Ton Yam Seafood!!!

United States
July 7, 2007 6:08pm CST
Who love Ton Yam ???? I do. here are homemade that I love the most, fast and easy. Meat (your choice. Such as, chicken, fish or seafood). I choose seafood for now. tomatoes Mushroom Lemon grass (you can find those at thai or vietnamese store) tamarind soup base (can be found at thai or vietnamese store)(it is a powder that make the soup sour) Ton yam Base (for Ton Yam soup only) 1. boil water with couple of pieces of lemon grass. 2. While the water is boiling put seafood in. 3. Then when the soup become boiling again, you can go ahead and put chunky tomatoes and mushroom in. Add sugar, salt and fish sauce and Tamarind soup base about one spoon and one spoon of ton yam base for soup also. 4. when it boil again, taste it and then it is ready to serve. Enjoy you meal everyone
2 responses
• United States
6 Sep 07
i love tum yum the same i like it with shrimp.and i want learn cook thai food.
• United States
6 Sep 07
Thai food is good food tho, but spicy... well, the more you like the more you will learn how to cook. I wish you all the best... I learn how to cook about these food since I was 18 :)
@ofn2007 (121)
• Greece
8 Jul 07
Hi smileonstar, I like ton so much,also it is so healthy. once i cooked it on steam in 15 minuets.