Are exams necessary???
By ani_anaokar
@ani_anaokar (107)
July 7, 2007 12:00am CST
they say exams are necessary to evaluate a worth of a student.!!! but it merely does evaluate the real talent!! only book worms and nerds achieve success here.!!
how nice it wud be if evaluation was done on a more practical basis!!
what say ppl!! do u agree wid me???
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8 responses
@sharelifeinfo (3)
• United States
7 Jul 07
Hi, I definitely agree with you. I know some people who are good test takers and who knows how to take tests very well. However, if you ask about these students true knowledge about the topic, they are so confused!! The sad thing is though, GPA is the main tool in evaluating the student's worthiness. I also have a lot of smart friends who are so bright and talented and their minds work at the speed of light. However, because they are so smart and fast, they could not calm their minds down to patiently answer the test questions, which I'm sure that's what some cases of ADHD is related to.
@sharelifeinfo (3)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Sorry, let me explain. ADHD is another name for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It could also be called ADD which is Attention Deficit Disorder. It is most prevalent in children but many adults carry with them to adulthood. People with ADHD are usually bright intelligent people with excessive energy so their mind doesn't stay in one place long enough to focus. People with ADD have similar symptoms to ADHD just without the Hyperactivity in it. Many people go through life no knowing this is what they have when they know that they are bright intelligent people just usually not at the right time. Some people explains it as knowing their full potential but unable to reach it because the physical symptoms, restlessness, impatience, impulsiveness gets in the way. ADD usually are more quiet, spacey and are in their own world most of the time. However, when you have them do something that interests them, they will have you in awe due to their creativity. This is just basic information. If you're interested in the medical aspect of it, you could search for it at National Institute of Mental Health.
@sharelifeinfo (3)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Sorry, let me explain. ADHD is another name for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It could also be called ADD which is Attention Deficit Disorder. It is most prevalent in children but many adults carries it with them to adulthood. People with ADHD are usually bright intelligent people with excessive energy so their mind doesn't stay in one place long enough to focus. People with ADD have similar symptoms to ADHD just without the Hyperactivity in it. Many people go through life not knowing this is what they have when they know that they are bright intelligent people just usually not at the right time. Some people explains it as knowing their full potential but unable to reach it because the physical symptoms, restlessness, impatience, impulsiveness gets in the way. ADD usually are more quiet, spacey and are in their own world most of the time. However, when you have them do something that interests them, they will have you in awe due to their creativity. This is just basic information. If you're interested in the medical aspect of it, you could search for it at National Institute of Mental Health.
@rohendra (10)
• India
7 Jul 07
In my college there is a popular trend called "One Night Fight", i.e. students study only on the previous night of the examination.
so, it will be not wise to do away with the examination system.The solution is to change the system.
Some changes may be..
1 Frequent but minor exams.
2 No major exams such as finals or boards.
3 Exams should test conceptual knowledge only.
4 More practicals.
5 Fair evaluation.
6 Projects should be given credits.
This much is too much for now to implement.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
7 Jul 07
yes,exams are very important to value those student who are worth taking or knowledgeful than worms sacrifice their life for a bright future,they leave their joy,play,fun and other hobbies for studies so that they must achieve much then others.
practical basis gives no proof o hard work,this will be dependent on luck,there are practical exams too with the written one.
written or an interviews are best to know a persons ablity and knowledge.
@ani_anaokar (107)
• India
7 Jul 07
mixture of theory adn practicles to impart knowledge is the present scenario.. but sumhow more emphasis is given to theory!!
besides how long will luck save u.. u need to have basic knowledge atleast!!
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
7 Jul 07
Exam is never a best process to find out a real talent but it is really requird to continue this present education system. Think a situation that you are a student under a institution which are not interested to evaluate student through exam.. they may take or invent another alternative process.. what will happen then average quality student will loose their interest since they are not interested to perseve a lot through study even it may happen that average quality student may loose their interest permanently that is never expected. Actually, we need to change our mind about exam. All of student need to study elaborately of every chapter specially on their interested area.. system may factor but also we need to change our outlook about exam. Thanks.
@ani_anaokar (107)
• India
7 Jul 07
i appretiate ur response... but the thing is we need a better way to evaluate! of course evaluation is necessary or else average student will definately loose intrest as u said!
@ackars (1942)
• India
7 Jul 07
I think exams are necessary.In my experience,in my college most of the guys and gals study only when exams comes.They just fool around all other times and have fun.Exams is the only time they open the text book and many see the text book that time for the first time.
@ani_anaokar (107)
• India
7 Jul 07
i totally agree with u.!!! being in the same club!! lol!
but dont u think if evalutaed randomly and practically students will definately upgrade their day to day knowledge! i mean they will have no other option then to know what their syllabus is all about!!!
@ani_anaokar (107)
• India
7 Jul 07
give an situation related to tht topic and ask the student to suggest the way out!!! its not possible for all subject but many subjects can use this technic.. it'll also make the subject easy to understand and students will gain knowledge without mugging up things!!
@ironwindow445 (214)
• India
7 Jul 07
i think that exams are necessary but that should be not only theoretical aspects but also practical appsa as well the student has to be tested in all aspects so we have to change the way it is donw