About your cat
By xkristalx
@xkristalx (230)
United States
July 8, 2007 1:08am CST
How many cats do you have? What kind of cat(s)? What is the name of your cat(s)? When and where did you get your cat(s)? Why did you get your cat(s)? Do you have other pets besides your cat(s)? How do they get along?
I have one cat whose name is Boots. She is a domestic short haired grey tabby and she found me about ten years ago and moved from being the local stray to the most rotten and spoiled cat I have ever met. I also have 8 mice that Boots really doesn't care about one way or the other. She hasn't tried to hurt them and only seems to mind when I play with them.
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12 responses
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 07
I used to keep 11 cats.They're all normal housecats(what do you call 'em anyway?)Siamese?I named them Tiger,Kerbau(Cow in Malay),Cuklat(Short for Bucukbulat-meaning Sweetheart in Malay),Brown,White,Black,Tembam(Chubby in Malay),Charcoal(haha I know!)Besides cats,we used to keep rabbits and chickens too oh and not forgetting geese!I love tabbycats!My sister keeps 2 tabbies and 1 domestic short haired.Luck with your cats!Is that Boots in your default pic?
@xkristalx (230)
• United States
8 Jul 07
yes it is. I don't know if it was from inbreeding or what but she and all her female kitten would never get top canine teeth, that why shes making that face.
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@FireRocker (4)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I "had" 6 cats because I was climbing a tree one day and A cat was in it my neighbors all had cats so I asked if it was theres so we went all over are whole rode asking people if it was theres everyone said no and one person yelled at us.
so we kept the cat and in a few weeks it was being all slinkey and we were like wtf? why is it being slinky? then it stated being all groutchy and was growling then it went missing and we could not find it. so like 2 weeks later we were cleaning my sisters room and we found her with 5 babies laying uner the bed.
we named one Taffy,Tweedle and Dee (Tweedle and Dee looked the same} and this white one with black marks on his head named sumo and I forget the other one.
one day Taffy our fav cat went missing he was gone for like a week and one day we heard meowing so we went into the kitchen and he was scratching are glass slider window meowing.
but wee got rid of all of them because my sis was feeding them off the table,bit letting them out when they eed to take a due and one day mydad was eating at the table and sumo jupped up and was eating his stake he pushed it off and said we had to get rid of them ;( then 2 years later we found Taffy lving at a teachers house.
@xkristalx (230)
• United States
10 Jul 07
Haha, SURPRISE!!! Its good that momma cat found you just in time!
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@xkristalx (230)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Haha!! I got the first set of mice because Boots has anxiety problems and I thought she would like to have something to watch when I wasn't home. I was wrong too!!
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@auzie3136 (4)
• Australia
8 Jul 07
Hello xkristalx
I have two cats they are domestic longhair tortoiseshell tabbys.Their names are Muffin and Buffy and I rescued them from an animal refuge two years ago Muffin was 8 and Buffy 2. Muffin was with a family for 8yrs then dumped and was very traumatised Buffy was a stray. They get along perfectly are very well behaved, I also have two fish. They also love meeting new people and are very friendly they are house cats and do not go out. I dont let them out and they dont try to go out and seem content. They sleep on my bed at night and during the day on the window ledge in the sun.
@bkfuels (1603)
• Canada
8 Jul 07
I have seven cats and they all get along great, 4 of then are Himalayans and 3 are Persians. Their names are Kiki, Kisha, Prescious, Koko, Mira, Milo and Cherib. Although we gave them all a name we seem to call them by their nick names instead. I really love cats as you can tell by how many I have. Here they are on my bed.
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I have one cat who I have had for fifteen years so far (and she is still very spry just like a kitten!). We don't exactly know what breed she is. She's solid white, and is believed to be a mixed breed. The animal shelter called her a "domestic medium hair" and the vet once thought she had a lot of maine coone in her when she was younger, but when she got older she didn't look so much like it anymore. I got my cat because I'd been without a bet other than fish all my life and it was pretty lonely! =) I do not have another pet besides my cat at this moment. For a little while, I had a 30-gallon fish tank at the same time, and she'd climb up on top and drink from it! She never interacted much with the fish though! =)
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@xkristalx (230)
• United States
10 Jul 07
Boots doesn't know she is old either! She has arthritis in her legs but she still runs and jumps on the bed like shes a kitten! And boy, can she kill her toys! Shes not as "spry" as a kitten, but she definatley isn't an old lady!
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@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
9 Jul 07
Freddy,Oscar,LuLu,Gracie,Dudley,Nugget,Missy,Goldie,Loney,Boots,Mikey,CJ,Booker T,Fluffy,Buddy,and One Eye(I think that's all. The reason I have so many, is becuase I take in strays. I have spent a small fortune getting them spayed and neutered, but it's worth it because I love them all so much. I had them a barn built, so they'd have their own house. I keep 5 of them in my house. Cali and Chachi are brother and sister and are around 10 years old. They are my oldest, and most of them are at least 5 years old. LuLu is a himalayan that I acquired because a fellow employee was moving and couldn't keep her, so she begged me to take her. I hate to see any animal homeless. I also have 8 dogs, 5 of them were strays, as well.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I forgot another one, his name is Chester. Most of my strays, are caught and brought to me by someone else, or they just come to my house and start eating with my cats, and pretty soon, they are tame. So often someones dumps this off, and by the time they find me, they are starving, and so skinny. It's so sad. I wish I ahd lots of money, so I could afford to take in more. I have a vet that will give me a little price break, when I take them in 3 at a time to be fixed. So that helps a little.
@xkristalx (230)
• United States
9 Jul 07
You sound like me! I leave food outside for stray animals, which I've never been close to, but someone is eating it so I keep putting it out there! Have you talked to your vet about reduced prices on getting the animals fixed since you rescue them? Also, I wanted to ask, how do you catch them all? Sometimes I will see a dog or cat wandering around by itself but I can never catch them.

@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Jul 07
hiya there:) Boots is a cutey! I have three cats..Dude is the oldest..hes 16yrs old..he was given to me by my ex for Xmas when he was 7yrs old..hes very smart..plays fetch with cotton balls, and twisty ties..lol..he doesnt like kittens and small children much..becuase i found out the other owners kids hurt him badly..but he doesnt hurt anything..he just hides..he wont even kill mice lol..then I have Stormy..hes 4 yrs old now..hes all black..and very long...he was a small kitten maybe 7 weeks when i found him..it was winter time and starving..looked like he wasnt gonna make it..so i nursed him back to health..he loves my son though..they are best buddies..then there is the new addiction my son found in April..she is all black except this little itty bitty patch under her chin of white..her name is Shadow..shes3 mths now..sje also was abadoned..we asked everyone..but the older kids were throwing rocks at her..trying to kil the poor thing!! so Sky..hes 5..yelled at them and grabbed her and took her home..after we found she was a stray..,.she has settled nicely in our home..they al get along great now..Dude still gets moody and stays away..but some days he ignores her..i love my kids!:) lol!
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
19 Jul 07
We have 2 cats, well we did have. Last week we adopeted a stray cat. That we think the neighbors left when they moved out. She is about 7 to 9 months old. We named her Jade. I wrote a discussion on it. Anyway the other 2 cats we adoped from the animal shelter. They are females. Charlotte & Dakota. We have had them for about a year. We love cats ,and have always had cats in out house. I also have a cockatiel bird named Timmy. My char loves to lay on top of his cage. Timmy likes it to and talks to char! They really love each other. I'm still a little worried about my bird with Jade. Caught her on the dresser with the bird today. Cota doesn't bother with the bird at all. I had my bird before we awhile before we had gotten the cats.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I am so glad to hear about people like you that help feed the strays. I get so disheartened sometimes, and feel like I'm the only one that does around this area. A friend of mine just told me today that her husband was in front of a car yesterday, that through something out in front of them, and they had to slow down to keep from running over it, and when they saw what it was, they stopped and picked it up. It was a little kitten. I was so mad hearing that, I figure the worthless bums probably through out an entire litter of kittens, and that one was just lucky enough to be found before it was killed. The poor little thing was scared, but thank God, it wasn't hurt. I hate those people. If I were to be behind someone that did that, I'd get their license plate number and report them. That kind of thing happens way too often.
@mestr12 (226)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
I have one cat. Her name is Chippy. She is a Siamese Cat. I got her when she was only two (2) months old from my friend. I was desperate to have a kitten at that time because I was feeling lonesome and no one to play with. Besides, I missed having a pet. So, without the knowledge of my parents, I got her from my friend. My boyfriend and I smuggled her inside the house and kept her while I was still bargaining with my dad to have a cat. When my dad relented, I finally brought her out and showed my new kitten.
Chippy is now seven years old. She is spoiled, lovable, intelligent and downright adorable. She is my constant companion. She has learned to adjust to my married life by accepting my husband.
At present, she has trouble trying to accept the two other pet dogs, namely, Tody and George. We do try to assure her that she is the Queen of the house. The two dogs stay outside the house. We have trained the dogs to love and protect Chippy. Tody and George wanted to be friends with Chippy but our cat seems to be hesitant about it.
@athnam (20)
• United States
8 Jul 07
we have 4 cats, all mutts and strays; bynx, bast, sonny, and luna. the oldest (bast) is 7 and the youngest (sonny)is
they are house mates to several other pets of ours. we have an emperor scorpion, madagascar hissing cockroaches, turtles, ducks, chickens, geese, dogs, a ferret, a chinchilla, and several fish and aquatic animals...all spoilt rotten, of course.