admiration and respect for every day heros
ophrah winfrey
overcoming health and personal problems
walking their talk
Who do you admire or respect...and why?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 7, 2007 11:11pm CST
I have been having a 'couch day' today, relaxing and enjoying some down time after a busy week. I looked over at my hubby and thought about how much I respect the way he has handled a variety of health and work problems in the past six months.
I admire that he hasn't complained even though he has been in a lot of discomfort. He chose to face each challenge head on and work his way through them. He set a course for his healing journey and is sytematically gaining more ground every day. Thankfully he is well on the road to recovery and I am grateful.
Then I started thinking about what I admire and respect about other people. In my work as a life coach and group leader I have had the pleasure of interacting with many every-day heros. They are the ones willing to face everything from compulsive coping patterns, weight and body-image concerns, family and relationship conflicts, health challenges and more and stay the course until they achieve their goals.
Others who garner my respect are people show concern for others in what they say and do. I respect people who walk their talk, don't play games and have integrity. Oprah Winfrey is another person I admire because she overcame many personal struggles and discussed them openly on her program. The way she has shared her wealth and tried to make the world a better place is in my view, admirable.
So those are just a few examples of what I admire and respect. I'm interested in hearing what you admire or respect in others...could be interesting and uplifting if you'd care to share.
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6 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Jul 07
HUbby for one he never complained the whole time he was sick ,he only would ask was it pill time and I know then it was hurting I got where I told him not wait the whole 4 hours if he hurt real bad. and He took a shower and had the nurse come over 2 days before he had run out of pills and I have doc order more and he ordered Morphine 30 MG in stead of the regular 10 MG hydocodone.The morphine put him in a coma but we got him home before he passed. Then there is my mom 87 now but had a stroke just before her birthday and she had speach trouble and some walking problem she has grinned all though this and walks good and talking better all the time she just cant stay by herself any more so we put her in an assistant living home. Very nice one too She has her Organ to play and alot of her littel things around her she likes
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Jul 07
HOw nice to think that I like to watch the butterflys too and see how many I can find in my garden but I just thuoght to myself I havent seen that many this year at all like the bees they seem to not be around much.
BUt I do Have the birds lol . I have grand daughter watch them come down and drink the water that misting system has put on the ground she thinks birds a re great.
and to get back to what we were talking about your mom sounds like she had it all covered too and her spirit remains with you. Blessings
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Jul 07
I love horses! I have one that someone broght me back for the Phillipines made of Mahogany about 30 years ago have to keep it polishes reall good.
also Unicorns of course.
Daughhter likes dolphines and elephants and so do dmy dad.
My mom collected dollsShe had already gave me and Native Indian doll now incased in plexyglass also gave daughter a doll that is in plexyglass too.
DId want to make you sad just thought your mom would be the butterflies
hugs blessings
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Your comments about Mom being with me touched my heartstrings. She was a gentle spirit and butterflies seem like a great metaphor for her spiritual essence.
What a sweet image...your grand daughter, the water hose and the birds. Nature and the animals we most love in the natural world kind of become another version of our 'pets.'
I always find it fascinating to see what kinds of animals people have in their collectibles/ I have a lot of owls and butterflies, Mom and a girlfriend like elephants, others I know like bears, one gal-pal loves cows. Do you have any other animals that you like...or ornaments you collect?

@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
9 Jul 07
I do not admire many people, but i do respect some intelligent people in our school who work so hard to get good grades!
I especially admire AND respect my mum because i know that she puts a lot of effort in the house, doing all the cleaning, cooking and washing although she does not get much out of doing these things! She is very kind and i love her so much! I can see that she cares about our household so much and she is willing to put so much effort for little return, or no return at all!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
9 Jul 07
Thanks for adding to the discusson.
Your Mom sounds like a person who is illustrating what I posted on the topics..have you found your passion and purpose? She gives openly and freely in loving 'service' and is obviously very successful because of it. Mom Mom passed away and I still love all the wonderful things she taught me and did for me throughout our shared experiences.
It is so good to hear how much you admire and respect your Mom...maybe you should print what you wrote and present it to let her know the level of your admiration. Sounds like it is well deserved!
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 07
I admire somebody who is honest and does what he says. I honour people who doesn't look down on others, and who doesn't judge a person from his personal appearance. A person who can forgive others is also in my list. Being understanding and doesn't nag all the time is also one of the criteria I admire in a person. Patient, and loving. All that counts.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
Hi again ladysurvivor,
I am so glad you led with honesty as an admirable quality...that is of critical importance to me too. In my view it is impossible to build long term relationship without having honesty as the 'glue' that hold it together.
You are really speaking my language when you emphasize the admiration for non-judgment, especially around outside appearances. Nagging...another good petty that trait is...
Patient and true my friend, because with patience comes tolerance...and that we could all use more of.
You talk about my posts...this is a good one too. Thank you for being a part of this dialogue.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
8 Jul 07
The people that I give respect are those who helps the needy, like those working on NGO's (non-government organization). I believe that they are putting their best to cope up with all those families that needs support, from emotional to livelihood needs.
As an individual, I always do my best to help some in all means that I could give.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
Yes, those who help the needy and volunteer their time are admirable people. Adding to the discussion by pointing out the wonderful work of the NGO's is an important thing to remind ourselves and I thank you for that.
There are so many problems in the world that somestimes it seems overwhelming. I periodically pause and wonder where I could best give of myself to contribute to the greater good. I do volunteer work at a women's shelter and have been involved by the Big Brother Big Sister organization where my husbnad and I mentored children...but in the light of all the world's problems it sometimes doesn't seem like much.
That viewpoint started to change as I have been participating in this on-line community called Mylot. As I set up this site and began communicating with compassionate individuals from all parts of the globe I now feel uplifted and hopeful. The every-day heros I mentioned when I posted this disucssion are upheld in the responses from their loved one and serves to remind all of us how great the human spirit actually is.
These discussons also shine the good that is occuring at the grass-roots level within all societies accross the planet and that is exciting. Too bad it doesn't get the air time as all the problems we face. A counter viewpoint is very refreshing!
Another great thing about on-line communities is we are letting each other know...we are here...and we do care. I cannot help but believe we are creating a positive ripple effect that is sending out love and light to all who participate.
Thanks for adding your comments and I am glad to hear you do your best to help someone in any way you can. That is alco admirable...and I hope you recognize that in yourself!
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@curvychick77 (1084)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I admire many people for their ways of doing things, for example my husband is great with finances, he keeps them in order and because of him our bills are always paid on time. I think it's wonderful to have those skills. I also admire him because he works well with others and others respect him.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
How nice to hear what you admire and respect about your hubby. I feel the same way about mine...and that makes us very fortunate indeed. So many marriages are not based on mutual admiration and it is not surprising that they end in divorce.
Thanks for adding to the topic.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
You are right, hard-working people are to be admired and appluaded for their efforts.
Sometimes in our hectic, fast-paced world we do not slow down enough to validate people's efforts or their work eithic.
We all need a pat on the back now and yes, lets us pause and acknowledge anyone who is working anything.