. I suggested the very colleague who had requested me to get him some project. He started talking about him and told me that how annoyed he felt about that colleague. I told my boss that he is a nice guy and a trustworthy person and he can handle the project adequately. My boss agreed and next day called that colleague and handed him over the project.
To my utter surprise and dismay, that colleague came right to me, after our boss handed him over the project, and asked me why I talked to the boss about this project. I told him that he himself asked me to get him some project. He said, "well I didn't ask for this particular project". I was looking at him in disbelief as there was no point that he has clarified about this and that, he was desperate about getting anything he could lay his hands on. He insulted me in front of some other colleagues but I just moved on, as there was nothing I could argue on. I really never expected any thanks as he was a friend and what I did was according to merit and hence nothing special. But I never expected the kind of response he gave especially when he requested for it in first place. I was disappointed but then this is life and it happens al the time. In French we say, "C'est la vie" (this is life):-)
Well that was one of my stories. I hope you won't be too bored reading it:-)
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Well this is interesting in more ways then one! Let me first say I do apologize for not coming back to read your response to me. I honestly did not know you did respond to me! Yes lately I have been very busy! I have not had a lot of time on my pc that is for sure. I have hopeing starting tomorrow I will have four days to do as much as I want on here. I want to say though that you and I must have something in common! You said in your post to me that you hope I don't get bored reading it. Will just like you have an insecurity of thinking I might get bored reading your comment I really don't think anyone is going to read my comments and feel anything from them and have a desire to respond to me. So I am thankful you did and I will go and seek out that comment to reply! Now about your colleague? It baffles me that those things happen sometimes. It happen just that way to me once. I learn't to stay out of the situation and if someone says they want something I encourage them to go for it. But I stay out of the picture! This way whether they fail or succeed they have no one to consider but themselves. Sad really how people can be!
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@Dan_ul (858)
• Romania
7 Jul 07
that happened to me to... at least something similar... people ask questions when they shouldn't and not put questions when they should... but we shouldn't blame them... you need a little patience... and some time... cos people tend to run when they are afraid of something...
and in the end... life is a "woman who is thoroughly disliked", and the you die, but before you die you should "boghie-boghie" the "woman who is thoroughly disliked":P:)...
if you know what I mean:)... all the best me friend
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Yes it flew over my head! LOL but thats okay right? I think you are saying not to worry my pretty little head about it? That is what my mother always said to me anyway! LOL
@marje_09 (63)
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
i got a lot of people around me.........considered them as my trsuted friends but can't be expected that from them. I know one old woman asking my help to talk to her daughter who is far from her and the children. she asked a help from me to write and when i tried they have talked but the daughter doesn't have a trust on her mother anymore. She tried to aske help from me that she will send money on my name and just give the amount directly to her sons not through her mother. later on the mother got mad and she sue me to people in authority that i am now enterig their private life........i don't know what to do because she asked my helped and i did and even spent most of my time for them just to reunited with her daughter who is far from it now my fault of helping them?
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Well this is the saddest thing I have ever heard! She sued you? How can she sue you? What was her reasoning to sue you? Good grief you go out on a limb to help someone and this is what they do to you; WoW! I am sorry you had to go through that! Will I guess this is where we have to learn to not get involved in people's person lives. My mother tried to teach me that when I was younger! I think I have finally learn't that. It is hard for me though because I love to help people and it sounds like you do too. But I guess we have to try and decern if the situations are something we should help with or not? If things go wrong people have a tendency to blame the person they asked to help them in the first place. Keep having a good heart but just be careful who you help I guess is the answer.
@bambi_doe (566)
• United States
7 Jul 07
I have that happen alot of the time also. I just tell them that it is for a friend that I thought could use a smile. I have done fundraisers and the person that received the profits from them just look at me and not even say thankyou. hugs
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
That is unbelievable that someone would not be thankful for that! WoW