Would you be offended if....

United States
July 7, 2007 10:02pm CST
OK, this is not a discussion asking for tips for potty training. Since this incident happened at the beginning of June, my daughter is COMPLETELY potty trained. She was in the process at the time of this. *abbreviations: MIL-mother in law FIL-father in law SIL-sister in law DH-Dear Hubby So, my daughter is 2 and half and we had been working on potty training for awhile when we went to visit my inlaws, who i dont know very well and i can count on one hand how many times ive seen them. She had pee training down pat, but not poop. She started hiding to poop, then would take off her diaper and tell me its yucky. So i decided it was time to push her a little on using the potty for that too. At first it was hard. She would spend forever on the toilet and would cry bc she wanted to get down. Then i decided to put a long dress on her during the day and no pull ups (she wont go in the floor) and it worked. She was using the potty completely for a couple weeks. Then, we went to see my inlaws. On the way, Courtney pooped at the hotel, no problem. We get to their house and we were so busy visiting and whatever, that she'd sneak off and poop in her panties! So, i started sitting her on the potty when i felt it was time, or if she made a comment about going poop. Sometimes she'd set there for 30 mins or so b4 she'd go and other times i would just let her down and put on a diaper because she would get upset and because we were at their house, i didnt push it as much because i knew they'd think i was mean by going about it MY way. I didnt feel comfortable letting her run around with nothing on at their house. Well, its my M/FIL and SIL that lives there (who is a nurse) and then my other SIL came to visit too, and stayed there as well. THey all would make comments on my potty training tactics (mind you, they barely know my kid and i am with her every day, i know when she needs to poop) they'd say things like 'oh, you mean she'll go if she doesnt need to?' OH PLEASE, you think im gonna MAKE her try and go if she dont need to? or my SIL to my DH "you cant make a kid poop" NO, but you can encourage her to go on the potty. and then my other SIL who thinks she's a kid know it all but has none, says 'oh, well you have to wait till she's ready' ummm..hello? i DID wait. So anyway, i know she was having trouble bc she was in a different place and my MIL would act like i was being mean by telling her that she could play outside only if she went on the potty (well of course i let her play outside anyways, so i dunno what her problem was). So anyway, to get to the point, i had a feeling after we left that they talked smack on me about the way i do things. SO today, we get a package in the mail from the MIL. Its 2 potty training books and a note that says 'i hope you dont get offended. potty training is stressful' So, obviously she KNOWS i would take offense. when i expressed my anger to my hubby about it, he takes her side, of course. I told him he was a big fat mamas boy. and then i emailed her. I told her that Courtney was fine in the hotels on the way home and has been fine at home---no problems. she tells us when she needs to go, or she'll go by herself. I told her that ill keep the books for when its time to train Catelyn, but ive done alot of reading up on it and research already and i know the signs. I also told her that i had a feeling they thought i was a horrible mom for letting my kid cry a little bit bc she wanted to play instead of poop in the potty. so anyway, im really offended and mad enough to send the books back and write her a note and say 'thanks but no thanks. i know MY kid and what works best with HER'. would you be offended if your MIL, whom you barely know, sent books because she doesnt like the way you do things? Sorry lady, but its MY kid, MY way. and MY way has turned up results.
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6 responses
• United States
8 Jul 07
Heck yes, I would be offended! Sounds like that your inlaws are just being rude to you. It's none of their business how and when you decide to potty train your child. You know what's best for her. You're the one that is around her all of the time. Don't even worry about what they say. Every child is different. They can't say just because one way worked good for them with their children, that it will be right for yours. Only you know what is best for her. I would call her and ask her why she felt it was necessary to send you those books. Ask her what the reason behind it was. Congrats on the successful potty training!!
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• United States
8 Jul 07
thanks! and you are exactly right, just because it worked with her kids 30 years ago, doesnt mean its going to work with my kid today!
• United States
8 Jul 07
I would be offened since I was when my SIL told me I had to give my child milk when my child was lactose intolerant. As moms we know our children, we spend everyday with them we know what works for them. Don't send the book back it might cause an even bigger arguement with your hubby. Throw them in the trash and as you are doing vent your anger here on mylot.
• United States
8 Jul 07
yeah i probably wont send the book back because it will get around im sure and then everyone will dislike me more than they already do(i have this feeling they dont like me) and my hubby will for sure side with them. Thanks for your response! you are right, we know our children and what works for them!
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Good for you. It's your child and it's your decision.
@AmbiePam (96505)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I don't blame you for still being upset. Has Mark said anything more about it? I'm interested in seeing other people's responses. Kudos on how you set the story up! : )
• United States
8 Jul 07
Oh of course he hasnt said another word. I left them in the box she sent them in, and i placed the box underneath the trash bags. LOL. He got the hint and gave me a look today when he went to get a trashbag and saw the box underneath them. LOL. I told my mom about it and she said she'd be P.O'd too and I told her that I would not even bother to open them and that my MIL wasted her money.
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@zavansky (57)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Sounds like you already know how you feel about things and what you'd like to do. No one can really know your child's needs and schedule who hasn't spent the past how ever long working with her on it.
@Ken_Smith (240)
8 Jul 07
i do not have kids, i am new today to mylot. i love it. people are lovely. i go and flick your mil in the left eye. i give her the books back and tell her to read so she no longer need the tenalady. you are great mother. mil i deal with. i have never had experience of bare naked lady friend but i try with mil if it chill her out. just give me the address. you good mother. this mylot wonderful!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jul 07
lol, well i think flicking her in the eye might be a little much, but thanks for the offer! enjoy mylot!
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