How does your pet enhance your life?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 7, 2007 12:42am CST
This came into my mind today because of something that happened with our dog. We heard him making some happy sounds outside and went to check on him a couple of minutes later...and he was gone. For 7 hours we had no idea what happened to him. He is in a fenced yard and our only conclusion was someone came and took him. Finally after looking high and low for him a friend of ours who sometimes walks him brought him back.
We were both relieved and a little upset that he didn't leave a note, call or e-mail us to let us know he had taken our dog without permission. Anyway it all worked out okay...but it made me think about how much our 2 dogs, 5 cats and 4 aquariums full of fish add to our lives. I have had pets since I was little and cannot imagine life without them. I love cats, dogs, birds, fish...but wondered what other Mylotters have in their furry, finned, feathered or whatever else as pets?
Their companionship, love, care coupled with an entertainment factor all make me appreciate their presence in our lives. Care to share your favorite pet stories and what they add to your life?
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7 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Animals especially for young people make them better people as they grow up. I too have to have pets and wild things about me. I also have to grow things. I would go mad without the companionship and growth that my pets and plants go through. We hade 5 cats and now have only 2. Don't know what happened to 3 of them during the fire. We know we lost the bunny, and feel soooo bad about that. The Ozzie cat that was burned as I was has been so good about his recovery that I have done better also. I am so attached to him and am glad that I don't have to wonder whatever happened to him. Bad enough knowing he had to suffer a bit. I still apologize. Thanks for starting this discussion. I will see how other pets are for their friends.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
Thank you for your acknowledgment about opening this disucssion. It has been very touching hearing about the ways pets enhance fellow Mylotters lives. It confirms the importance of our connection with the animal kingdom whether they are domestic or those in the Natural world.
I am sorry that you lost some of your animal family during the fire. Good to know you have a couple still with you. I imagine you treasure their presence more than ever after going through your ordeal together.
Whenever I am doing anything upstairs in my office the cats are there, lying on my desk and looking out the window or snoozing on a spare chair. The dogs stay downstairs with my hubby because the stairwell up to my office is a spiral one and the dogs find it disorientating.
My hubby and I are grateful for all the joy our pets bring to life. The other good is pet owners are known to live longer than those that without animal companions. So we have a win-win all around.
Nice additions to the topic...thanks.
@milestalker (85)
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
I have pet cat in our house. That cat enhance my life very much.That cat brings me joy every time i went home. And besides i played with it. It can never explained how much i am happy being together with my pet.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
You are right, it is hard to explain how much happiness there is in having pets around and spending time with them.
It is something that has to be experienced...not just talked about.
What I find interesting is that those who have never owned cats say they don't have any personality and are all the same.
That has never been my experience...or most other cat owners I have talked to. Cats have their own unique imprint. We see it very clearly with 4 cats who are brothers and half/siblings. The two that are a little older are brother and sister and very different. Their two half-brothers have unique traits even though they are twins.
I am glad to have your responses and hope you and your cat spend many more happy times together.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
8 Jul 07
pets brings so much happiness, entertainment and love, my dogs are like my babies i treat them like human and even my cat (well he not mine i have just adopted him since my little brother inlaw left him here) but i have had birds which its funny because they can talk our budgie sit on your shoulder and walk and fly around the house and when he past away he was about 7 yrs old i was just lost. i lost my little dog march this year and my life still hasnt gone back to normal we are missing her like crazy even my other dogs are feeling the same way.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
Ahhh it is so nice to see your little princess in combination with your response...thank you. So sorry to hear you lost your little dog in March. I absolutely believe your other pets miss her too. We have watched our animals grieve the loss of a family pet when on of them leaves. Maybe there is still a chance your pet will come back...stranger things have happened.
Budgie's are great pets too...very entertaining and uplifting as they fly around and sit on your shoulder. A friend had one that would sit on her cereal bowl in the morning and travel in their trailor with them.
Glad to hear your pets bring so much happiness and love to your life. Nice sharing with you and thanks again for the photo.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
8 Jul 07
i would love to be reunited with tammy again, so would my partner and my animals.
tammy unfort ate poison, you may have seen in my discussions i made about it a couple months ago.
i dont think we realise how much we love someone or something til its gone.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Jul 07
All we have are 3 dogs 2 chows and an American Spitz . The Spitz is mine.
We bought him for my daughter but she didnt keep her bedroom door open for him so he slept with me and he ended up mine .
THought we had lost him one time in our travels, we had spent the night in a motel and let him out that morning to do his job
And got all ready to go and he hadnt come back . Thats was when there was no lease law so he got to roam.
Well we went up and down streets calling and me clapping my hands for that was his signal to come back. 45 min later my hubby said one more time and we are gone we cant stay around for ever so I got out in the middle of the street and clapped and clapped and was about ready to turn and go and way way down the road I saw a little white spot that was getting bigger and bigger told hubby here he comes, when he got to me he jumped at me liked to have knocked me over and boy at the kisses we got lol we were all togethre again and all was happy.
He is now 14 1/2 years old the o;ldest of the 3 and lays arounbd alot and I have to push him out the door in the morning but when it is time to come back in he is all hapy jumping and running to gt back in the house and he is now setting under my chair and I can hardly move for running over him lol
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
Hi again,
Loved your commets yesterday...hope those angel wings keep you wrapped in love and light.
Great to hear more about your dogs and the relationship you have with them. I know what you mean about the sinking feeling when they run away. So glad to know your little white bundle of love came back to you safe and sound.
What you said about your older dog we haved a similar situation. Tasha our lab/shepherd cross is into her 15th year and is the grand madame of the household. We also have to lift her hind quarters up the stairs. My hubby and I plan to keep her with us as long as possible and will only make the sad decison to put her down when she is in pain or cannot function properly. She is a dog with a lot of dignity and would never compromise that for her either. For now she is doing okay and has a strong only time will tell how long she will stay. It will be a sad day when her time does come...she has been with us for the greater part of our 17 year marriage.
Tripping over pets is another similarity we share. They are always within close proximity to us too!
Wishing you and all your furry family members continued health and happiness.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I love all of my animals. I have 5 dogs, 5 cats and 1 rabbit. We are getting ready to get another rabbit. She is the sister of the one we have now. My brother-n-law and his wife have her and they are the ones who gave us the one we have now. We want to get her because we want the sisters together and also their baby kind of tortures her and they are ignorant enough to let him do it.
My animals are like my children. I don't have any kids so I call my dogs, cats and rabbit my kids. My husband doesn't like cats but he loves me and knows how much I like them so he puts up with them. Of course they are outside cats just like 4 of our dogs are. The rabbit is in the house for now.
Jasper is our second to oldest and he is our biggest. We have had him the longest, since we have been together, 9 years. He is a big baby and loves everyone except for strangers until he gets to know them. Scotty is the oldest and the smallest. He is our only house dog. He is really small and 11 years old. We have had him for 6 years. The people we got him off of were abusing him and their daughter-n-law, which is my husbands cousin took him and gave him to us because she knew we would take very good care of him. He follows me around everywhere. He is a very good watchdog and he is also trained to stay in the yard. Of course when people show up I make him come in so he won't run after them. He is a very good dog and listens to me all the time.
Fluff is my oldest female and the mother of my other 2 females. We just recently got her and her oldest pup fixed a couple of weeks ago. She is 6 years old and a very good dog.
Freckles is Fluff's oldest pup and she is the one we also got spayed. She is almost 3 years old and thankfully will never have puppies. She is my baby and loves for me to come outside and sit beside her on the grass. She jumps on my lap and snuggles against me. She is very lovable to me, my husband and our 10 year old niece but anyone else goes near her she is quick to bark and growl. We had to buy a muzzle for her when we took her to get spayed. The weird thing was that she didn't try to bark or growl one time at the vet or anyone else there. It is just people that come around our place that she growls at. And finally Sami is 4 months old and is the baby of the family. She is also Fluff's puppy. She will be going in to get spayed in a couple of months. She is also trained to stay in the yard. She was actually very easy to train. I keep a close eye on her though since she is still a pup and might wander off. The only time she gets to run loose is if we are home. She is a very hyper dog but she is my baby. :)
My cats are all outside and they all know their names. They come to me when I call them. We are taking 2 of them in next month to get spayed and then I will have 1 more to get spayed. I did have 1 cat who was my favorite. She jumped in our car window when we accidentally left it down one night while we were sleeping. My husband got in the car and went to the store the next morning and didn't know she was in there. When he got to the store and opened the door to get out she jumped out and took off. I haven't seen her since and that was last winter. I miss her still. She was my baby. Hopefully one day she will find her way home again but I doubt it.
My rabbit's name is Cinnamon and we are still trying to get her used to us.
If I didn't have my animals I would be sad. I am very attached to all of them. I love to go in the pet store and look at all of the birds and fish. We used to have an aquarium but the fish started dying on us so we gave them away. I would love to have more fish but I am scared they will dye on me again. We really don't have any room for them right now though but maybe when we make our trailer bigger as we add more rooms on like my husband plans to do.
Sorry for the long reply but when I get started talking about my animals I can't seem to quit. :)
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@libra007 (7)
• United States
8 Jul 07
If I could I'd adopt half the local shelter. We jsut have two cats but they are such a blessing. Trixie and Max are brother and sister, and just over a year old. they make us laugh, but they're still right there with us when we're sick. Last year I came home and was throwing up and they didn't leave me until DH came home to take care of me.
Also before I got married, my baby Sheba, who still lives with my parents and is going on 19, was the litmus test for the guys I dated. Sheba just knew which ones were bad for me. In fact with my first boyfriend, who later turned into my favorite mistake, she scratched him upon meeting him. Then I noticed that the guys who treated her well were the ones that treated me well.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
7 Jul 07
First of all, I can't even imagine how frantic you must have been to not see your dog. We also have a fenced in yard and there are times when someone has left the gate open. Thankfully, neither one of my dogs are the type to roam and they stayed in the yard, even with the gate open, but it always stops my heart when I see that the gate is open and I know they are outside.
My dogs are not my life, but they do enhance my life. From them I get nothing but unconditional love. They also sense when something isn't right and they want to be a comfort the only way they know how.
Like you, I've had pets all my life and I could never imagine being alive without having a pet. I have friends who say that they will not get any more pets after their old ones die because they want the freedom to come and go as they please, but I'd rather have the small inconvenience of having them in my lives, than have freedom and a life without knowing that love.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
Wow wachit 14 you make it difficult to add much to what you have said...because said it all so well. But here goes.
You have obviously trained your dogs well and glad they stay in the yard even with the gate open. And yes we were frantic when our Shepherd/Malamute cross (Cherokee) wasn't there.
We have often wondered what we will do when our two dogs are no longer here. They require a higher level of maintenance that our 5 cats. Our work does involve some travel for public speaking engagements and I have a book I am hoping to have published and that will involve more travel.
Our view is summerized beautifully in your final commet; "I'd rather have the small inconvenience of having them in our life that the freedom and life wthout knowing their love."
It is a powerful statement of truth for me...and I thank you for reminding me of it. We have always been able to find safe, comfortable arrangements for all our pets when we have to go away. We have good neighbours who are animal lovers when there is a will...a way is made.
Hearing your viewpoint has added a lot to the disucssion and I appreciate it.
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@casper_the_ghost (238)
8 Jul 07
i fell the same way about my dog, if he was to go, i dunno what iwould do becasue he has changed my way of life soo much and now i am used to it...
when my dog ran off i hasd no idea of it, becasue it was 8am and only my mum was awake, she noticed he had gone, so she called him and he didn't come back, she went to go back insdie and he came running back in the fence...which had a hole in it from where a rottweiler had knocked timber out of it...
my mum only told me later and it made me realise how much the dog means to me and what would have happend if he had not come back..if he had gone further than the park behind me and run away for good.
it also made me realise how lucky i am to still have him
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Hi casper...I like your namesake and therefore your name.
I understand how frightening it is when pets go missing. I am relieved to hear you found yours and that your furry companion is safe. Your story is similar to the one that motivated me to post this discussion...our male shepherd/malmute dog Cherokee had been taken by a friend without telling us. We didn't know what had happened. When he brought him back 7 hours later we were like you...delighted and relieved. The incident also made us realise how lucky are to still have him in our lives.
I hope your dog and ours remain part of our families for many years to come.
Nice story with a happy ending...thanks for sharing.